Sekiro is too hard bros

Sekiro is too hard bros
I can't get past that drunk dude in that new area I've unlocked

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That guy is bullshit, gigantic HP pool, extremely awkward attack patterns, two shots you with every attack, and ON TOP OF THAT he has a fuck load of mobs that you have to clear out EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to face him.

Oh boy I can tell you're in for some salt if it's this early lol I assume you're talking about the first time you visit the castle? If so then there's an npc that can aid you. If its the 2nd time then by that point you should of have more than enough to deal with the mobs and then him.

Dont give up. There's so much cool shit to see in the game and the final boss is prob goat boss fight honestly. If ur really stuck just look up a guide. No shame in getting a few tips.

>and ON TOP OF THAT he has a fuck load of mobs that you have to clear out EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to face him.
Not a problem if you one shot him.

Persevere and you'll eventually get it. The game is not hard. Learn to parry. This is not Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne, don't dodge, parry.

Just come back later. There is like one boss immediately after him and then that is it for the whole area. You get an upgrade item for a third res slot but you wont even be able to use it until you climb all the way up Ashina castle and find Kuro.
Basically all you are missing out on is 2 prayer beads up ahead, one from the Drunkard and one hidden inside.

Honestly it is really easy to kill him with the other guy's help, just use oil and fire so he takes DoT.

set him on fire

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I actually hope everyone who thinks Sekiro is difficult is being ironic. My 12 year old nephew who only plays games like Minecraft, Fortnite, Dead by Daylight, etc; beat this game yesterday. I would feel disgusted if I was bested by a literal child.

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not only that, but even fucking DSP managed to beat this game

>Sekiro is too hard bros
you can easily cheese him.

You nephew is a pussy. My eight year old son best this game charmless with demon bell on his first playthrough.

he already said literal child

except, my story is true.


Cheese strat for the drunkard: kill his minions and then aggro Jiuzo into the swamp. If you run away enough he will de-aggro and start walking back to the spot he was standing at. As he's walking away you can run back to him and backstab him to remove one of his phases.

pff my 80 years old cripple grandpa beat sekiro today.

DSP isn't even bad at video games, just really shitty at critical thinking. He has good reflexes and handles action mechanics pretty well.
Sekiro is a very straight forward game. You face it head on with either stealth or direct combat. There are no real GOTCHA moments like any of their other games.

He only sucked at dark souls because he is stupid. Can't figure out when he is going the wrong way, YOLO's in and doesnt look for traps, etc.

So is mine, Mr. Anectdote.

doesn't matter when he kills you in 2 hits
Who the hell thought that was a good idea? "Hey lets put a fucking giant boss with incredibly high hp and he can two shot you and he has 1 million mobs with him"

If only there were some sort of button that blocks enemy attacks... I am sorry user, you will just have to tought it out without one, I guess.

Try using the block button

i'm at sword saint and getting filtered hard by phase 2

I've stopped playing and caring about this game after my xbox controller flat out stopped working with this game. Sometimes PC gaymin is just a fucking mess, bros.

I gave up on first boss because I played on keyboard.

keyboard is not so bad

Jusy sneak around and kill the small guys one at a time, then talk to swamp samurai he makes a decent distraction. That's a side path though you can just come back later.

He is really punishing if you try to get away from him. He isn't so bad if you stay in his face and just try to deflect everything. He gets staggered pretty good if you deflect the big leaping overhead. Just watch out for the big 360 slash.

If you can get through that phase the last one you can push through with lightning reversal.

Go back to Dark Souls

__________ __ ______


>sekiro is still 60 bucks on steam
M-maybe next month, guys...

You aren't poor are you user?

Of course not, hahaha...

Just pirate it

You can pull most of the adds without him even noticing, once you have cleaned up get help from the Samurai standing there. He can easily tank him until you deplete his first life bare and almost the second. On my first kill of him the Samurai didn't even day, we want two against one the whole fight.

doitagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagain at one point you will win

When did you guys get filtered? For me it was the samurai miniboss with the spear in front of that house on the cliff

you do realize that he's completely optional?
So fucking stupid, getting filtered by a fucking optional boss...

Parry his first strike of combos to slowly fill his posture gauge and don't bother going in too much unless it's using the grappling hook. This allows you to keep your distance.

>sekiro video
>popular youtuber
>ape boss
>over reacts when he resurrects
>like this very moment wasn't widely acknowledged from day 1
Fucking hell i hate these people

>finished bloodborne, old hunters included
>start sekiro
>give up soon after drunk dude
It's a cool game, but it simply did not click with me. I don't like its gamefeel

>not killing everything and everyone in sight

*skips every bit of dialogue in your path*

chained ogre in my first playthrough made me rethink my life

talk to that guy before and then focus on killing the mobs.

Every god damn time
>ape comes in
>dude clearly shows how he has a hard time beating the thing
>after what seems to be hours, he finally kills it over some dramatic music
>ape comes back life
>video cuts to black
Fuck you, Dunkey.

>shitters still crying about Sekiro
How can one game be so based?



I'm a dunkeycopy

I didn't know that happened when I first played it, I freaked out because it took me an hour to get past the first phase

>tfw I got spoiled on that
fuck Yas Forums

is the amount of damge you take from bosses proportional to how much vitality you have? if so, whats the fucking point of having more health in this game?

no it's not retard

If he plays Fortnite then he likely has higher vidya skills than you do.

I stopped last year at Guardian Ape and was a total shitter. I raged, i tryharded to the extreme and quit with consensus worst from game EU.
I battled Nioh last year (because of illness i had lots of time) and started Sekiro again a few days ago. and boy did i get filtered by the ogre. and then it clicked. I played it wrong. Of course i can lure the orge and take one life away easily. also the shinobi hunter at hirata, i died so many times to him, now first try. I bothered learning block, parry, mikiri counter and paid attention to what breaks posture on enemies. I dont know what the fuck i was doing by not just learning how the game works.
Now i think im ready to grow and progress how i should be.
I think Sekiro is really for growers instead of showers huh

Say I never played dark souls and sekiro. Which one would be the hardest for me ?


Sekiro, probably. Though most people get their asses kicked because they are trying to play it like it's a souls game.

good luck with the rest of the game

How do I get past this fucking albino snake for fucks sake

look at the terrain dude, hide in the bushes, hide behind the cliffs.
The snake will always move a certain way

thanks user, I try not to rush it this time and progress naturally.
Is double Ichimonji as good as i imagine it after trying it out on mobs? no clue why i ignored skills last time and just mashed R1 lol

I wouldn't mind the game so much if fights didn't take so damn long.

Halfway to posture-breaking even a miniboss and the fight already got old.