Games for this feel?

Games for this feel?

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Not pictured: No time, no energy, no motivation.

I don't have friends, a gf, goals achieved or a pet

this image has to have purposefully been constructed as bait

what tea and cookies though bro?

>No workouts, no hobbies, no sleep, no healthy food

Hey OP, geniune question, do you get a kick out of spamming Yas Forums with threads like this every day? What's it for, is it an attempt to drag down posters to the same emotional level as you are?

wow thanks picture my depression is now gone

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It wasn't, the artist was just extremely self-centred

>You're not depressed, you're whatever I draw on this piccolo treatment picture.

Depression quest

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>he has good friends

Some people have all the luck and STILL """""suffer"""" from depression...

Literally the only thing on that picture I have is tea. And shitty bulk-buy tea at that.


You've almost reached the true enlightenment of realizing that almost everything the world sold you as the key to happiness was a meme. Sex, money, pets, entertainment, it's all a meme that need new submemes to maintain the memellusion.

If you got depressed, you wont even turn the pc to shitpost on Yas Forums, a depession is a serius shit
I hope every depression poster gets his real depression

litteraly the only thing keeping me alive
I'm terrified of losing them

Is this the blog thread? 'cause I'm gonna blog
I got kicked off my course and I abandoned most of my friends because we weren't that close and now I'm back home where I do nothing all day because I don't know anyone and trying to join societies at the local university is pretty difficult because my local university just happens to be the highest-rated university in the world. Oh and also my parents found my diary where I wrote about how I almost killed myself so now they're worried sick and I've gotta see a doctor.

>tfw I have none of those things

I guess i'm depressed and also a loser.

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Depression is literally just laziness masquerading as victimhood, you need to grow up and act like a man.

IMO good friends are the only thing which brings true happiness. You're still fucked if your brain just decides to fuck up its chemistry, but besides that.

fucking do something, stop being a crybaby

That's pretty funny user. Thanks for sharing.

I'm trying nigga, I'm trying
No problem.

Not entirely true, depression is a mental illness state.

killing yourself is the most beta thing you can do

i have none of that

Love yourself and other people will do

I only have pets and tea with cookies


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>good friends
i have exactly 2 internet friends and no real ones
>goals achieved
i'm dropping out of college after wasting 6 years because i'm literally too stupid to pass any class that starts with 3
>someone who loves you
i've never had a romantic relationship or sex and my family lives thousands of miles away and never speak to me
place i rent at doesn't allow them and i can't afford to move anywhere that would
>tea and cookies
i had a binge eating problem that made me 450 pounds, i have now lost 200 pounds but at the cost of literally never being able to enjoy food again because i now feel intense self-loathing whenever i eat anything

in short, normal people have no particular reason to feel depressed but it's perfectly reasonable for unwanted human refuse to feel accurately about their shitty, pointless lives

Well user, depression is a serious shit, not a mental state

Good advice, white suburban mom in their 40s

I only have PHD in applied physics from this picture and Im few months away from wizardhood. I hate authors like that, trivializing real problems.

Nobody want me, nobody will and the only thing keeping me from killing myself is the fact that mother and grandparents need me and my help.

Well, think about why the fuck you are in that situation and change it, maybe you are the problem and you should do something with your life

>keeping a diary

but also will yourself into a hobby or sport, it'll be good for you, best of luck.

>Good friends
Don't have
>Goals achieved
Never happened
>Some who loves you
Don't have
>Tea and cookies
>Pet who is happy to see you

Now what?

Nobody loves me and I lost my job and friends but
>videogames 8h a day
>no fit
>no sleep
>no healthy food
>not nice person

Games for this feel?

Attached: Gauntlet-Dark-Legacy.jpg (768x768, 88.9K)

Looks like we got ourselves Dr. Phil in this thread, glad you could join us Doctor.

I've been doing some boardgames and I'm gonna get back into bouldering. It's just a bit intimidating 'cause everything's tied to the university and I'm not a student, and because of the nature of the uni a lot of clubs don't let you in if you're not one of them.
You're right it's gay af, my roommate convinced me to start one and she's a huge homo. I shoulda seen it coming.

>love myself
>people are disgusted by me and I get arrested for public indecency

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Want to hear my joker impression?

Disco Elysium

Attached: 1582460631796.png (700x644, 602.23K)

>Post literally states that he lost 200 pounds
>>Durrrr bro do something!!
i hope all normies just spontaneously combust one day

Should have been drinking Pokemon creatures

And Im sure that I will never find a girl that would accept my interests in video games, photography, anime and plastic models. And Im nearly 30 for fuck sake, where people at age of 20 are already married and girls above 22-25 already have kids.

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from the thumbnail i thought that girl had a hyper exaggerated ass

If a diploma is a goal then that's pretty pathetic. They practically hand those out.


cause videogames, taking photos, watching anime and building hg gunpla are not hobbies, these are jsut entertainment products that doesnt teach you anything, just a waste of time


If you're being serious, Hammerwatch is pretty solid Gauntlet.

What's a "real hobby" then oh enlightened user?


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dudes I have absolutely nothing to give to a girl but I want a QT girlfriend
You are worst than girls

What do you think hobbies are?

make me open blender
I need to learn

Ew what's that gross shit on the right?

something that improve you, plastic models will be aceptable if you use them to learn painting and mecanics
its watching anime a hobbie? my god

I will look into this, thank you. I've been replaying Dark legacy for years and wondering why we never got another game like it. It's my favorite game ever and it's like the last of its kind to my knowledge.

>something that improve you
Define "improvement"
Artistic hobbies haven't filled the void at all, all they do is ramp up my self-loathing when I realize that I will never create anything of worth regardless of how many hours I put in.

yes. do you need a dictionary?

>it's another fresh out of highschool user thinks he has it bad thread


>think I'm unable to finish my degree because I just lack work ethic
>attempt to buckle down and really push myself to get through it
>end up wasting 3 more years of my life before coming to the realization that no, I'm really just too stupid, I do not have the brainpower to attain a degree
>admitting this to my family caused them to cut all contact with me because they're all intellectuals, my own mother told me that she can't believe her child would be incapable of attaining a degree and she now sees me as a fundamentally worthless person
>no longer receive any support whatsoever from them, end of reasonably comfortable permastudent lifestyle that they would have supported indefinitely because they're rich and "he's so smart but he just lazy and needs to mature"
>first self-improvement attempt result: torpedoed entire lifestyle and relationship with my family

>second attempt: dating, people laugh at my jokes, surely I can attract a woman
>go on dating apps
>hideous appearance causes me to get virtually no matches
>those I get ghost me because I turn out to be a tremendously boring person who can only be funny by insulting others or myself, which is not the attractive kind of funny
>no success whatsoever, have still never been on a date
>attempt 2 result: self-image destroyed, looking at myself in the mirror now makes me consider suicide

>attempt 3: surely my failure was because of how fucking fat I am, time to diet
>year and a half of hell, continuous torture of hard calorie restriction, eventually resort to abusing stimulants
>success? lost 200 pounds
>fat no longer hiding my frame or facial features, turns out I'm ugly as fuck underneath, and I have shitloads of grotesque loose skin
>result: no hope, being fat was not actually the problem, improved health now means that heart attack will not free me from my flesh prison for an extra 20ish years

self-improvement allows you to reach your potential, but I have none

>goals achieved
big kek

Hobbies are basically a waste of time. They're not necessarily meant to improve yourself or to eventually turn a profit. They're just something someone enjoys doing for the sake of it. If my hobby is painting, it doesn't mean I'm trying to be a master or to eventually sell them. I might just enjoy it and that's it.

Start up blender faggot

Attached: Top Comf.png (325x748, 22.79K)

well, at least you learn something, what the fuck do you learn about watching little girls?

a guy or tranny definitely drew this. girls have no idea what it means to be lonely

>something that improve you
oh god i'm gonna improoooooooove
Improvement is a gay reason to do anything other than take care of your health. Do things because they're fun. Watch anime, analyse it, talk about it, engage with it -- but do so because it's fun, not because it improves you. Same for rock climbing, painting, reading, or learning a language.

Painting is a hobbie, like building electronic shit like arduino or just designing shitty models for 3dprint
You improve and you can learn something from someone, work in projects or just help another ones
Watching movies is a waste of time, just like videogames

It's spelt hobby if it's singular

>do one thing
>am miserable the whole time but "improve myself" in a way that doesn't benefit me or anyone else
>do other thing
>somewhat enjoy myself and take my mind of shit for a short time
Also it's not like you can't do both.

Lmao, kill yourself user

>used to play this on ps2 with my cousin and my dad
good times. why is there no modern version of Gauntlet?

>talk about it, engage with it
there is nowhere good to talk about anime. Yas Forums is just full of Yas Forums-tier shitpostery now.

Hahahaha how the fuck is depression real hahahaha nigga just be happy like nigga stop being sad.

>watching movies is a waste of time
jesus christ i can't stand this faggoty board anymore today

>do one thing
>am miserable the whole time but "improve myself" in a way that doesn't benefit me or anyone else
So, why the fuck are you doing that thing
>smoke crack
>get nothing
>wtf i cant get girls

It seems to be more of a traditional gauntlet tribute, instead of dark legacy spacifically, but I'll still give it a go, it does seem quality regardless.

Firstly, leisurely wasting time is a great thing for humans to do. You shouldn't do it too much, but in moderation it's essential.
Secondly, watching films and properly engaging with them is absolutely "improving" yourself. If you're sufficiently poncy about it, anyway.
There's a few threads which are good, ocassionally. You're right that I'm not talking about seasonal anime or shonenshit or most cgdct.

based npc chad

Because fucks like you keep telling me to do it because it'll apparently grant me happiness and a magical sense of fulfillment.

>normalniggers seriously think they're depressed
try having no gf, no friends, no pets, no goals and no diploma, and being an alky on top of everything with noticeable DT
fuck the faggot who made that pic

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yeah I thought about that after posting, which is definitely fair. Iunno, I played quite a bit of different guantlets, really enjoyed Hammerwatch's 2 campaigns. Was gonna play some of the user created stuff but never got around to it.

>watching films and properly engaging with them is absolutely "improving" yourself.
Do you really need to see a movie to improve yourself?

Many, many years have gone by now for me (13+) where nothing really has happened. I've just laid around my room either lost in escapism, bored out of mind or silently fantasizing about suicide while feeling absolutely miserable the whole while. There's literally nothing worthwhile in my life whatsoever. Nothing enjoyable, nothing special, nothing compelling. Just nothing. And looking forward, there's zero chance this will ever change for the better. Fundamentally, there's nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to become, and no one worth the trouble of knowing. Death is hands down the best thing that could happen to someone like me.

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the artist didn't even sign the image, it's bait

>brain doesn't produce serotonin under any circumstances?
>better lift some heavy objects and put them back down

>plastic models building and painting
>"doesn't teach anything"

Do you happen to have brain damage?

>girls like x
>do z
>fuck people i want girls who like z its not my fault

You could read a book or watch a play. They're pretty similar in how they improve you.
You shouldn't be motivated by improvement, though. You should read or watch things for their intrinsic enjoyment. The improvement is just a side-effect.