"Soul" is a stupid buzzword used purely to obfuscate the fact someone is pathetic enough to judge games on their...

"Soul" is a stupid buzzword used purely to obfuscate the fact someone is pathetic enough to judge games on their nostalgic feelings from childhood. It's one of the most embarrassing trends this board has ever seen and that's saying something. The sad thing is that when people whine that the "soul" of the games industry has died, the only soul that really died was theirs. They are so unable to enjoy things any more that they are permanently stuck in the past. They have become so jaded and miserable that they can't find fun in anything anymore and so they tirelessly search for happiness from a time when they weren't severely depressed. In reality, the games industry has rarely been in a stronger position than it is now. The only other times we got as many good games as we do today were peak ps2 and peak DS. If you aren't finding any good games today you need to stop worrying about the quality of modern entertainment and start worrying about how to cure your depression.

Pic related, the Nintendo Nostalgia Cube.

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No, soul does not simply mean nostalgia, I'm not even a Yas Forums apologist.

>Gone Home

gamecube is pretty soulless. now wii that has some soul.

soul and kino are the two strongest brainlet tells on this board

That wasn't passion, it was cringe

I really hate when people try to use that cop out. Most "soul" games people talk about are made by Nintendo (because that's what the mid 20's audience on Yas Forums is nostalgic for) and Nintendo usually makes games very by the books for a large audience. Occasionally they make something strange like Majora's mask or the Pikmin series but most of their stuff is pretty generic. Meanwhile indie games which are often a labor of love with little profit involved are never described as soul.

you are just too low IQ to understand it. and youre making a fool of yourself

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The sign of a brainlet is going after an entire major system. No major console has ever been irredeemable. Focus on the games you fucking drones

>no rebuttal, just "me smart u stupid. soul soul soul bing bing wahoo"

Why are you mad?

Very true. Good games are still being made and people will judge games based on nostalgia. I do feel a bit different about the state of the industry though. Nowadays making a mid-budget game isn't viable. People's expectations towards graphics have been increasing so thousands, even millions have to be spent on graphics alone. Due to the ballooning budgets nowadays preorders are being pushed heavily, content is being cut from games and later sold as DLC and the games are specifically made to suck your wallet dry with microtransactions. And partly because of the big budgets games have to be made with the lowest common denominator in mind so anything that strays too far from the norm will get axed. Of course indies are still a thing, but there used to be a middle ground.

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peak PS2 was still barely 3 games a year, give it up

No shut up

You and op are npcs, you don't actually have any substance just some critic talking points said for the umpteenth time about how you hate video games

The fuck? When did I say that I hate video games?

The gamecube was a soulless piece of shit

I think soul is an actual thing, but it's difficult to quantify or define. It's most apparent with art.
Take something like Clannad or Touhou - I'd hesitate to call the art good (on a technical level) but there's something that's very endearing about it, though that could be because it's packaged with other things that people enjoy.

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And you guys attack the use of the term soul but hypocritically use it yourself and know intrinsically what soul is

If you can't find any games today with "soul", the issue isn't the industry, it's you. And the fact that you can't realize that makes you even more soulless.

seething cope soulless zoomer gamecube is kino

>soul is nostalgia
>somehow mario 3 has more soul than mario 1

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Well like Nietzsche said, philosophy itself is the tyrannical impulse, you can't put a chain on it and shock collar so your white boy nazi minds go crazy. Which is why this place sucks, it's just a place for critics doing the work of the devil to ruin as much fun as they can.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
as the kids would say it, this is the most "soulless" post in this thread

Soul != "game I played a long time ago"
It means a game where you can tell the developer put a lot of passion into it rather than it just being a dead and lifeless corporate event
RE2 Remake = soul
FF7 Remake = dead and lifeless corporate event, over-produced but no substance
MAD? I'm thinking you're MAD!

needs to be filtered tee bee aitch

Except it doesn't. Nostalgia only has power over those who want it to have power you projecting faggot.

Most games are a byproduct of trends, demographics, and popularity.

Soul is simply a game not caring about those things, making something new, or innovating the genre.

Many modern games have soul. It's not nostalgia retard.

Finally someone speaking the truth in here
I hate soul kino based and all these shitty buzzwords with no meaning

the funniest thing about "soul"posters is that they're the same people get mad at the word "comfy" because it's "vague and non-descriptive"
the fucking irony

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Try reading the thread dumbass. OP got blown the fuck out. Soul has nothing to do with nostalgia.

>RE2 remake

>disco elysium

>shovel knight


projecting retard
soul is comfy

Learn what the term means, champ.

soul equals cohesive art design and direction, new games can have soul, but it has become rare since they are now made by entire floors full of code monkeys instead of a handful of friends like before.

I win.

People who don't believe soul is a real thing are soulless themselves.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

you sleep rather soundly for a murderer

Soul is definitely a thing, it's just that retards on this site have driven the word into the ground and misused it so much that it has lost all meaning.

not really, remakes are generally soulless

>The sad thing is that when people whine that the "soul" of the games industry has died, the only soul that really died was theirs.

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Yes really. 99% of all "soul" discussion has just become "old thing good". People think they understand design and aesthetics better than anyone else because they have an appreciation for old hardware and the charm the limitations bring.

soul is personality
and personality is too risky to sell

>and personality is too risky to sell
I doubt even corporate executives are this soulless to think that. Cut them a little a bit of slack, they aren't robots, right?

ff7 has more soul than ff7r

ff7r hasn't even released yet
seems a little bit silly to make that kind of statement now

Compare pso1 and 2 for the definitive example

>muh $oul

I played the demo, it only looks nice, but plays like a mid 2000's game, with janky controls and invisible walls up the ass.
Many zoomers like old games


Zelda 1 also has more soul than anything released since in the series except BotW.

I also like the original Zelda more than SMB even though I actually played SMB on the NES back in the day as a fucking child.

Imagine that, both games I played as an adult meaning this childhood nostalgia pushing is demonstrably nonsense.

Hell, just the other day there was a thread here asking for your favorite 5 RPGs. The earliest of the 5 on my list was played when I was 18 and 3 of them were when I was in my 30s.

wind waker has most soul

Basically the same thing except the wii has motion controls

Every time I play a game you guys call soulless or bad it's always good

Why is that? Are you guys like, spoiled?

soul = game i like
soulless = game i don't like

What are you talking about? Indie games have been the last vestige of "soul" in games for the last few years.
>Hollow Knight
>Hotline Miami
>Katana Zero
>Shovel Knight
People just haven't liked how games became copy and pasted AAA generic hurr durr shooter or completely empty "open world" games. It's been a little better in the past couple of years but there was a good 7+ year period where it was horrible.
That said: the "soul" meme here is... A meme. Stop taking it so seriously.

the day that zoomers grew old enough to stutter more than 3 words sentences, thats the day Yas Forums should've been shut down

Even modern games can have tons of SOUL.
Most mainstream shit just don't.

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Things can have soul and still be bad.

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Yes but that typically applies to games that are bad in terms of polish but still have tons of soul, like Nier.
People hate Gone Home because of everything it stands for.

Uh, pretty sure it's because the textures look like plastic, and they try to hide it with bloom lighting, "Soulless" is just another word for "Half-Assed".

SMBTLL (8-bit) has more soul than SMB1