What makes him a good Demoman?

What makes him a good Demoman?

Attached: 1583755906178.jpg (3840x1724, 725.75K)

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It stands to reason that if he were a bad demoman, he wouldn't be sitting there discussing it with the cameraman

If he were a BAD Demoman, he wouldn't be sitting there talking about it now, would he?

The Meet the Team shorts are genuinely better written than most AAA games ever released. I hope Valve’s other 2 VR titles in the pipeline are having their writers finally do something other than just Dota lore.

>watch a TF2 short
>they're all loveable assholes
>watch an Overwatch short
>they're all generic "hooray, we did it gang!" type characters

I always thought this was the biggest difference between the two games

you should try playing them

it's a night and day difference

Wouldn’t these trailers instantly be called “too Reddit” if they were released today?

They don't even get to do much for Dota lore outside of the recent Underlords full release.

>Try to interview a team of elite mercs that get payed loads of money and are basically legends
>Go to the eyepatched veteran demoman
>”What makes you a good demoman?”
It really is a stupid question