How do I reignite my passion for vidya?

How do I reignite my passion for vidya?

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get some friends cunt


I was expecting one of those spring-loaded boxing mitts

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Just take a step back for a while. It happened to me a few years ago, and i just did other things. Eventually, something came out that i was hyped for, and then it all came back.


This but unironically

What console is that?

Based boomer

It looks like a Gamecube but I'm probably wrong and retarded

Atari Jaguar

It's the jaguar you fucking zoomer

She's fucking Tyrone on the side

The clue of what the Gamecube looks like is in the name.

Give it a rest for some time and when you come back and enjoy just playing a game you'll feel right at home.

Look how happy she is that he's happy

Is this what it's like to be a normie bros

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The new atari console. Atari user, it's time.

Play fewer games and have other hobbies. If games are what you default to in your free time, of course you'll lose passion for them. But when you DECIDE to play a game, you'll enjoy it much more. Make it an active choice.

Nissan Primera

Yes, but you don’t want such an empty life

What's it like to have a gf?

seconding this, it brings back that childlike sense of wonder and creativity when gaming.

Okama Gamesphere

It's all about communication.

When your wife's boyfriend buys you a console or a video game, make sure you establish when and how long you are allowed to play. This makes it easier for you to set attainable in-game goals for yourself.

Just remember to be considerate, because your passion should not interfere with theirs! Keep the volume down!

After your wife is satisfied, invite her boyfriend over for a fun multiplayer game!

Keep this in mind, and I'm sure your love for video games will be rekindled!

No that's what it's like to have people care for you.

God I wish that console was me

How do I get a gf that loves me and gets happiness from my enjoyment?

Mutt's law

Play new games. I'm pretty sure you're set on that 'old good new bad' mindset.

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awww yeah

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Not recognizing Commodore 64,
jesus everyone on this board is 12.

Commodore 64

Soul crushing

>you don't want an empty life

I'd bet a nickel that your life isn't fulfilling and its also very cynical and sad

This nigga right here.
I've got a kid now so not a tremendous amount of time to game but whenever I do now I go fucking hard and it just hits me more.
Played the FFVII demo and shit had me teary eyed.

The gf being so happy and excited for him is what really breaks me

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My life is pretty solid don’t try any of that psychobabble shit I’m not a loser

For me it's random games, like I got a vita and played P4G and fell back into jrpgs after a few decades. Or I played Sleeping Dogs recently and it's just so great I want to keep playing games to find ones as good as that.

All you fucking have to do is just TAKE A BREAK. Just a few days/weeks or even months.

Why are people making the problem seem bigger than it is? The amount of chemical rushes video games give us is like a drug and have to go cold turkey to get it back.

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Salty bags of milky coins

gamer console

shes only excited because a camera is present and we totally gotta look fab for the insta followers babe!

Play older games. The guy in the webm even got a N64. That should tell you something.

Play only what you like and not just to fill up time in your day. Quality over quantity is the key.
I work 4-5 days a week and have college too, i look forward to my time I get with video games a lot due to this.

what worked for me was learning to avoid MMO's as they are a time sink with a low satisfaction rate comapred to the time investment, learn to appreciate some indie titles and older games that may have flew under your radar as I guarantee there will be some that you will love and have looked over or missed.


>'old good new bad' mindset.
But it's true for 99% of games released last decade. They unironically should have stopped making games in 2007, it's all downhill from there

Pause at 00:10
He looks pissed


why do fat people wear dress shirts? looks terrible

It's obviously a PS3

Enough about people liking Sony games back to defending retarded nintendildos

t. twig

this sounds appealing, what drugs do you like to do when you vidya game?

What's empty about the OP webm? Honestly sounds like projection.

I am kinda overweight and I avoid them

Why? I wear white oxford shirts all the time and I'm 5'10 and 160 pounds.

how do i get an autistic gf like that?

I used to be tired of games, but then I decided to check out some of the big games from the past that I kept hearing other kids talk in school but never played myself. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate, Metal Gear Solid etc. I played them all 20+ years later of their release and I finally understand what the fuss was about back then and it puts things in new perspective. Sounds strange but it actually worked for me.

>getting a console you can easily play its 10 games on a Wii, 3DS, or Wii-u
>muh rare

Then you should know that nothing looks good on fat people.

that girls reaction is so cute and so is the guy's honestly, but i couldn't shake the feeling it was her disabled brother or something. still cute regardless.

If you're buying a lot of them then my first suggestion would be to stop. Only get the ones you really feel you need, rather than all the ones you get FOMO for.

Recently saw someone talking about something here in regards to backlogs that made me think about that and I honestly think it is harmful at least to me.

As a kid I grew up poorfag and I used to mainly just play one series with a few other (4 - 6 maybe) a year besides. Now that one's gone to shit and I find myself just buying everything to try to fill the hole. It isn't working.

I'll probably never take my own advice because I'm a fucking idiot and I don't know how to stop just buying everything I want now that I have the ability but I think if I could ever do so it would help me a lot.

For starters finding people/things that do that for you. What right do you have to demand it if you don't feel the same for others?

How do I get friends? I have none...

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Weed is your best bet, and safest. cant OD on it. its legal all over parts of NA and its relatively cheap. i suggest getting a THC vape. that way theres no awful weed smell and you can use it indoors.

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Be an autistic man apparently

But it's really not. You'll be surprised by how better games nowdays actually are once you'll stop living in the past for a second.

Imagine being this cynical and broken. How miserable

Haha look at that loser with his pretty girlfriend who loves him and is happy to see him happy

true, but other stuff looks less bad. since dress-shirts are not flexible at all, the fat presses against the shirt and looks very noticeable

This is a board about VIDEO GAMES, not your mother.

grow a personality outside of being a bitter jaded Yas Forumstard that cringes at anybody having fun

Stop animeposting, firstly...

>less free time

Oddly enough this can help. If your time is precious you give vidya max attention and tend to stay away from timesinks that ate up your time with filler when you had more free time.

Work colleagues or college / university are good places. Or local gamibng groups that would arrange meets on facebook or the likes.

Sega Genesis

It's the first Xbox zoom zoom

That's clearly the PS5. Why else would he be excited? He's got the only one on the market.

Every new game I try, I end up refunding or putting in a box. It always goes like this
>looks okay, order it
>start the game
>get to title screen
>stare at it for a minute
>turn it off and put it back in case
>past title screen, turn it off anyways after a cutscene
Then I'll start another game, repeat, and do this about 6 or 7 times before giving up for the day. The only new games I managed to play were re-releases of older games like FFXII and X.

Bruh, she's cucking him with chad and Tyrone on the regular


How short is that dude? He looks like a midget.

Who is filming this

I don't even know what you mean babe

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His friends who love him.

Nintendo 64

Why would you ever offer a console with no game to someone?
That's just devilish.

Ps2 modedd

Tyrone his wife’s boyfriend

his wifes boyfriend

These two ways in which the brain operates, responsive and reactive, green and red, are the foundation of human nature. We have no choice about the vital needs the brain serves—avoiding harms, approaching rewards, and attaching to others—nor about its capacity to be in either mode, green or red. Our only choice is which mode we’re in. (See Table 4 for a comparison of the two modes.)
Living under the shadow of danger and pain, hunger and loss, and social aggression and humiliation, primates and early humans evolved a brain that is prone to crave and suffer in order to survive. When conditions were harsh, most individuals died young, and bands feared and fought each other, the short-term benefits of the reactive mode outweighed its long-term costs. But these days, when conditions are better, people want a long and healthy life, and billions of us need to live cooperatively together, the costs of the reactive mode greatly outweigh its benefits. In effect, one of the brain’s major design features for passing on genes is now a design flaw, a “bug,” in the twenty-first century. What can you do about it?
Going red feels bad emotionally, shifts perspectives negatively, and impairs learning. It sucks up resources that could have been used for pleasure and ease, and for personal healing and growth. It makes us hunker down, muzzle self-expression, and dream smaller dreams. It promotes problematic self-soothing or “self-medicating” through overeating, drugs and alcohol, video games, or pornography. Meanwhile, your body’s stress reactions halt long-term building and repair. The red zone feels bad because it is bad. Its unpleasantness is a primal signal that you should leave it as fast as you can and avoid it if possible.
We shouldn’t underestimate the growing impact of reactive experiences.

TL:DR: You need to be overall happy. Video games is a mechanism to cope with lonilness, rejection etc..

Do Americans really?

Yes you are.

This. Play action games as well. Games that facilitate player growth vs character growth are more satisfying especially if you have limited free time.

This is the response you were looking for huh

>how better games nowdays actually are once you'll stop living in the past
Old good new bad is a realisation I only came to around 6 months ago after the torrent of tripe being released over the decade.

>That shift from confusion and bewilderment to joy

Good stuff

Clearly a gamecube

Fighting games are pretty gud for this is if you go in with the right mindset.

they recently legalized it where i live and i bought a prerolled joint that's high thc but i'm afraid to try it because i'm a really anxious person. i really want to enjoy vidya again.

All this blacked cuckold shit is definitely a mutt thing.

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Getting excited over a Nintendo console?
Sheeeeeeit that nigga's gay.

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What's with this sudden obsession over cuckolding?

>tfw no autistic gf

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you just know


It's euro hours

>grow a personality
you meant to say kill any personality and like popular shit to fit in faggot