Why doesn't this game hold up as well as San Andreas?

Why doesn't this game hold up as well as San Andreas?

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You can't swim.

The characters in San Andreas carry the game

i don't know why but i love the east coast gta games more than the west coast ones.

SA had a better map, characters, missions, swimming, and other little things

It does, you're just a faggot.
III > VC > VCS > LCS >>>>>> SA

I've recently played through Gta 3 and Vice City and have to say the controls are simply awful. The difficulty in the game comes from trying to deal with these controls while having to complete an objective within a time limit or trying to not get your car exploded by the cops on a 4 plus star wanted level, especially in Vice City.

>bigger, more varied map
>more activities outside of missions

Incredibly poor nigger taste my man.

Call it nostalgia but i liked VC better. Even if SA is objectively better with all the shit you do. Just love the vibe and had so much fun fucking around vice city.

Because it's the best GTA and San Andreas is trash. Go play Saint's Row, lil zoom.

worse character controls, smaller map, swimming, less memorable characters, less character customisation and activities outside of missions

I played VC as a kid and just revisited it this month, i get what you mean about the vibe and that's fair enough, but the game was just way shittier than i remembered.

It's the best GTA if you were 25 when it came out yeah, crack open another monster boomer.

This game had a lot going for it, the colors, the music. It also took A LOT from scarface.

I just didn't feel the same way with San andreas. If GTA3 wasn't a thing, maybe I would have felt the same way because it was modern but not modern.

The fuck are you talking about, it holds up better than san andreas.
The 80's aesthetic has so much more soul than the 2000's nigger rap era.

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Vice City is fucking terrible. Forgiving the shit missions and bad pacing, the map itself is garbage. Totally flat U, that's all it is. Vice City has one of the worst maps in video games, fuck that game.

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>Holds up better than San Andreas.
>The 80's aesthetic has so much more soul than the 2000's nigger rap era.
>2000's nigger rap era.

San Andreas is set in 1992 you retard.

Tommy carries the entire game by himself with Ken, the Colonel, Umbrerto, Mercedes and Candy Suxx. He was a big dicked Chad who got everything

I'm an 80's sucker but that's literally all Vice City has going for it, good game sure but it doesn't hold up to SA. Also SA is set in the 90s not 00s

Big Smoke and Tenpenny carry San Andreas along with Ryder. Ryder got killed cause his VA kept missing recording

>Ryder got killed cause his VA kept missing recording

Really lol? That's pretty funny if true.

Lol really? What was the planned outcome for him originally then? Interesting

Getting killed off with Big Smoke at the Final Mission in the crack house. They are based off LA Drug Dealers and Suge Knight. The one Black Man LA nigs fear

>m-muh controls
how retarded do you have to be to struggle with WASD + mouse?

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With that argument you could say Hand Simulator or Surgeon Simulator has flawless controls. Just because it's playable doesn't make it not garbage, SA improved on them there's no denying it

Because San Andreas is a genuine masterpiece along with games like Yoshi's Island. In 10 years it will still be a masterpiece until we experience a replacement. GTA V has a single city compared to SA's 3 cities.

After reading it all again I probably should've used character movement instead of controls, my bad


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vice city is better than san andreas

you just like adhering to meme opinions for Yas Forums e-cred

Sorry about your mental disability.

This has got to be the most pathetic cope I've ever seen in all my years on the chans.

>Well, you don't know what you're talking about at all
>Er.....Your OLD THO!

Excellent comeback. I would've said the same about you but in order to have brain damage you have to have a normally functioning brain to begin with, which you do not.

SA > VC > 3
SA > 3 > VC
SA > VC > 3
SA > VC > 3

>These hypocritical mental gymnastics

Lmfao, you're literally just bitching about what you just said to me.

Ah yes you must be one of these enlightened gentlemen of superior intellect. Go wash your fedora you fat intel. Bet i triggered you so hard your man boobs started to jiggle.

Because you're OUT OF TOUCH

tiny poorly designed map, death water, same shitty camera from 3
but the atmosphere is very kino. i will never forget shooting up that nightclub as an 8 year old

Lol nice.

I just played 3-vc-SA all for the first time in 2018

gotta say SA is way better. although VC clearly has most of the bones of SA,


I never said anything to you, confused child.
Nor would I care what you think about anything I say.
Get gud.

What does Yas Forums have to do with anything?

The only reason to not pick SA over any PS2 GTA is because of racism. The fact that people will shape an argument around an inferior game is ridiculous bullshit that only a racist Yas Forumstard would do

I like both just fine. SA does feel like it provides more options and variety though.

What a hasty conclusion to make. I hope you're not being serious.


>What a hasty conclusion to make
SA is a better game in every possible way, it goes way beyond contrarianism to make a post like

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It's a subjective topic. You opinion doesn't influence theirs and it doesn't automatically make them a racist somehow. I wish people would stop throwing that word around for any and everything.
>well you don't like my favorite video game so you must be a racist
God damn what a stretch. As if video game characters are even people.

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Vice City holds up the best in atmosphere

I always preferred VC
Probably because I could relate much more the the setting and references.
San Andreas always felt like I was stuck in a parody of a movie that I've never seen or heard of.

The oddest thing about this post is that while true, (being that SA is in fact basically a parody of multiple movies such as Colors, Boyz n the Hood, etc.) VC is also a glaring rip off Scarface which is why the Scarface game was 1000x better than VC was.

Yeah, but as I said, it's a parody of things I know. I get the references.
I don't get any of the SA references, so they don't do anything for me.

>San Andreas always felt like I was stuck in a parody of a movie that I've never seen or heard of.
You've never seen Boys N The Hood?

I mean, Las Venturas should be obvious. You've seen Casino and Oceans 11, surely? Either way, it's a shame. That 90s LA Gangland movie aesthetic was something else. The best thing about it is that black people saw it as empowering when all it really did was confirm every single stereotype about niggers being violent savages rightfully sequestered to their neighborhoods as true because they are.

Boyz n The Hood isn't the primary inspiration for SA by the by. Menace II Society was.

wow never seen such SHIT taste

I've never seen or heard of any of these things

Boys in the Hood, Do The Right Thing, and Easy Rider are excellent movies that you should totally watch, user.

My biggest issue with these games is that you can only do a drive-by sideways through the window, which is just a massive pain in the ass. Also the VC map was way too small.

How young are you? I mean, these are very famous movies.

In SA there's a cheat for drive-by free aim.


I'm just not a huge movie fan
The only time I ever really watch movies is when I'm on a date.

Yas Forums doesn't like hood movies so you missed the mark by a country mile


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