Reminder that Robotics;Note is coming out soon in English

One of the best, if not THE best Sci;Adv titles are FINALLY coming over

are you excited anons?

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Do i get to fuck a robot?

Is it related to all those other [word];[word] games?

is anyone on the cover even a robot?

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Sci;ADV post RoboNotes is shit
Chiyo is a jewfaggot
NA localization team is full of trannies

Sell me on it, man. I'm open to anything especially VNs, but do I need to have played any if the previous titles so I'm not completely lost?

Sadly they decided to abandon traditional 2D art and went with ugly 3D animated models. Game looks like shit thanks to it.
Yes. Most of them are connected in some form or another with the rest of the series.

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Do we have a release date now? Or is it still just sometime in the next 9 and a half months?

It’s shit

>not being able to read Japanese

Anime sucked so no

So what kinda game is it? Is it a VN? An RPG? Or perhaps one of those weird thriller-mysteries?

I'm usually not hyped about games and do not engage in gamer culture but this title is on my wish list.

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NoaH translation when?

What's the "Elite" in the title for? It's like Steins;gate? They shoved the anime into a "game"?

No, it's more like NoaH

Right after photonmelodies release on steam

looks like zoomer trash
Hard skip.

Such a boring anime, nothing happens

I can already tell by the art that this game is nothing special.

Shouldn't you be donating to your favorite Fortnite streamer right now?

Screw you user, actually made me check if we have a date now. Still just the blanket 2020 they gave us last year with no new info.

Nah, they just slapped Elite on the port to make it seem like a definitive edition or something. It's basically identical to the original Xbox version.

Yes. R;N in particular has a ton of background info on what happened during Chaos;Head/ Child and Steins;Gate/ Zero so you should definitely read those first. Then R;N DaSH if it ever comes out in English straight up has characters from those games appear so it's downright required to have played them if you want to have any idea about what's going on.

VNs are so fucking niche it always takes forever for someone to localise them.

Its sad that only Steins Gate ever attracted any mainstream attention.

It's a denpa VN, like most of the other Sci;Adv games.
Starts as comfy slice of life with you and your robotics club taking it easy, then ever so slowly more and more strange things start happening and your normal everyday life slowly starts spiraling out of control, until eventually you find yourself at the center of various conspiracies and have no idea who or what to believe in anymore.

Sounds interesting. Thanks for not spoiling me when you clearly could have user. I will abandon thread, but this is going on my wishlist.

isn't my dude flaming phoenix of an evil truth in this?

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but robotic notes was garbage, the story was really boring

Only referenced in R;N. He has a prominent role in R;N DaSH though.

Answer the question OP

Actual spoilers, do not read if you can see yourself ever playing this game.


One of the love interests is secretly a robot, so kinda? No sex scenes though obviously, it's all ages after all.
That romance doesn't end particularly well either since it kind of dooms civilization and is directly responsible for the death of most of humanity, but hey, it's a thing.

>One of the best, if not THE best Sci;Adv titles are FINALLY coming over

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I wish the real Steins;Gate was on Switch instead of the anime screenshot version

I'll see if it got censored or not first

One of the characters is Nae grown up and there's a lot of references to CERN and the shady shit they're still doing like making black hole bombs and other crazy shit

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was this the one with neet piss bottle girl

The animal's final arc was such a colossal disappointing mess. Shoulda ended after Frau won

The anime is really nothing like the VN thankfully. It somehow managed to be even more of a shitfest than the C;H adaption was.

i'm not excited because spike chunsoft US are serial fuckups and SJWs and the translated summary on steam is already bad

why not the original?

is this as good as stains gate?
i tried playing the other games but they were all pretty awful

Does the game end in murder, like the anime did.

Is this going to be butchered in the localization?

I "once" fapped to NTR with similar looking characters

Chaos;Head Noah when?

most people prefer r;n elite to the original because it tried to improve upon it and wasn't a disgrace like s;g elite
the original will never leave 360/PS3, it's obsolete

The anime picks a handful of random plotpoints from all the different routes and mashes them all together, making it an incoherent clusterfuck that never really goes anywhere or resolves anything.
They didn't just straight up adapt the True Route like S;G's adaption did, so honestly you really don't know much about R;N's overall plot even if you watched the anime recently.

This made zero sense at all. No buildup and their relationship was always portrayed as platonic

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R;N Elite is just R;N with higher res textures and a small handful of extra CGs, there's zero point in playing the original

So is there murder? I'd like a VN without murder.

Is the Switch version going to come with an exclusive 8 bit game like Stines;gate and Yu-no did?

no, there are no bonus games this time around. in japan they just released r;n elite for switch and PS4 at the same time as dash, both as a bundle and by itself, and not as a pre-order bonus or any shit like that. it's less jewish than usual for MAGES.

Murder, torture, mindbreak, take your pick.
This isn't a happy go lucky moege, user.

why these weeb sub-humans like these kind of games?


>sequel is all about best boy from S;G
is this getting translated too?

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Nu-Daru's design is such shit, he looked way better in the original art.

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That's because they skipped the entire part of her route where Kaito gets his brain fucked with by the Committee's operatives and only manages to come back to his senses because of Akiho.

so, censored?

There's nothing to censor lol
Most you get are people with missing limbs and red colored clothes

you get to see someone get fucked by a robot

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what's Dash even about?

A whole 8 years later? Better late than never. Chaos;Head NoaH English release fucking when though?