There's a special place in hell for Lesion mains

There's a special place in hell for Lesion mains

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Don't worry he's getting nerfed soon

also a place for people who play Ubitrash

Whenever sone asshole plays him I make it a point to make sure out team has a Blackbeard

most underrated operator coming through

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Siege is an objectively good game though friendo

why would you ever complain about Lesion when Ash, Zofia, Jager, and Bandit mains exist

>Maining anyone but Recruit or Tchanka

imagine being this much of a pleb.

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I'll main Uncle Jackie any day if it makes your bitch ass mad. Watch where you're going and stop stepping on my jacks, cunt. Maybe then you won't be so frustrated.

Tachanka is about to be made boring though. No more shield MG


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>pick ops based on abilities and not their guns

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>he plays as the girl operators
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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lesion's SMG is excellent, low recoil comparable to the mpx with a bit more firepower

>it's 1v1
>the other guy is a Montagne main

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>Oryx now exists

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Clash v Monty, the battle of the ages

Haven't played Siege for a while, did they even put Clash back in?

They have removed her three times in the past year, she is supposed to be being enabled again with the update this March

>Clash disabled yet again
Jesus Ubisoft, why bother even adding her into the game if you're just going to disable her every time some autist finds the bug that requires Konami code-level of fuckery to activate

They said it was because of her clear shield but I'm calling bs. Both Monty and Blackbeard both have partially clear shields and don't get disabled. They where offering shitty rewards for anyone who finds bugs with it though so maybe they are trying to fix it for good...

Haven't played the game in a long time but he was my favorite.

>mfw the enemy steps in my net

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hes getting gimped hard tomorrow

Show me where the Gu mine stung you.

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>Why yes, I only play ops that are subpar and still win. How did you know?

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Will chimera lion save us from corona?

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The only difference between a clear and a solid shield in 3D graphics is that one is using an opaque shader and the other is using a transparent shader. It can't be the source of the issues.

people would prone inside her while she deployed shield and they could shoot people through it

How much do we like the D*tch?

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How many more maps have they ruined? The """"""""improved"""""" hereford killed the game for me.

>not picking them on their outfit
I played lesion for the cargo shorts

It was about time attacker got more intel op's. Good ones that is. So far the only intel op attack had (Jackal) is a permaban in almost all elo's. Lion, Dokkaebi and stuff are too easy to counter or don't give clear intel.


>6 ops
at least the season pass is cheaper

"Reworking" just means make map bigger and increase the puffer of useless rooms with lots of angles. Idk were this trend originated but every map now needs to be a massive labyrinth of dogshit corridors and spaces. It favors le ebin roaming kill meta people love to watch in videos and they don't even make any attempt at fixing spawnpeaks/c4 spawnkills.

forgot the pic
road maps are such a good idea

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They need to add a cia attacler op to the game with a waterboarding gadget

>have to wait till season 4 for chalet rework
Why must we suffer for so long. That's the only rework I'm looking forwards to, that map has been garbage since the game first launched.

I bet those "Core gameplay & reworks" are going to be literally nothing.

>Defenders now get motion sensors!!!
>Defenders now get IR mini echo drones!!!
>Defenders now get ultra sonic prototype wall penetrating retina implants
>Defenders now get remote controlled .50 FLIR turrets
>Defenders now get the ability to call down a Titanfall
When will it stop. "Core rework" always just means they make the game even more defender heavy and give them even more intel.

I bet it's gonna be entirely limited to one (1) operator rework per update... no real gameplay changes.

Castle is getting rework in season 4, screencap this

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Because in spite of the difficulty, the kind of autists who play high level ranked/Pro League WILL take advantage of it and make them look like chumps. They already learned their lesson from that embarrassment of a For Honor tournament back when it released, they'll never again trust the community to self-police.

What happened during that For Honor tournament?

game became shit after season one when ubisoft realised that siege was doing better than the division and they killed the development team on it, and increased the power creep and stupid bullshit by a factor of 10.

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Attackers consistently have the advantage at high-level thanks to better guns and drones; if anything the Defenders are only just starting to achieve any sort of parity. In Year 1-2 it was awful.

The guy who won abused the hell out of the Nobushi's unlock glitch to basically curbstomp everyone. Made the game look awful and he was kinda shitty about the whole thing too.

clash is the dumbest shit and shouldn't be in the game
>lets make monty but she can actually attack while the shield is up and the attack slows so you can't advance on her
fucking stupid as shit. this kind of dumb powercreep bullshit is why i quit the game.


hey fuck you cunt, it's your whiny bastards that got my main nerfed to shit. he's fucking dead next season. literally worthless.
Fuck you

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ok ash cuck

>"waaah poor defenders"
>meanwhile all the recent maps that have came out have been extremely defender sided
>plenty of defenders having way too much utility
>Lesion finally getting nerfs after two years

He's fucking broken you stupid cunt.

>Oryx is a black bull made to bully a white boi

>he's fucking dead next season. literally worthless.


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This can't be real can it

Play IQ if he's so busted, faggot

>Doesn't pick Sledge because he's a cool hammer guy


sledge died after year 2 when they killed the mac-10

Don't have to, he's getting nerfed.

Most other leaks have been spot on for the most part. The only thing missing that was detailed in the last leak was the mini thermite charges for attackers.

I can admit he's strong with little downsides yeah but run an IQ if you are so concerned. I think Ubi was right to take away the visibility OR the initial damage. I think both is making him far too weak.
Lesion was my universal pick for defence as theres never a bad situation for him to be on the team but now idk wtf to pick

>Jackal and Fuze ARs
>Spetsnaz,GSG9, and GROM pistols
>GSG9 and GEO shotguns
>Lesion's smg with acog
Youre not that retarded are you?

This, I play Echo because his rad weapon selection

>run a worthless operator that needs to hand old everyone and not get shot if your worried about my op bullshit
yeah faggots like you are why the game turned into a power creep piece of shit and was ruined. fucking kill yourself you oddjob playing faggot.

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Well in general all attackers have access to ACOG and rifles so are generally stronger, defenders do deserve some things to even the playing field.

>just play IQ loooool
No, spread your cheeks for the nerfs coronaboi

>i want to play a fps game
>but i don't want any action
>where do i find a game with 10-20 minute long matches but where you only get 5 kills or less?

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Blackbeard isn't even annoying to deal with anymore. He was ridiculously overpowered on release but I think he is in a very good spot right now.


>Not a single new map the whole of year 5 and possibly year 6.
>They decide to rework classics like House and Oregon when they refuse to add Bartlett uni in and they still think favela is fine. House isn't even going to be a ranked map. Literally whats the point of reworking it
>Going to only 1 new OP per patch.

I know a lot of guys have shitted on R6S since year 2 but my god has it went downhill recently.

I heard a lot of good things about year 4 (which is sad because I dropped the game after I saw gridlock)
But yeah year 5 seems shit

Are any of the OG ops still worth playing? Is my boy mute just shit tier now?

>>They decide to rework classics like House and Oregon when they refuse to add Bartlett uni in and they still think favela is fine. House isn't even going to be a ranked map. Literally whats the point of reworking it

fucking hell house is my favorite map she's perfect like that

>get spawn peaked as an attacker
>get gang raped as a defender

I understand and completely agree with nerfing lesion. I just think ubi are completely retarded in how they are doing it. They are removing the vision of his gus which is completely counterintuitive and making it do tick damage instead of impact damage. I say his gadget should do no damage at all but still be visible through walls as an information gathering and plant/crowdcontrol tool.

get good

>le get good meme

Most of them are still fine, the only ones I'd consider "bad" in the current meta are ones that have basically always been pretty bad (Tachanka, Fuze, Castle, maybe Blitz). Some people think that Kali basically makes Glaz irrelevant, ditto Kaid over Bandit, but I think they still have their own niche. You still regularly see most of the Y1 ops in competitive play, and some like Thatcher, Pulse, and Smoke really don't have an equivalent.

What's wrong with bandit or jäger at this point in time? Both have been fairly balanced.

if you cant cover the windows it's your problem

I know gridlock is peak bullshit because her BMI makes her genuinely obese but I main her on attack because the gadget is good and the LMG is great. I try not to think i'm playing a fairytale operator.
If they ruin Plane i'm quitting the game.

The mac10 is still good if you're not bad. It's just not a sniper anymore. Dokaebi/vigils smg got fucked hard though.

>If they ruin Plane i'm quitting the game.

You dont understand every map has to feel samey, bland and be fuckhuge

A lot of people complain about spawn peaks and for house and bank especially, it's fucking terrible. Especially bank, I think it's the only one you have to run for cover as an attacker the moment the round begins.
I don't think reworks are key to solve this though. For bank all they have to do is literally move a couple of map assests to block the view of spawn from defenders. Bank just move some of those armoured cars in front of spawn.

The new season starts tomorrow, right?