Gentlemen, it's up.
Free to Play (PS+ Required)
Mother.Fucking.Call of Duty.Battle Royal.
The Fortnite killer has arrived.
Video: Retard Youtuber Chaos broke NDA 2 days early.
Gentlemen, it's up.
Free to Play (PS+ Required)
Mother.Fucking.Call of Duty.Battle Royal.
The Fortnite killer has arrived.
Video: Retard Youtuber Chaos broke NDA 2 days early.
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Isn't there a policy that f2p games can't require ps+ for network stuff?
Cool, not playing.
Better quality video
Free to play
Enormous map
Every single building is custom designed
Two Game Modes
150 players
Solos, Duos and Trios
Killstreaks and revive tokens are bought by using plunder at stations
Gulag Exists. Upon first death you 1v1 to respawn back in and spectate(and throw rocks) while waiting your turn.
Easter Eggs all over map
A lot of classic maps. Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, broadcast and more plus new ones.
Vehicles are in including choppers.
Three levels of armor. Can carry 5 plates can stack three at a time.
Looting is fast.
No weapon attachments but custom loadouts can be used by buying your kit with plunder at stations.
can ping everything
>A lot of classic maps. Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, broadcast and more plus new ones.
I will fucking murder the assholes if they don't add these as 6v6 later on. other than that sounds cool.
They won't, this F2P BR shit will outpace earnings of normal game and all resources will be directed to BR.
Get hype you stupid fucking weebs
>more battle royales
no thanks, it's not 2016 anymore
>It's up
On PS4? Or all systems?
>PS+ required
It's dead, Jim.
Die from kung flu you corporate whore.
Actually looks pretty fun, especially the gulag, I'd like squads of 4 though
BR is trash. Not playing that shit.
>Free to Play
>PS+ Required
>ps plus required
lol dropped
>Free to Play (PS+ Required)
>ANOTHER battle royale
>call of duty
>only one clip where he's in a gunfight with enemies
>it's used twice in the video
This shit is going to be a fucking borefest.
>Free to Play
>PS+ Required
Didn't they already make a CoD battle royale
Black Ops 4 was fucking garbage, and so was Modern Warfare. Why would this be any better?
Call of Duty is dead.
yes, it's bullshit (at least the PS+ part)
Yeah, there is, and a lot of people did it, but I think it's still a publisher's call and Activision isn't gonna play ball with this one.
BRs are a dead meme
> ps plus
fucking for real?
fuck that gonna get it without payed online on my pc
It's not the publishers call you fucking retard. Activision gains nothing with this. Sony frequently buys some exclusive parts of every CoD game and they did the same with this. You are such a dumb retard holy fuck lmfao
Is this a ps exclusive?
there's linked video, checked it out, the guy says it's crossplatform so yeah it's not
Doesn’t matter if it has the same shit netcode. Will probably be even buggier than the main game, too (if that was even possible). Seriously, COD this year feels like it was developed by interns. Loved playing it but was such a mess I had to uninstall a couple months back.
I'm watching it right now, but thanks user
And sweet, will definitely give this a try
Is it out on Tuesday?
No,but I would not be supriced if it comes out on PS first... and the rest a week later, which would be gay.
Any "DLC" in it might be the same... 1 week early cosmetic.
>It looks better then Blackout™
No.. it looks WAY to grey and brown..Almost NO colour.
The Character skins will light up like a sore tumb.
>Free to Play (PS+ Required)
Cross play is enabled so more than likely all
>Free to play
What microtransactions are there?
>The Character skins will light up like a sore tumb.
And thats a good thing.
Sonygers seething
This is if you're playing on playstation you retard. You need PS+ for any multiplayer if you're playing through playstation.
Not true, f2p has always been free
>Free to play
>Ps+ subscription required
Choose one
>The Character skins will light up like a sore tumb.
A lot of them are pretty muted though to begin with so it'd be easy to blend in where camouflage is relevant. Blacked 4's character design was garbage while this one at least loosely pretends to be grounded inbetween a handful of overpriced retard outfits to visually ween out the paypigs.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, we already have a CoD BR in BO4.
It's probably temporarily PS4 exclusive and during that exclusivity period, it requires PS+. Once the exclusivity period ends, it will be released on other platforms and won't require PS+ anymore.
console cucks have to pay to play free game kek
also thats not gonna fly on pc, recent cods had even worse optimatization than pubg
but this one is standalone version
blackout was more of a mode to play like zombies
But Captain Price has a NEW HAT
So is the MW2 remaster leak real?
>It's probably temporarily PS4 exclusive and during that exclusivity period, it requires PS+
this makes sense actually
I liked blackout a lot, hope this one has some improvements like spotting but keeps the rest pretty similar.
I'd care but cods were never that good and the new ones are trash. also
>f2p pew pew baby shit
Grow up
blackout sucks for a lot of reasons but this appears to at least fix the issue of it being all open fields with landmarks
Yes, Next cod
Broadcast and Killhouse(also on the map) have minimap data in the game already.
go back to discord, twitter, r_ddit or wherever you came from
So what's gonna happen to BOIIII's BR? Dead?
>Super Mecha Champions STILL has no PC version client with better UI and controls
COD sucks
>Solos, Duos and Trios
That's pretty smart, you know, following your first BR that had quads with one that doesn't. My three friends and I will surely enjoy that.
Like anybody cares about your tranny circle.
>call of duty gets different armor tiers before the newest quake and doom games
hey zoomers
fuck off
do a floss and dab on that bro
>I can respawn
Say no fucking more. That's all I needed to hear.
Its already dead.
Doesnt even have cross platform
>Gentlemen, it's up.
>Mother.Fucking.Call of Duty.Battle Royal.
>The Fortnite killer has arrived.
this is a marketer right?
woah holy crap this is gonna be awesome guys!!!!!!!!!!! holy Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they are not stupid, only the usual cosmetic, rotating store, battlepass shit