Is it better than the original?

Is it better than the original?

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Because Xen alone, yes.

In many ways yes, but the original also has its own unique charm and quality as the two games do differ a bit in the soundtrack and level design departments. Both are worth playing still.


by miles
>black mesa
really good

nobody cares about your opinion

>stops to load
>many clipping animations
The game didn’t have the polish that today’s games should have. They’ve spent fifteen years making this or whatever and couldn’t even give a scientists more than one pattern of tie.
I refunded it.

Actually yes, It's pretty good.

what the fuck?

You do apparently

Get a better PC, sudaca

they did a good job of revamping some of the xen NPCs but the HECUs still suffer the same problem the combine did in HL2

please elaborate on the 'worse gunplay' argument. This could be a deciding factor for me

that's not gunplay though

I think gunplay is better in Black Mesa. AI is smart and aggressive and hide and the firefights have been more thoughtfully designed and some new sections are added as well (especially for Surface Tension and Xen parts).

Xen is better by miles, I can almost understand why it took them forever to finish it.
Overall? I don't think so. Half-Life had an unique charm to it that this game doesn't.

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how do i deal with the second big ass alien after entering lamba complex thingi?
the door behind me closes and in front of me is a burning car with a tiny way to go trough but the big boy blocks the way really fast and ITSAFIRINGHISLASER until i'm dead..

I picked it up just because I like HL1 and wanted to play thru it again with a modern take but its shockingly good. Of course the first one will have that low poly charm but this is fantastic so far.

Black mesa really drove home the "you're in a underground complex" more than HL1 did. But that's just because of the visuals.

have you gone every where and climbed every thing?

If you are where I think then you need to run until you see a tower that you can climb. There you should be able to use a bombardment weapon to kill the gargantua and open up a way for yourself

my dude there is a tunnel with a opened door blocked with a burning car and a duck space to go trough
as soon as i go trough the door way the door closes and i could duck to go forward except big ass alien
i'll post SS wait a second cause game crashed

On A Rail is about 5 hours shorter, so yes, it's better

>cant wait to play it!
>15 minutes into the game, so far i love it
>ooohhh my first medkit station! its been a decade since i last heard the EX-CEE-DEE-DEE-DEE sound
>run to it
>press E


Dont plan on playing it anymore.
Is it true they also changed all the sounds?
The dog-things that scream at you, and even the vortigaunts?

What a fucking shitshow.

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it's different and no substitute to the original, but rather a remake for fans of the original

lol look at this loser

On a rail was never as bad as people said.

based, thanks!

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It was pretty bad tho

you seem easily satisfied with mediocre products and seem very annoyed when other people do not appreciate said mediocre products.

yep, now THAT'S autism

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>replying to a tripfag
>being smug about it
You're the worst type of cancer

Yes, but once you've done it once and know what to do it's over within minutes

Not really.
Soundtrack is shit and the guns don't feel great, especially the shotgun and there crowbar(it doesn't hit where you aim)
The only good part is the Xen part, the redesign of some BM area is questionable, I find it weird that you fumble around with flares and get a 9mm BEFORE the crowbar.

Only complaint I got is I can't bunnyhop.

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Not going to uninstall over it, but the sound design is pretty much the one thing I find that BM does worse than the original so far.

you could replace the sounds if you were actually this much bothered by it

I knew you could do it!

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It has worse gunplay.
They somehow managed to make combat in the source engine feel even worse.

You don't get the 9mm before the crowbar. You get the crowbar once you reach the Black Mesa lobby with the security guard where you first entered after your tram ride. Once you get past that point you get a 9mm when you find the scientist that opens up the security room for you.

What is Blλck Mesa?

Everything. Nothing.

got bored at chapter 8

you spoonfed him. I was trying to give him hints so he could figure it out on his own.

The BM HECU Ai is pretty boring compared to the original but the far more accurate MP5 in BM feels way better

protips for dealing with the invisible bimbos?

Thanks, Saladin.

It's not my responsibility to make sure I don't spoil things for people. If someone decides to ask a question about a part of a game they are stuck at they've taken the responsibility of having the game spoiled for them if they get the answer they asked for. I simply am giving what was asked for.

Shut up

Why were the sounds even replaced in the first place? They're utter and total shit right now.

>oh hey we got these awesome unique sounds for monsters and environment, lets replace them all with mediocre shit.

user that needed help
i didn't even think about running away from the big dude cause he kills some guards then traps me in that corner
nothing was spoiled also i'm sorry i had no idea what to do cause i was like 8 when i tried to play HL1 but i didn't get too far cause the game spooked me..

It's ok. Just keep this part in mind for later on. Your running away days ain't over.

i should have known to run since that's what i did with the first big boy when i zapped him but the path was a bit more clear then

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Do you mean the assassins?

Yeah. Big boys=run is a good equation to keep in mind ;)

to be fair i didn't have a laser canon or a rocket launcher during big boy 1 so i thought the strategy changed with big boy 2

they still need some work on hit boxes and LoS
i've been shot multiple times trough walls and rocks
also sometimes the npc just shoot at walls at me and while i don't get hit it's kinda weird that they can see me and not the fucking walls

move around a lot, double barrel them when you bump into one

back to a corner, bring out the crossbow or revolver and wait for the duck hunt

i find the regular humans harder that these guy

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It works on a Q6600 and 8800 GT, tested by Digital Foundry.

Fighting them in the open can be a pain but just like the original, they can lured into bottlenecks since they always try to hunt you down