Tomorrow we will finally see fucking SOMETHING about this shit game, and how good it might be, as review embargo's lift tomorrow.

>Where's the hype for this game?

It's all in japan, since they had zero marketing in the West which was a great idea by Sony for their exclusive!

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also preloads I think

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>Diablo loot
>No interconnected world
>No invasion PvP
Sony simply doesn't want to market a piece of shit that learned nothing from the first game.

Fuck off tard.

its absurd that anyone is falling for this when its koei tecmo who are KNOWN for flipping their games and just throwing frivalous additions in for sequels(wanna know the biggest difference between aot and aot2? a fucking character creator)
but then again this is the denizens of Yas Forums we're talking about here, sequel craze always seems to work on a lot people the first time. just kinda ridiculous people dont catch on to KT though

It's almost as if Snoy realized that Sekiro made this game and its prequel obsolete so marketing it would be a waste of time and money

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soulsfaggot needs to hang themselves for wanting every single game to be just like souls

If you're going to plagiarise a game do it right or don't bother.

Also, Souls' overall design and gameplay loop is excellent. Other games should learn from it.

im going to disassemble, dust out, and clean my shitty ass og ps4 for this
Those special screws are a pain in the ass to find

>t. never played nioh
the gameplay blows anything fromsoft has produced out of the water

>gameplay loop

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Still no leaked copies?

On Souls any build is viable
Nioh requires abusing a particular spell to progress through the single player on NG, absurd grinding to get the right loot with the right OHK skills to prevail on NG+ onwards

Why does Nioh keep causing seething

lol no it doesn't u absolute retard

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Fromsoftware audience is retarded.

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sounds like you are just retarded

To wait for PC or not?

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DeS doesn't have interconnected world and it's better than DS2 and DS3.

Why is hime cut so good?

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>Why people dare to be mad at wasted potential: the game?

Imagine if the Nioh series were good; we would have a neat game to play between FromSoft releases. Instead we got shit and are getting shit again.

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I loved Nioh 1 for what it is, big glaring flaws like loot, and lack of level design variety, and enemies. It needs to have huge changes to warrant a sequel.

ALL yokai can drop soul cores
ALL human bosses can drop technique scrolls to learn some of their skills

Dark Souls 1 to 3 was a humongous change to the formula. What does this shit even bring? More diablo loot? Fuck this game, barely even worth it as a DLC

1 is better than 2 and 3

>night threads
>comfy, good discussion
>day threads
>whiny faggots enter thread just to fume

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At least it was a different game unlike this rehashed crap. This barely passes as a DLC nevermind a full game.

Pretty much; the people who played the beta says it is the same as the first but with added Diablo loot in the form of yokai cores.
It's disgusting.

>dark souls 2
>make everything from scratch and make everything worse than the first game
>dark souls 3
yes, that's the right way to make sequels

i dont understand why those fagots think their retarded opinion matters on the subject we get it you didnt like nioh 1, it's a nioh 2 thread for people who liked nioh 1 and are hyped after playing 2's beta

>Day threads
>Actual hardcore gamers giving fair but hard criticism to a game that refused to learn from its mistakes

>Night threads
>Turbocasual wagies circlejerking over a glorified $60 DLC

This isn't a circlejerk. It's a discussion thread, and we're discussing how Nioh 2 is a shit game that's an overpriced glorified mini DLC with garbage diablo loot STILL NOT PATCHED OUT.

No you're just whining because it doesnt catter to your tastes

>garbage diablo loot
>too dumb to apply basic filters

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both games have diablo loot
you're just complaining, not discussing

>we're hardcore gamers DISCUSSING
hoes mad

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anybody getting the game early?

i'll try to

>this isn't a circlejerk
>while trying to circlejerk over how much he doesn't like the game

target shipped my SE out this morning on express 2 day
>tfw hoping the postman smiles upon me

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I hope that armor now having male/female variants and enemies way bigger movesets doesn't affect the quantity that much.

The first Nioh was ruined by many things, Diablo loot being the worst of all.
Instead of learning from their mistakes, Team Ninja just released an expansion packs sequel.

We're angry at a game having so much potential only to squander it like that. Yeah, it's true that we can easily keep playing Sekiro and leave Nioh to its luck, but we care.

We want the industry to be better. We wand developers to be better. Our only sin is caring too much.

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Probably not because of how much they reused assets

It's not Sony's and it's not an exclusive. Why would Sony advertise it?

Then complain to Team Ninja, instead whining in here.

this is that guy that posts his oc pasta that gets btfo in every thread lmaooo

>The first Nioh was ruined by many things, Diablo loot being the worst of all.

Diablo loot only made the game better in my opinion

As a mechawhore I disagree with this statement, it's just Soulsdrones.

>never getting another Armored Core

even if it hampered someone there are filters that make it piss easy to sort through

imagine being so retarded a basic game mechanic like that escapes you not once, but twice LOL

I did. By not buying Nioh.
I predict it will sell 200k on all platforms. It will bomb and then Team Ninja will realize the colossal mistake they did.

i didn't wait for pc last time and i ended up just double dipping. i will not be tricked again

wow you sure showed them user

I can understand people who prefer the feeling of uniqueness of the weapon in Dark soul i like it too in the souls game, but it's nioh not dark soul and i like the build possibilities of nioh with randomized loot

>but it's nioh not dark soul
this is the thing that goes over their heads because they went in expecting sengoku dark souls and didn't get it, it's just extended pissing and moaning

i'll personally double, dip i'll just not buy the dlcs on PS4

you don't really give a shit, you just can't handle simple management
I bet you haven't even attempted a Wooden run on any difficulty

PC only here. Should I expect gameplay videos later today? I think people in Japan and some sandnigger countries always getting games earlier than others.

>I'm not buying it, but I'm gonna complain in here
And Nioh 3 will still have Diablo loot. Good job showing them

>why does a company cater to the fans of the first game when releasing a sequel instead of listening to me who died in the tutorial after pirating the game

Yes because wagies are known for staying up all night while hardcore gamers are tucked up in bed at 9PM sharp.
You fucking donkey.

Does it really matter if I haven't played the first Nioh?