ITT: Games where the villain is actually the good guy

Post em'

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Ganon just wanted to unflood the world, which would help everyone, a noble pursuit.

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Based Erenbro, too bad zeke turned out to be a cuck, his personality is kind of endearing in a way.

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Why are Titanfags everywhere?

Good. Bad. At the end of the day you were all alignments.

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I feel like with the way villains are being written in media these days, almost any villain has a reasonable point for being the good guy. Not all of them though

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Because it used to be amazing, but then the eternal nipponese happened to it.

Ganon is a boomer that refuses to move on.
And he wanted Hyrule for himself not to "help everyone".

Call of Duty World at War

There is no "Dark Age of Humanity".
Without the Fire, everyone would be back to shambling Hollows.

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Any ww2 game.

>it used to be amazing.
Shit opinion it only gets better.

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>why are fans of popular show everywhere
what kind of retarded question is this

Armstrong is literally the retard filter for these kind of threads.

ah yes, edgy zoomer's first manga

I meant that it gets shit after Eren announces the rumbling retard.

Andrew Ryan did nothing wrong

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contrarian user's first buzzwords

I love attack on titan the same way I like to read parallel paradise. they're just amusing shitshows, like "how much more retarded can it get?" and they out do themselves every time

Why is he a Mexican now?

pretty much every MGS villain's ideology can be boiled down to "the end justifies the means" honestly

Tell this to the gigachad human army he tricked and forced into servitude

Read my fucking post you blind retarded fuck. You’re saying that I should be filtered out of this even though niggers like you who can’t read exist

let me guess, you hate the fact that the Colossi and Armor were humans?

What's going on now in Shingeki? Last I heard it was
>Annie dindu nuffin she wuz a good girl she cute haha
>Armin trying to befriend the nazis that want to kill them
>nazis being hypocritical shitters as usual
>Rein had a nap

They got their own city, which, when you compare it to the alternative (being a mindless zombie creeping around in absolute darkness), is actually a pretty good deal.

Eren is going to kill literally everyone in the world outside the island

You missed
>Let's have some stew


They got reduced to branded guardians living in a literal cuck shed instead of creating their own great Abyssal civilization that could've destroyed any resistance from other parties.
Souls is literally a tale of class warfare with jews playing on both sides.


least i got to see eren get his head blown off.

Why can't villain be evil anymore?
Why must they be a
>redeemable person
>misunderstood villain
>villain with good intentions
What's wrong with this weakass society where everybody need to be a good guy or it will hurt their feel feel?

Honestly, you post is worded pretty vaguely with no clear indicator for your take on Armstrong.

So for the sake of clarity I'll restate my point: Anyone going "Armstrong is actually the good guy." is retarded to the point I'm amazed they manage to operate a keayboard.

Explain this to me.

King Knight

dumb faggot

Attack on Titan falls for the same old stupid trope of
>wow you can't just genocide the genocidal villains that's evil just talk it out or let the genocide happen

a realistic villain is always good for a subset of people and bad for the rest
A Sauron type villain has been done to death

Because "I'm evil because I'm evil" is boring and bland and doesn't entertain anyone.
Unless it's Coffin Joe, but there's no video game equivalent of him.

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>instead of creating their own great Abyssal civilization that could've destroyed any resistance from other parties.
Like Oolacile, right? Or New Londo?

Or has the Abyss never been tried properly?


Eren was in jail and was going to be tortured, he broke free thanks to his sympathizers

>Country wants to genocide peaceful nation that hasn't done anything for the last centuries
>Country gets shit on by nation
>Nation tries to find a peaceful solution with the rest of the world
>Rest of the world decides to genocide the nation
>One of the guys in the nation wants to genocide the world back
>Somehow the guy defending his home is in the wrong.

Although I can enjoy the "evil for the sake of being evil" black and white villains when they're executed well they're kinda overdone at this point

>Like Oolacile, right? Or New Londo?
Both of those cases are literally the result of snake jews provoking a catastrophe
We know that primordial humans were metal enough to forge abyssal arms and that there's other sentient lifeforms in the Abyss. The rest is literally Gwyn's propaganda.

King Knight is manchild throwing a tantrum cause the King was boning his mum.

He broke free, because he could.
He was biding his time in jail before breaking out.

The implication is that there's some fates worse than death. The world dying a peaceful, timely death with the fading of the first flame would've been far better than what ended up happening, with more and more of the world being used as tinder to fuel this barely functional first flame.
Also what the firekeeper said is that even after this world dies, it'll be reborn anew as a new first flame comes from nowhere.
Gwyn is basically a husband keeping his wife who's gone through some horrible accident and been left braindead on life support for decades past her due date because he can't let go.

Hey dipshit, what's the commonality between oolacile and new londo?

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>Lol I'm only pretend to be evil so i can balance the universe

Fuck this shit

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>Why can't villain be evil anymore?
Because no one is cartoon evil IRL. It's boring as fuck.

But that sword is for monsters...

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>We know that primordial humans were metal enough to forge abyssal arms and that there's other sentient lifeforms in the Abyss.
And they would have ended up consumed by the Abyss just like everyone else. Humans, Gods, Dragons, everything gets fucked up by extended exposure to it.

>The implication is that there's some fates worse than death.
Up to personal interpretation, but I'd argue that anything is better than nothing.
There is no reason to believe a new First Flame would arise without humanity linked to it. The natural Age of Fire is very much finite. Everyone claiming other wise is either full of shit (Kaath) or already corrupted (Aldritch, Church of Lodor, Firekeeper with the eyes).

Humans turning away from the Gods and embracing the Abyss.

The correct answer is frampt


Frampt had shit all to do with either.

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They don't have to be evil for no reasons.
There could be thousand of reasons to drive the villain evil.
But please just make them stay evil, and defeat them.
Not "We are going to save you too!! Mr. Killed everybody in my town Villain Man."

I mean, if you fight back don't you think it just makes you just as bad? Just because someone hit you doesn't give you the right to hit them back.

>Not "We are going to save you too!! Mr. Killed everybody in my town Villain Man."
No one is making this argument.

This. Redemption and forgiveness are for cucks.

I just remembered something
since the colossal titans are still marching toward the rest of the world, that means Eren still has control over them, right? if he does then that means he can still use the power of the founding titan to forcefully stop them from attacking him, or alter their memory so that they forget why they wanted to kill him in the first place
like seriously, why would you pit a bunch of Eldians to fight against a man who just gained control of the entire Eldian race?