What was the point of this remake?

What was the point of this remake?
Does anyone even remember anything it did?
The music was insanely bad compared to the original, the graphics were forgettable and just ok, there was barely any new stuff added. The gameplay is slightly better but the game still somehow suffers from FPS dips and a lack of polish in aspects that made the original game's gameplay bad.
Is there any reason to ever play it again over the original?

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It was a 3DS game sold at a premium price

Insanely bad music is too harsh. A few songs like the second half of Mabe Village and the Sword Search, but I can't understand the thought process behind a lot of the remixes (the boss themes sounding like splatoon music or the title screen having ear grating flutes)

>Is there any reason to ever play it again over the original?
not unless you’re a zoomer who can’t “get into” old graphics

The point was to have something to fill the main series gap.

This would've been a 3DS remake a couple years ago.

And no, the dungeons aren't that great and can't be shared online unlike SMM2 (which is asinine since I'm pretty sure they were trying to test if there was a desire for a Zelda maker meaning no online was sure to shoot them in the foot). Lack of dpad use alone make the DX version the only one you need.

A Link Between World was a 3DS game that I'd have paid $60 to play in HD
This game isn't even worth $20

Nintendo needed another cheap rehash to pad out the switches library

Developers know they can just shit out this kind of garbage that's basically identical to the original with two quality-of-life improvement and a different graphical style and it'll sell, as long as people will continue to support this kind of lazy practice, it will continue, I wish we got more "remakes" in the vein of zero mission, games that take ideas from the original work, and make something new and interesting with it, the way movies do it.

It was fun. Hope they show off the Oracle remakes soon.

That's just what A Link Between Worlds did. Honestly I wouldn't have minded that with this game.

It was made so kiddies with switches could enjoy a good game
Not all games are made for you you absolute fucking nigger

Agreed, I'm actually replaying it now and still enjoying it

Right, that's a good example.

>No ALBW sequel that reimagined LA with all new dungeons and full nonlinearity, or one that had a fully original map and had 8 new dungeons you could complete in any order with a compact, but fully open map
Maybe someday...

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Grezzo's whole thing is remaking Zelda games and they thought they could make a fairly accurate, improved 3D version of LA. They mostly nailed it.

to put annoying diagonal controls in my 4-directional game

ALBW sucked despite the cool gimmick. I'm glad EAD isn't wasting its time on remakes-turned-demisequels anymore.

It's also because the developers are going down the list. Next up is a remake of Wind Waker or Zelda 1.

It was for children, you retard

I really doubt they'll ever bother to remake those given they aren't "real" Zelda.

I hate that they have a fucking analog stick but they made the movement 8 directional. It made the game feel more clunky than a 3DS game.

The point is that Nintendo can't put out an AAA game every month so they need to have some games that are just decent, fun things. If you don't want a 6/10 (not on the retarded critics scale) game don't buy one. I enjoyed it personally.

If they went full analog it would completely alter game balance. Look at Adventures of Mana if you don't believe me.

>The music was insanely bad compared to the original

The GB version is one of my favourite games ever. A near perfect slice of game design.

I replay it every year like a tradition.

Now I have this absolutely gorgeous remake with all sorts of gameplay improvements. I can play it on my 50"tv in the lounge or swap instantly to handheld and take it to bed.

I never need to go back to shitty emulators ever again. Feels good.

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It's a goddamn insult to the original game
Literally the ONLY reason to play the remake over the original is the improved item hotkeys, but even then they still fucked that up by making the dpad completely useless

It's a $20 game at best. Even if they had included the two oracle games (which still baffles me that they weren't included) the $60 pricetag would still be pushing it since stuff like the crash and spyro trilogy remakes go for $40

t. Piratefag that finished the game in 5 hours and still prefer the original version

>It was for children, you retard

A 25 year old children's game is better than 99% of all video games ever made.

Really makes you think.

This. Seethers gonna seethe.

Holy fuck, i can't believe people paid 60 bucks for this game, 60 FUCKING BUCKS.
Nintendo drones are absolute bunch of dumbasses

I paid 80 bucks for the special edition.

Its an amazing game. One of my favourite games of all time. Continue being upset lol

I got it as a gift and I love it. It’s a lot easier than I remember but it’s still solid

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I love the game. It's such a fun, bite sized Zelda that tries new things while still feeling traditional. I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I would play it over BOTW myself

>wind waker

why would they remake a game that they "remastered" like 3 years ago

>nintendorks: who cares about graphics?
>also nintenfags: *pays $60 to update their old gameboy game to have new graphics*

>since stuff like the crash and spyro trilogy remakes go for $40
I do like the crash games but please don't imply those games were cheaper because the publisher was being "nice." I mean holy shit they were published by fucking activision. Only EA and Ubisoft are worse than them. They were cheaper because it was the only way they would sell. Both games are platformers (2.5D and 3D respectively) and those genres are very unpopular and pretty much dead outside of Mario and indie games. This game carries the popular Zelda IP and is in a genre people still enjoy, action/adventure games. Personally I would have liked it to be priced lower, but that's not how pricing works. Price is a simple function of supply and demand. And in the video game industry where supply is inherently unlimited (digital copies), demand is all that determines price.

>pays $60 to update their old gameboy game to have new graphics

Don't forget all the gameplay improvements, enhancements and modern convenience of being on a Switch. Stay mad lol

>Holy fuck, i can't believe people paid 60 bucks for this game, 60 FUCKING BUCKS.
Why? I enjoyed it more than Luigi's Mansion 3 and Pokemon Sword. Hell I enjoyed it more than Smash bros.

GREZZO wanted to ruin another classic zelda game

>there was barely any new stuff added
This game doesn't need anything new. The color dungeon felt tacked on when I played it on the GBC in the 90's and the dungeon maker feels tacked on now. Despite that feeling I love both of them.

Fuck you, you're not "real"

I'd have liked a "Link's Awakening" remake to be done in the engine they used for Breath of the Wild, and have it be an open world game. With Koholint being an island, they could now render it in a 1:1 scale and really flesh it out. It'd have the familiar locations from the gameboy version, but now showcased in a totally new way. Start the island off as a tropical paradise and gradually turn it into a storm-wracked, dangerous, volcanic island as the nightmare overtakes it before Link wakes the Wind Fish.

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>gameplay improvements
Such as? It's literaly a 1:1 remake user, but they made the item menu less of a chore. Also, have fun using your drifting analog stick in a game where you can only move in 8 directions anyway

No such thing
>b-b-b-bbut you now have bottles, that completely makes the remake worth it!

>modern convenience of being on a Switch
Yes, because nintendo is too jewish to add virtual console to play the original superior game. Also, retroarch is a thing on the switch if you don't have brain damage

Remake is shit, they removed the photo sidequest which now makes the game S O U L L E S S

They wanted a low effort Zelda release

>I'd have liked a "Link's Awakening" remake to be done in the engine they used for Breath of the Wild, and have it be an open world game.
That would require an enormous budget and Nintendo EPD to develop the game with the help of monolith soft. Why would Nintendo devote that many resources to a remake of a gameboy game?

It was an alright remake, worth playing. I forgot it existed not long after though.

For Whom The Bell Croaks was wonderful too.

Ah yes, splatoon singing and screeching flutes, just what the original composers were thinking of when making the Gameboy music.
When the music wasn’t trying to sound like Yoshi’s New Island it was actually listenable, it’s just that that’s a small portion of the soundtrack. They clearly wanted to experiment with the music to fit the art style but the songs that just went with basic orchestra or string quartets are the only ones that sound good.

'cause it would be a worthwhile game that could take the core design of Breath of the Wild and transform into another new, memorable experience.

Or instead they could make a new Zelda game (botw 2) and sell 20 million copies.

>It's the same except these improvements
>Enjoy joystick drift that won't matter because of the mentioned 8 way movement.
>The original is superior even though I just said the remake is better.

>It's literaly a 1:1 remake user

No it isn't lol


The music is a double edged sword. The bad remixes are goddamn awful and make you want to rip your eardrums out but the good ones are perfection.

I honestly think they made this game to establish a new engine for a four swords remake. Which i’d like a lot

It's been seven, user.

>Synths that have existed forever are now "Splatoon singing" because a popular game autotuned song to sound similar.
>Flutes that aren't MIDI are "screeching"
I think you have a serious cognitive bias.

user Triforce Heroes exists. Nintendo wont remake FS when they can just make a new TH game.

H-has it really been 7 years since WWHD

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Grezzo isn't Nintendo, it's been almost a decade, etc.

Shut up, nigger.

It contains a 'Zelda Maker' prototype.

Triforce Heroes was a critical and commercial dud.
It's Grezzo's first jump into HD, so kinda.

That’s exactly what I mean though. The start of the song is fucking obnoxious sounding but then becomes good once the strings and horns come in and they get rid of the fucking music box. Too many of the songs are like this where they just feel the need to include an obnoxious section to an otherwise good song

>when it doesn't have the photo sidequest


Also, the drift can still happen even if the game is locked to 8 way movement you shit head.

>The music was insanely bad compared to the original
WRONG! That's the most obvious tell that someone hasn't actually played this game.


Do you understand the music is supposed to sound strange and fantastical because the game is not real?

the music was pretty good. that one dungeon theme was fucking amazing and so was the song the bitch always plays

>character only has 8 movement directions unlike full 360 like in link between worlds
>no d pad support
what the fuck were they thinking?

I love the way the game mixes synth with live instruments.

Modern Nintendo are legit the last people on earth that deserve the copyrights to Nintendo products.

Nintendo didn't make this game. They only make 2 games a year and they're consistently amazing.


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I always felt that the Gameboy Zelda music was going for an 8bit orchestra thing so maybe that’s why I don’t like the direction of it, dream world or not.

>Feature not in the original
>Game actually recreates half of them in HD anyway, most notably Link and Marin on the cliff.
>DX DOESN'T have the dungeon maker, but is somehow superior because you could see link next to a Zora if you hooked up a Gameboy Printer.

You'e just a massive pleb, bro. It's okay, some people just have taste and others don't, you lost out.
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