What would it take for Pokemon to get the type of game it deserves as a franchise

What would it take for Pokemon to get the type of game it deserves as a franchise

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ripping the IP from Game Freak's cold dead hands

God forbid

stopping the millions of brain dead npcs from buying literal shit on a plate

I'm pretty sure it's more probable for valve to release tf3

Pokemon receives games of the exact quality that it deserves.

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It would help if they didn't put the cutest girls in their games so there would be less incentive to buy them.

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TF3 will come out but it will be a VR game

>the type of game it deserves as a franchise

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pokemon turned me into a coomer


Pokémon games will forever be bland and unimaginative so long as GameFreak is developing them.

But seeing how SwSh is basically the highest selling Pokémon game yet, this whole discussion/thread is irrelevant

End yearly releases, full fucking stop. Ideally it should join the ranks of all the other "one per console" nintendo games like animal crossing and mario kart and smash.

>What would it take for Pokemon to get the type of game it deserves as a franchise
Looking at the current fanbase it deserves to be made by people 2 times as bad as Game Freak.

post your bro
hard mode: no starters

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>But seeing how SwSh is basically the highest selling Pokémon game yet
it's not

It would take people not buying any shit gamefreak spits out

Going back to 2D and bringing back all of the content instead of pandering to graphicfag casuals.

Fak you. There nothing wrong with Poketto Monsuta. Buy Sword and Shierd now gaijin pig. And DRC too. I need buy new sorid gord yacht. My rast one sank for some reason.

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I get the feeling they won't ever get around to making this kind of game, even though they can (and likely have been able to for decades) because there'd be no way for them to top it.

Hweh Hweh
All of Kanto's grass will pass under my balls

The entire franchise and all its owners need to go bankrupt
Then the franchise needs to lie dormant for long enough for copyright to expire
Then in the year 2150, retro fans might pick it up and use their superior technology and tools to make a good pokemon game

This is the only way.

Masuda announcing a public retirement.


>Pokeretards realizing that Pokemon has been living off the Pokemon GO craze and now that's over they got nothing to propel the franchise up again

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Masuda being fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

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Fans having "Standards"

>stop adding new pokeymans
>set it in Johto and kanto, with the local bestiary
>cut off the turn based bullshit
>make it into an action/adventure rpg
>give it the Botw 3d open world treatment

He´ll aways be on my team

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We had it with Gen V, a game with charm and an overall new feeling for the games. But the Kantokunts cried about no Charizard so they doubled down on the Gen I pandering and here we are. Alternatively, blame Pokemon GO! as well.

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>pandering to graphicfag casuals

Nigga the games look like they are from the game cube era. Shit maybe even worse.

it sucks that he's almost always post-game. Needing a national dex to naturally evolve a Pokemon you own just because its next form is from a different gen fucking sucks

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Grimmsnarl and Eternatus are also based as fuck. SWSH had some bro tier mons.

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And Pokemon shills deserve no better either

Killing Game Freak. This way Nintendo would get full control of the IP and can even outsource the game to more competent developers if needed.
And no, Nintendo buying Game Freak would not fix the issue. Game Freak would still exist, and as far as Nintendo is concerned, Game Freak is doing very well since that """""controversy""""" over Sword/Shield amounted to jack shit and the game sold more than the lifetime sales of BW, XY, and SM in a month and a half.

remember that fire that ended an entire anime production team? we need that for GF

A new fanbase.

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You sound like a Hollywood executive adapting a franchise he hates in an attempt to gain a new audience.

Give the licence to Monolith Soft.

My first ever shiny, met him in the very first cave of Silver. Used up all the luck in my life

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Nope, keep it turn based but the battles happen in the open world right where you start them like in the show. At best I'd agree to a time based turn system to add urgency and to perhaps make speed a better stat.

They need to add in more physics and engine related mechanics so that stuff that happened in the show can happen in the game(a onyx covered in water can get electric shocked, etc)

Full time and weather system. A berry farming system more like Gen 3 or better yet, plant shit anywhere, the whole open world is your harvest moon if you want it to be.

All competitive modes should literally just let you pick pokemon from a list, choose form their move pool, distribute EV/IVs, and then you play. Grinding for 100 hours to breed the perfect team sucks and has always sucked, it adds nothing to the competition.

The battle frontier must come back completely with basically a full pokemon stadium worth of content.

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>make speed a better stat
This shit´s already responsible for many pokemon never being used as speed is king in most cases unless your team is built entirely to counter this.
Also, building a competitive team probably has never been easier than it´s right now, even though I miss the super training from XY for EVs

Would require Nintendos real talent, like the guys working on Mario, Xenoblade and Zelda.
Everything people would like to see in a Pokemon game has been done by more competent teams already.
Its even more frustrating when you realize that the Zelda and Mario team had a hard time coming up with proper rewards for the exploration and overworld puzzles in their games while Gamefreak sits on the best rewards possible, the Pokemon, and doesnt do shit with them.

The way they tried to make an open world map with the Wild Zone is extra pathetic. Just dumped random Pokemon in there. No context, no real trigger or sidequests for them.

Kill off entitled fanboys and stop listening to them. These are the same type of retards as Star Wars drones complaining about prequels.

If the recent half-assed games still didn’t sell millions, then this wouldn’t be a problem.

Only one game does that

>game with gen 2 style sprites for map with modern color range and details
>gen 5 styled combat
>difficulty levels
i'd spend hundreds for a game like this

i spent like ten mins in the wild zone and thats it
nice 'open world' pokemon

>Game Freak
I think you mean pokemon company

giving it to literally any other dev on the market would see them make even the most minut of deviations to their bland formula. Giving it to ta good dev would lead to some actually interesting developments, or an attempt to move the series forward in any way.

Gamefreak is trash.

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its so lazy and awful. you dont even get biomes that tell what kind of pokemon could be found there, its literally all the same trash and then some storm can happen so you see water pokemon.
fucking amazing.
Its literally just Pavlovian dog slot machines. No regard for style, authenticity of the game world or ecology of the monsters.

Call me basic all you want, he saved me from getting anally fucked countless times

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tripfags be like


It's in almost every fan game i play so i can always find one

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At least what would happen is that both mons moves could happen simultaneously, then the faster pokemon gets to do it's 2nd move slightly sooner.

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Imagine thinking anyone is going to make a giant AAA Pokemon game just because. GameFreak being the devs has nothing to do with that unrealistic dream.

It will never happen because even if gamefreak gave the IP away no one would dare deviate from guaranteed success

wasn't there a primeape above gorund?

Pretty much this. Autists buy it as is for a reason, they're too stupid or stubborn (or both) to hold out for something better, and maybe Gamefreak are just too inept at games creation to create anything more deep.

Either snap 2 or a full blown porn game