Dude just check out the walkthrough to proceed lmao

>Dude just check out the walkthrough to proceed lmao

Attached: Humanity.jpg (1920x1080, 356.34K)

What was this about? Completely forgot

It was the spot where you had to use the white branch to transform into 'humanity'. Literally the only puzzle part of the game and it's too hard for op

It's a secret area with a couple of items that aren't integral to completing the game. Also Humanity is literally capitalized, which meant my thought process was to either use a Humanity in front of the text or use a White Branch which I saw turns me into Humanity.

Attached: 1409751104799.gif (398x336, 62.57K)

>Use a certain item in a certain place for a chance to be transformed into humanity
>no hint anywhere that it's this certain item you have to use in this certain place
It doesn't make any sense and it's literally fucking impossible to figure it out yourself. Bullshit puzzle and bullshit game.

It is required if you want to finish the Lapp questline. Also why would you just randomly use a white branch there?

>Humanity is literally capitalized,
It literally isn't, have you even looked at OP's pic?
>use a White Branch which I saw turns me into Humanity
And how the fuck did you see it does that, huh? Do you use a branch in every single new tileset the game throws at you?

what's the point of simple puzzles in modern games if they can be googled in 5 seconds?

seems like an outdated thing to me

Attached: 1570328310050.jpg (976x850, 93.15K)

well at least one person has to figure it out

I miss the good old times when you'd get stuck for weeks because there was no internet to tell you the correct answer.

Attached: chest_riddle.png (640x480, 229.6K)


Compare this faggotry to Shulva or Brume Tower. God, Ringed City was mediocre.

get on with the times, some mechanics lose meaning when technology advances

This is a legitimate question that game devs have to deal with now.

Not really. Some will cheat, some won't. Same for strategies for the boss, same for secrets, weapons and more.

You told him mate. I lost the Lap questline and I couldnt finish the game as a result !!!

How? Fucking retard

if any of those things you listed don't include RNG elements that make acquaring that item unique or use of your own skill to overcome than it's a reasonable question to ask

There are still games with legitimate puzzles, problem is that zoomers these days will just google it if they can't figure out the solution in five minutes - even though trying for longer would give greater satisfaction when you finally solve it.

Attached: grimrock_puzzle.jpg (1280x720, 297.23K)

Can't you press copyright/dmca claims against wikis? It'd be kind of a dick move but when your game relies so much on first impression/playthrough kinda of stuff I feel like it might be a solution.
I'd rather information be organic in spread that just some idiot googling the answer.

ehh that sounds like a far-fetched solution

>no hint anywhere

This is fact a good Puzzle, because is clever and not easy to figure out, plus is only optional.

they're wikishit games. You play them with one hand and look on google with your phone in the other.

This is a shit puzzle because there is no indication whatsoever that using an obscure item in a certain place would turn you into a humanity.

This was a terrible puzzle.
Most people who played previous games probably tried using or dropping an ember as it's the equivalent of DS1 humanity.
After that it's just try everything and hope it works.
And here's what makes it terrible:
Even if you use a white branch, it won't work, because the humanity transformation is not available there.
Using a white branch is already counter-intuitive and players will just use it in the process of trying everything, but since you have to use it in the swamp, which is not in the immediate area of the puzzle, makes it extremely counter-intuitive and unlikely to find naturally.

The only natural way to find out about it I can think of is if you're doing invassions in the swamp and decide to use white branch for fun, because there's no other incentive to use it, and even when invading is useless most of the time.

And adding to these, people who haven't played DS1 won't know what they mean with humanity and how it looks like.

lmao imagine asking for a casual puzzle

Thanks to a message I did figure out I had to use the white branch, but I didn't know you had to be 50 meters into the swamp for the secret to work.

You don't use the white branch in an inconspicuous spot every time someone invades you? what a fag

Good, fuck secondaries.

Portal 2 MP had a similar puzzle at the end. Any other games like this?

>he plays PvP

Attached: EACaJ76U4AAVd9x.png (843x735, 669.14K)

It has to do with the saturation of the market. There so many games to play, specially with most of them being free thanks to piracy, you no longer feel like you have the time to be stuck for days on one puzzle.

>being a pussy faggot who plays offline
no wonder you're whining about an easy puzzle

doesn't the item say so? don't anons read and experiment?

What the hell is the answer to this? Any advice?

Attached: hard_riddle.png (960x540, 635.22K)

>he plays PvP
They made Roll Souls III especifically for you, enjoy it bro :)

>he plays Souls incorrectly
Enjoy cheating then, secondary

I’ve been using the internet for help since 1999. I understand there were decades of games before but I’m older than 99% of this board. I miss old gamefaqs and gamewinners.

Do you play offline or something?

>he plays the shitty games because they have nothing else but PvP going for it as they forgot what made this IP special in the first place yet is bad enough he doesn't want to try actual PvP-centric games
That's gonna be a yikes from me man

>playing games that were literally designed around the online play without online play
Yikes, imagine being a DaS1 secondary

If I can't figure out a solution in 5 minutes, it's a badly designed puzzle. Unless the game deliberately tries to be an interactive brain teaser book, but who the fuck wants to play those.

>games that were literally designed around the online play
Ah yes, I remember DeS having arenas specifically designed for PvP like Pontiff's balcony and "muh honor duels" kek. No wonder you don't care about the 5 swamps and grey hallways.

Attached: Roll Souls III.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

What are the rules to this puzzle? Can you only use the letters shown in the boxes? If not, I'm pretty sure it's just "A D V I C E".

Yeah, I think so.

Demon's Souls had several mechanics designed entirely around online play and literally had no unlimited way to recover your body after dying without playing online, specifically so that you would play the game online, because the game was designed around co-op and PvP, even having an entire boss that basically didn't exist if you played offline, but keep being a DaS secondary faggot who started with the second worst game in the series and conintues to pretend that its garbage balance where there's literally no incentive to ever restore your humanity other than kindling a bonfire (which you can then immediately suicide after doing so you can't get invaded) just to cater to the stupid pussy casual faggots who thought DaS1 was good when it was objectively inferior to Demon's Souls.

You don't even use it there, you have to go to where the swamp water is otherwise it doesn't work, I agree this puzzle was retarded.

I'm hearing a lot of bullshit from someone that unironically likes DS3 and its PvP

Attached: 4cb.jpg (500x281, 22.8K)

Nice strawman, casual secondary faggot that played DS1 hollowed and whines that the real Souls games don't cater to casuals like that garbage and never touched demon's souls because you're god awful at videogames and can't become invincible by equipping a shield and armor like trash souls 1

>when you've confessed to camping around a shitty DLC of a shitty game with "muh branches" and "muh honor duels"

Attached: 1583026599229.png (400x266, 135.7K)

It is a strawman since the literal only statement I've made is that it's enjoyable to fuck with invaders by using chameleon. You then extrapolated that to "muh faggy duels that ruined the spirit of Souls" because you have no real argument and can't just admit that you're a casual faggot who is infinitely butthurt that the real Souls games don't penalize you for opting out of invasions.

some of us aren't guidecucks

>it's enjoyable to ignore flaws in a game because I get to kill pajeets online!

Attached: 5 INT.png (327x310, 142.01K)

Who said anything about muh honor duels except you?

you're talking to a tranny

Most of the point and click games were DESIGNED to have bullshit puzzles so you would call their super expensive hotline to get the answer.

all games have flaws

Some more than others

Attached: Gael explains his Ringed City PTSD.png (566x976, 270.95K)

Invasions aren't a flaw, casual. In fact removing them in Dark Souls 1 was a flaw.

What are you even trying to argue at this point? At no point did that user say that PvP or online in general was flawless.

Yeah, like Dark Souls 1 being far more flawed than Demon's Souls in every way, especially catering to casuals like you.

Like all closet casuals he's just desperately grasping at straws so that he doesn't have to outright state "yes, I'm a casual who is upset that the game wasn't made easier for me". Closet casuals are a big issue with the Souls community; I blame Scamco's shitty marketing for Dark Souls 1