Is there any video game character that could defeat him

is there any video game character that could defeat him

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Attack Potency: Universe level+ (Stated multiple times to have created the Banjo-Kazooie universe, which consists of a single space-time continuum. Treats the Banjo-Kazooie cast as mere fiction) likely Low Multiverse level, possibly far higher (He is also heavily implied to have created all other game universes, which should at least include all universes from Rareware games, and views them all as fiction as well. Also implied to be the creator of universes such as the Mario universe and the Halo universe)

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That isn't how the magic in the show works so your thread is already dead.

>Goku blitzes Timmy before he can even open his mouth
>Beerus was unaffected by Arale, a confirmed gag character who can crack planets and suns with ease


Until he can crack the entire multiverse he isn't beating LoG.

This show made me so fucking angry. Fucking middle class white boy gets anything he wants while people are suffering

yes, his daughters

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Vsbattle wiki is such a meme shithole Lmao

This is a fun consideration. In DB if you're too powerful a wish to defeat you won't work and is why the villains get to run around with impunity. Perhaps a direct wish for Goku's defeat via Cosmo and Wana would be equally unaffective, but Timmy could teleport him somewhere else.

his black friend was richer than him lol

this. Why didn't chester get them?

>while people are suffering
But Timmy was suffering

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His other buddy literally lived in a trailer park.

Cringe. Vs debating is for mentally ill people

>Da Rulez
>No wishing to win a competion.
>Magic can't be used to win a contest, only for showing off (unless it is a Magical Duel).
>Can't wish for bad things and non-lethal things to happen (maimed, injured, beaten, or dead)
Pretty much any game character more than 3 feet tall.

I'm pretty sure there are rules that dont let you do violent shit? Though I guess he could just say "I wish I was stronger than Goku" or some other bullshit and win

Because Chester's dad loved him and spent time with him

Sonic is stronger than Bugs Bunny for sure but they are both top 2

Timmy had absent neglectful parents and was abused daily by his psychotic babysitter

>wahhh wahh money equals happiness
Did you mongs miss the point of Remy?

He's a happy kid.

Goku would never pre-emptively strike at Timmu because hed want to see what happens when Timmy makes his wish, and if he could withstand it or bounce back from it. In fact an "instantly kick Gokus ass into the ground" button might even excite him

You can't use magic to win a competition.

Archie autism is dead and irrelevant, Suggverse is the true king

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This. And to kill.

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Maxwell is overrated as fuck. Goku isn't in the code of the game, he can't do shit to him.

Current DBS Goku has 4 dimensional feats, can go on par with Jiren who was confirmed stronger than Infinite Zamasu (a multiversal and 4D being). He was already above universal level during the beginning of Super when he did the fistbump with Beerus and got a bazillion multipliers + zenkai boost after that.

Even in Buu Saga there's already a confirmed universe buster. Buuhan was going to destroy the entire universe with just one shout.

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>I wish the rules didn't exist


Timmy can't use a wish to win a competition, though.

Jean Claude!?

he could just make himself omnipotent and summon gods as frontliners

Goku's words are "challenge"

It's against "DA RULEZ" for fairy God parents to interfere in a competition. Timmy is not able to make this wish.

Timmy is able to wish himself to be powerful enough to fight him but that does not mean he will have the experience to beat him in a fair match.


that's against the rules

enter CHADren

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fairly oddparents is like what would happen if a shortsighted retard got the death note instead of Light

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Beerus lost to a gag because of the magic food he ate. Literally had to fly home before he shit his pants. He didn't lose to Arale but he still lost to the gag cooking machine.

>gets punched 1000 times before he can even think about making a wish
eh, nothing personell

loses to bugs bunny

Then why did Shadow the Hedgehog manage to kill him after Bugs destroyed the detonator?

Good, but that's a NLF.

Just because he can do it doesn't mean he's as strong as people who can do much more than him.

Fairy Magic doesn't let you win competitions, it's against Da Rues.
So pretty much anyone.

there is actually a doujin about this

>gets anything he wants
I can't even think of a single wish he made that didn't backfire in a way he had to unwish for it.

could anyone vidya defeat STTGL

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>You can't wish away Da Rules or wish away any of the rules.
Jorgen Von Strangle wants to have a word with you.

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So? He's a summoner, that's his thing.

He didn't lose though, he just doesn't like spicy food. He's completely unharmed after the repeated gag. It's like Goku being afraid of needles for an anime gag but still being a multiverse level being. And even if you were to take it seriously, it would just fall under P.I.S in any legit vs debate.

well to my opinion Darkspine Sonic is the strongest Sonic even including archie comics.

He defeated a multiverse level character and restored at least one universe back to its original state on his own.

How can Mario even possibly try to compete??

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>that episode where cosmo gets pregnant

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Bugs was having a mental breakdown after he just watched his gay lover die

what the fuck am I reading

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imagine writting all that and having that as your profile pic

Multi part one infact
T. Cultured

Goku has straight up refused wishes that targeted him before. Fairy Godparents have no power over him.

>How can Mario even possibly try to compete??
>implying multiverses are anything to Mario

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oh, lmao. Don't do this to yourself.

People will just post the other mecha that has been buttfucking STTGL in VS debates for longer than you probably been online.

I miss power level charts

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*disguises himself as Cosmo and strangles Timmy with a garrote so he can't make any wishes*

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