What the fuck went wrong?

what the fuck went wrong?

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turns out game was shit from the start and there is nothing to do in it other than mindlessly grind same TWO (2!!) boring BGs

copyright law twitch reddit Yas Forums layering leeway batching cross realm bgs blizzard capitalism consumerism humanity god the old ones orion

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You thought you wanted it but didn't

you using 2019 instagram memes to start a thread

the game is good but once you know everything there is to do it loses its charm quickly, it's all content you've seen and played before so it's hard to find exciting, unless you really enjoy grinding with poor quest design
I tried it for a week and felt like a junkie chasing an old high

based schizo catposter

ur dad didn't pull out

its almost like wow was shit from the start

people treated the game like a job and killed all the fun it had.

>Going home Xd
Never seen so many retarded boomers chanting before.

no patch progression = soulless official nostalrius clone

Blizzard being retarded

It blows my mind how people thought even for a second that it would be different or a special experience. You already played it before and the way people play games changed.

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the players themselves killed it

naively hoping for classic+ to right the wrongs of retail. it was delusional thinking such a thing was possible. i got my fun out of classic though. it was fun for a time and the world is still beautiful in my opinion

Turns out that downgrading a game back to how it was in the mid 2000s doesn't actually turn back time to the mid 2000s
In the current environment it's impossible to replicate how old MMOs felt.

1. Vanilla was fun because it was new, most people that played WoW at the time had never played a better MMORPG like UO, EQ1, or SWG. They didnt have the knowledge that the game was piss easy, and had to figure shit out without modern game databases. Instead they had Thottbot which was almost always inaccurate.
2. The game had more emphasis on community because information was not readily available and servers were more self contained. My server, Demon Soul- US was a tight knit hate orgy of people who all were very familiar with each other. This community driven environment doesnt exist in games anymore.
3. The current state of WoW revolves around twitch and youtube personalities for everything. People who cant do basic math are suddenly the experts at the game and the game as a whole is worse for it. Whole servers are now dedicated to the praise of one person who streams from it. These morons determine how the game gets made at times by their reaction and how many people they can convince they are correct. They invaded classic WoW and pushed the "Going home" meme, then abandoned it after a week when their viewership plummeted.

The leveling was top ludum tho. However, when you near 60, then the true nature of the community shows: A bunch of obnoxious egocentric purp chasers. Even during leveling the people would get ruder as you neared 60.

So in the end, it basically became modern wow with stripped functionalities and QOL improvements.


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imagine how amazing the game would have been if they started on the 1.1 state and then went on from there
imagine how amazing server communities and rivalries would have been if the battlegrounds were server-only
imagine how amazing it would have beeb to re-experience og AV
imagine if Blizzard gave the slightest shit about the server balance and made sure pop was balanced and blizzlike

The guy was listing off things that went wrong and he ended it with "god, the old ones, orion" as a joke. The cat is the cat from Men in Black who is wearing an object they call "orion's belt" or something similar.

Faggot fuck.

The game is fun, but being ganked by a group of 50x opposite faction players isn't so fun.


Not sure how fucking up mangaging a hearthstone tournament affected an entirely different game

>Warcraftlogs says almost a quarter of guilds logging raids have been filtered in BWL
How does this happen?

the cost of black lotus for me
i farmed like crazy to make sure i wouldnt have to farm anymore but in every zone there is like 6 guys camping it and the life savings you made would barely cover three raids i lost all enthusiasm

>what the fuck went wrong?

"""""people"""""" like you

this. also, alterac valley

can you elaborate on that?

autistic minmaxers

>think you do

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you thought you did but you didn't

>what the fuck went wrong?
Clueless nostalgia fags is what went wrong.

Vanilla might have had some cool stuff like broken (read: fun) talent builds and items and super overtuned mob aggro and difficulty... BUT, the rest of the game fucking sucked hard e.g.
>Next to no endgame content.
>Extremely simplistic boss mechanics.
>Huge time commitments required for raids.
>Huge time commitments required for dungeons.
>Bullshit low drop rates.
>Terrible itemization.
>Very poorly designed pve combat skills for several classes/talent trees.
>Atrocious class balance.
>Atrocious pvp balance.
>Boring as fuck questing.
>Lack of quests from 55 to 60, requiring significant grinding.
>Absolutely abysmal pvp maps.
>Weapon skills

Faggots just chose to ignore the 99.9% of the game that was absolute dogshit and focused on the 0.1% that they remembered being cool and challenging.

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Unless youre the tank do you really need to?

>t. seething retardin


you HAVE to go back.

I like the game
It's fun :)

>you HAVE to go back.
found the redditor lmao


i thought i did, i know i did, and i still do. what blizzard gave us is a cucked, obamafied rendition of what private servers already offered. they deliberately sabotaged classic because they're too arrogant to accept that their old design and management philosophies were objectively better

Nothing? Classic WoW is a massive success by every metric
Is this entire thread just an echo chamber?

>W-we're going home, bros...

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please tell me this is not real.

>all these doomers mad they arent having fun in wow bc they are likely minmaxing like autists and ruining any fun to be had in return to clear raids as quickly as possible.
im having pretty fun playing a ret pally in a normie guild. we can still clear all content but it takes long than an hour.

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bowel/colon cancer waiting to happen

>ZG in April
>Instead of splitting the group in any way that makes sense we are doing a draft
>Our two dedicated tanks going through picks from pools to make sure they dont create a non-functioning raid group
>Choose an offtank, then a healer, then X dps, then a healer etc
Fuck this schoolyard bullshit

Kept saying wow is shit ever since i was 14. Y'all did this to yourselfs

>flasking in BWL
never gonna make it

>OT for my guild
>randomly stop playing one day and unsub

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Nostalgia high isn't sustainable in the long term

>1/4 guilds havnt downed Nef
>Most of those havnt even SEEN Nef
How do these guilds not get poached
How are these guilds staying together to keep attempting it
How is BWL even a filter

>mfw fags think there will be vanilla+/TBC

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old shitty game that was good for it's time
if you're old enough to have played classic you should've been also mature enough to know blizz was right with "you think you do but you don't"

Turns out it really was a solved game afterall!

>Alex had to work night shift on launch night
>Jeremy's girlfriend wanted to see a movie
>Evan looks at Twitter on his phone literally every every five minutes even though he gets single digit engagement at most on all his tweets
>Travis smells bad, is awkward to talk to, and hasn't changed since the old days in all the worst ways
>but we are DOING THIS THING for old time's sake, it's gonna be epic
>sit around heating junk food while 15,209th in the queue and calling it a night at 11:37 PM

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What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Yas Forums. Explain yourselves. Wtf happened? Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yas Forums so much? Yas Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Yas Forums suddenly hates X, what happened? Find a flaw. Apologize Yas Forums!. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me Yas Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on this guy. What was his endgame? Whas it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. Will you protect her smile Yas Forums? Just played this, what did I think of it? *blocks your path* Here's your controller bro! Oh no no no no no no *breathes in*. What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! People fell for the X meme. *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP* This is your ____for tonight. This is ____ say something nice about him/her. *Inhales*. X is in. X was never good. X killed millions!. X is a cute! A cute!. How do you respond without sounding mad? Games for that feel?. One copy of X, please. *tink tink tink* AHEM!. Cunny thread!. *random twitter pic* kek. *reaction gif* >objective: survive. Enemy can open doors. The absolute STATE of ____!. Yikes! Cringe. Cope. Seething. Dilate. Have sex. You have to go back. X...home. 20XX...I am...forgotten.... Best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread. Why yes, I only play X how could you tell?

BWL filters guilds with shitty tanks, shitty tank healers, and DPS that doesn't understand how threat works

Hey guys want to play an RPG, a genre where half the fun of gameplay comes from trying new stat point builds and seeing if they will work.

Wait nevermind, this game is a solved formula. No fun allowed. You need to follow a guide online to get any groups. Playing WoW Classic is like playing a color by numbers book.

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People thought they could become famous off of 15 year old world firsts so that they can make money playing video games like method does

imagine paying 15 a month for a private server experience

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Everyone wanted to try to become just like the heroes of all their favorite nostalgiafag greentexts to fill the void in their lives only for streamers to be the sole people to get any attention paid to

I had fun leveling but since I don't have the time available to commit to raids I pretty much lost all interest in the game the second I dinged 60

Obamafied is a word i've never heard before lmao good one

Classic only having 3 viable classes and people grossly overestimating its difficulty

what the fuck are purple doritos

>Wait nevermind, this game is a solved formula. No fun allowed. You need to follow a guide online to get any groups.
That is an a problem inherent to all hotbar mmos though, since that type of gameplay will always be too limited and mechanical for an individual's performance with a sub-optimal build to beat the output of an optimal build.
Unless world of warcraft 2 comes along and shakes up the genre with a skill-based combat system (no chance, given nu-blizzard), this will always be how mmos are until the genre fades into obscurity with the likes of RTS and AFPS.



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>Lok'tar Ogar

People seeking clout from accomplishments that were already 15 years old and getting burnt out of the game forcing blizz to have to release content sooner which was cleared unsurprisingly not even an hour afterwards by people hoping to be immortalized by their speedruns, which is also why nobody speaks in dungeons

Spicy Sweet Chili and probably the best flavor

basically a retail server for streamers to have control over
nobody gives a fuck about that game who plays solo or with their friends

not a fan of sweet chili. cant you keep your sugar in literally everything else and let me have spicy food?

adhd zoomers wanna play their arcade retail

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