NEVER FUCKING EVER become a gamedev guys

NEVER FUCKING EVER become a gamedev guys.

Unless you like living in hell. I'm currently working 10-12 hours per day on a fucking abysmal game that's beyond saving anyways. It's fucking killing my soul.

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Proof or gtfo

Yeah no, being forced to search for a wageslave job is hell. Can't wait to unlock some funds in order to start gamedeving full time

this is why I make boardgames instead. Only retards learn to code and think gaming is the way to go.

Are you working for EA or something?

I coulda told you that like 20 years ago

im a gamedev and i love it. sounds like you work for a shitty company and not talented enough to be a solo dev like myself. you arent cut out for this

Without giving any details that might fuck you over, why is the game beyond saving?

>not talented enough to be a solo dev like myself
Post one of your games before you talk shit.

>Unless you like living in hell.
I need context. Have you EVER worked another job before? Like a manual 7 to 5 job like a lot of people do. Or did you expect making vidya to be all rainbows and roses. Working 10 hours a day is not really bad.

How the fuck do people like OP not know this BEFORE they commit to a job/field/industry? I always assumed people do a bit of research into a field of work before they go fully in?

>Make boardgame
>Make fuck ton of addons
>People will eat it up with no complaints
Boardgames are pretty based

honestly 10 hours a day of anything will suck after a while. I don't even want to play video games for 10 hours every day. i don't think we're meant to do one thing at a time for so long

I work at a semi-big company, which had a couple of successful titles in the past. The game is a battle royale game but everything about it is fucked. Our netcode is shit, the hitboxes suck, movement is janky and the art looks like a chink knockoff. I'm currently working on the map with 2 other guys and it's just a clusterfuck.
I worked fulltime at MCD for 1 year and this is significantly worse.

>which had a couple of successful titles in the past
like what? is it a mobile game company?

I am just glad no one fantasizes about being a beta tester anymore.
>hey cody for this entire week you are going to be spending 80 hours replaying these specific 20 seconds of gameplay while taking notes of every specific possible permutation of interaction so that we can find and hopefully fix as many bugs as possible based on your info

>no complaints
I fucking wish

>Implying a single company even does this anymore.

10 whole hours a day huh?

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That's a shame. Is it a case of the people in charge being too stupid to see the issues or are they just hoping to make a quick buck?

I want to make boardgames, how do I get started?

People make money being paid to play video games by being streamers instead, only at this point they are lucky if they break even from their initial investments.

Nah, our games are on Steam. 2 of them are in the top 100 most played games right now.
Leader of the project is suffering from the sunken cost fallacy. Everybody knows it's bad and it's making everyone miserable and unmotivated. I think everybody just wants to get it over with but we all know that the result isn't going to be good.

Just working on a group Smash hack was hell enough for me. I can't imagine making a game from the ground up, on the regular, with a rigid schedule.

Hi angry joe.

maybe you should work harder at the start instead of waiting to let it all pile up towards the end
>10 hour days
wow its literally fucking nothing

>also, programmers will spit fire at you when you report about bugs

im gonna get an internship at riot games for experience next year...

EA and Ubi have pretty good working conditions for gamedev.

>Leader of the project is suffering from the sunken cost fallacy
Damn. Doing a BR to begin with was already a gamble.

non-trannies work with boardgames in 2020?

hour days
>wow its literally fucking nothing

>Something isn't bad because I have it worse.
Nice faggot mentality.

I think you have the wrong site millenial

Nice strawman, faggot. I'm self employed.

Keep trying!

Out of those 12 hours how many where you actually work?

Not only game dev, but everything that implies programming and creation

Virgin. I made Undertale.

10 hour days is nothing. You wouldnt even mind a shift like that if your pay wasnt ass.

>cash grab BR with a skeleton crew
Okay, maybe OP is telling the truth

>Nah, our games are on Steam. 2 of them are in the top 100 most played games right now.
sounds like a decent company, just your leader put people in a bad spot. Is BR still popular these days? sounds like a big risk

When is Deltarune coming out?

Manual labor is actually fulfilling because exercise is good for you, makes you feel good, and you get to be satisfied by seeing your work done at the end of the day. Bullshit on computers is going to drain the life out of you unless it's a project you actually give a shit about. It's not comparable.

M8 ive worked many different kinds of jobs from factory to nursing. I can tell you workin 12 hours a day 7 days a week will kill you no matter the job.

I am.
The core idea of our game was actually great on paper. BR without hitscan weapons and slow big projectiles with relatively low damage. It's basically BR + bullethell, but it just doesn't work out the way we've made it.

That Cyberpunk crunch finally got to you, Polak?

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>It's basically BR + bullethell
Actually sounds cool.

You're right, it sounds good on paper although BR games are still a risk considering maybe 3 games bring in the big bucks.

What is it about

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I'm just glad that anyone with a shred of dignity and decency has long since left the industry when they realised this.

>all the cucks going “WOW 12 HOURS LMAO I WORK 25 HOURS A DAY”
I agree that 10 hours ain’t shit, but doing that for more than 60 hours a week blows, don’t pretend like it doesn’t. Working 10 hour days 5 days a week is ideal.

If I have to work in an industry infested with the lgtbq I'd want to kill myself too.

>kickstart generic dungeon crawler boardgame with miniatures
>100% guaranteed to be funded
>suckers will pay 200$ each for that garbage
>never have to bother with it again
boardgamefags are based

Board game bubble is about to burst.

I mean with the pandemic right now I assume it got hit pretty hard anyways

So make your own game then retard.

What ever happened to having a 9-5? Nice and cozy eight hours?

Attached: eight hours.jpg (700x700, 205.81K)

>lol bro just learn 3d modelling, programming, drawing, coding, marketing, game engines, etc etc
>lol dont woryr it'll only take you a few weeks or so

>3d modeling
Make a 2d game
You should already know this if you work in game dev
Not really necessary depending on what you're making
Literally the same thing as programming
If you make a good game, it will sell itself
>game engine
Already exist and are very easy to use

You obviously are the neet who hasn't work 10 hours a day. Literal slavery is worse, but that doesn't make it "not bad", unless you are just wasting those 10 hours in Yas Forums, Facebook or whatever.

same, if I have to work with a fucking tranny who orders me to use their prefered nouns I'd probably want to blow my brain out


>lol just make a good 2d game

I'm from a post-communist shithole and middle aged-approaching elderly folks have a fucked worldview regarding jobs, worse than US boomers. They grew up and spent their prime years working in a system where people could work 10 hours a day to even 12 because systemic inefficiency and there was nothing else to do, so they have a weird Stockholm Syndrome and a cult-like devotion to mindless long work. I showed my father studies that show that 6 hour work days are just as efficient in most workplaces as 8 hour ones but people are happier and more motivated and he just started angrily rambling that a shift to 6 hour days would cause a societal collapse because people already have too much free time working 8 hours and with any more they'd just get bored of life and depressed and they need to know honest hard work.

>hollow knight
>stardew valley
>shovel knight
>cave story
>super meat boy
These were all games made by small teams of 1-3 people.

Yes, even the shitiest mobile companies do.
>B-but muh AAA full of bugs
The fact games are released far too soon after a crunched development doesn't mean people don't test them.

Business hours extended for convenience and it makes more sense to have one guy work 10 hours than to have two guys work 5.

you mean never become a game dev at some shitty californian AAA cuckold studio
