How long did it take you to learn Japanese so you could play j-games?
Gaming in Japanese
Part of me wants to learn, but I don't really consume nearly enough Japanese media for it to be worth it and I wouldn't use the skill for anything else really.
I never have and have no desire to, I refuse to learn a language with an obtuse writing system
I kinda can't stand how society glorifies the learning of languages as this really really important skill. Unless you are moving to a place where you intend to live the rest of your life, and you have about 40+ years left, I really don't see the point.
In a world that's getting more and more globalized (like it or not, it is happening) English will very soon be all you -really- need. And it kinda already is. If I travel anywhere in the world and they do not at least have a functional grasp on the English language I'm pretty sure I don't care what they're saying anyway.
Learning an entire language just to intake one medium might be the dumbest use of time I think I've ever heard in my life.
but all those were released in english
While you aren't entirely incorrect (it is very glorified, and learning a language for something as niche as video games or anime is retarded) I don't know if I agree with your conclusion. English has been the dominant language in most of the civilized world thanks to the British empire, which is now long-fucking-gone. If things keep up the way they are the future isn't English, it's Chinese. And let me tell you, the chinks do not give a fuck how good your English-speaking abilities are.
Of course there is always coronachan, a fun nuclear war or some other disaster that could change where the future is headed but if we stay the current course your grandkids are going to learn nihao.
I took Japanese in high school but only remember 10% of it. That being said, it was pretty fun. I still buy Japanese games I can play every once in awhile, since they are so much cheaper than their American counter part
I don't play garbage games that give me the corona
buena suerte compañero
It's really easy to say this if English is your native tongue. In my case, Spanish, English opens up so many possibilities. Just googling the same stuff in Spanish and English is enough proof of that.
English classes are compulsory in Chinese schools
10% is really all you need to play games?
The voice acting in the first Resident Evil was in English, even in the Japanese version. The text is in Japanese, but there's so little text that you can bumble through without reading anything.
source: I played Biohazard in Japanese
My point was I don't know any Japanese at all basically and can't read it. Even so, playing a game like Resident Evil is more than possible since I have beat it enough times.
some time
About two years to be comfortable reading Japanese games, but I still struggle with the more complex ones and most non-voiced VNs.
No, don't listen to the sub N5 seanigger. You will be able to after a year of daily studying, though.
it depends on how much time you dedicate to it
it took me 2 years to get the N1
i would say that if you have N2 level of comprehension you will be fine with most of the Japanese games aside from VN
typical native English speaker lol
I would genocide every Chinese city before I would learn Chinese. I'll learn Japanese for fun, but FUCK China
>it took me 2 years to get the N1
how the heck
what route did you take?
>it took me 2 years to get the N1
That's pretty impressive, are you Chinese perchance? Usually the people that get to N1 in such a short time are Chinese people due to kanji knowledge. How did you score on the test?
laughing my ass off
Does anyone know a decent way to learn to understand and speak Japanese for a beginner? I'm going to be going there in a few months and figure they might appreciate a basic understanding of their language. I don't care too much about reading at the moment.
Same, I'm going there mid June and need as much as I can
I'm going to be going with friends in December most likely. It sounds like a good time.
i had a student exchange program for a year in Japan so that definitely helped a lot
but aside from that reading a bunch of books and coping what i thought that was useful to my notebook *writhing
If you just want to get by conversationally, and don't care about reading or writing or whatever, go with Pimsleur. It's a course that has you do 30 minutes daily audio-based lessons where you just become familiar with the sound, shadow some conversations, learn basic words and phrases, etc. There's pretty much no grammar and it's just to develop "muscle memory" to phrases and questions/answers. It's really good for people that want to become conversational without focusing on the actual grammar rules of the language. As long as you keep the 30 minutes lesson pace every day you'll be able to get by just fine.
Also don't worry too much, here there's English signs pretty much everywhere, although not many locals speak English, Google translate is actually pretty good to survive. Visiting Tokyo/Japan as a tourist with 0 language knowledge is piss easy.
The bare minimum you should do, however, is to learn at least Hiragana and Katakana, it takes like a week or two of studying and it will pay off ridiculously. Especially Katakana.
I know it since childhood. The only games I played in jp were all Yakuzas and Persona 5
>thanks to the British empire
Strange form to say United States of America
I play loads of jap games and I can't read even a lick of it. Granted I'm mostly into the sort of game that needs little dialogue, but I basically just feel my way through the menus and go.
I sort of prefer it really, as I have a weird autistic distaste for any extended dialogue. It helps me to ignore it.
Thank you for the help user. I intend to start studying reading and writing at some point but I consider speaking more important short term since as you said, the Google translate app is very good now. Any particular reason you recommend learning katakana and hiragana?
Probably because those two are the very basic of written Japanese
Chinese will never be an important international language because it's way more complicated than English. Chinese economic development has also reached a plateau. The time to learn to say nihao was up until this point. China is only going to get less relevant from this point onwards.
nice gaijin accent, whito piggu
Why is it that every time someone brings up Japanese there has to be that one guy who tries to flex his basic knowledge of the language and gets salty when someone else says they know the language as well? Why do you give a shit if someone else managed to get N1 in two years, just because you didn't? Get back to your shithole /djt/ thread and go be autistic against uppercasers somewhere else. Thanks.
Hiragana is super simple, it's just the basic "alphabet" so if you know at least that, you'll be able to read some of the simple words that haven't been put to kanji (although it's not really much, admittedly). Katakana for a foreigner who speaks English is super useful because it's basically the alphabet used to transform a lot of English/foreign words into Japanese. So if you know Katakana, you will be able to at least read a lot of the loan words which more often than not (but not always!) map 1:1 to their English counterpart. Especially in a lot of ads, food, or signs, with katakana you should be able to read them just fine.
yep i am a gaijin after all
>just because you didn't?
> ペッタンマルコちゃん
Thank you very much for the simple and concise answers. I will give Pimsleur a look tomorrow.
The fact that you're typing with that weird ass forced accent makes it even cringier. Please stop posting and go somewhere else. Call me a weeb as much as you want if that makes you feel better but I'm not the one tryharding in Japanese in an English imageboard. If you want to use Japanese go to Yas Forums or 2ch or whatever other site where people use Japanese to communicate with each other.
haha nice you got him mate
don't know what wrong with those weirdo nowdays
You see them all the time in JP learning communities. It's those bitter weebs who make learning Japanese their identity and since they want to feel special, every time they see someone else also learning Japanese they need to flex and show how better they are at the language. The more they do that, the more obvious it is that they have poor social awareness, nothing much going on in their lives, and probably haven't even been to Japan or spoken to a real Japanese person in the first place. It's a mix of social anxiety and feeling of inferiority that makes them act that way.
Just ignore them and they go away eventually.
> It's those bitter weebs who make learning Japanese their identity and since they want to feel special
Well, seems like you just perfectly described yourself faggot
you got me there
an extension of the British Empire which they eventually couldnt control
go talk to your friends then, no one gives a shit
Why would I bother learning when someone else will just translate it all for me if I wait long enough?
>someone else will just translate it
最初は文句言ってカッコつけてたくせに今度は「はい、参りました」かよww つくづくふざけた野郎だな
super composure!
over the last 30 years there havent been five videogames that were stuck in japan that I wanted.
all the good stuff I want gets localized.
fucking cringe
I think you missed the point of my post, so here's another one and hopefully you'll get it this time
why do you write like a teenage girl?
>muh plastic trash
Stopped reading
>do you have the dragon ball tracker?
gets me every time
you don't know shit about teenage girls writing, n5
>The Virgin Japanese version
>dumb ass infodumps that reduce the severity of the situation, i.e Goku's best friend being fucking killed
>The Chad American Translation
>excellent free form translation that fixes the mistakes of the original, and makes you sense the gravity of the situation from the characters' words
Sometimes the original text is just bad, especially when it comes to kid comics like this.
>original text is just bad
your shitty translation won't even exist without original, kys
What'd you think about the Super Composure one, though
>friend just brutalized to death
>Yo, you have the Dragon Radar tho right?
>sense the gravity of the situation
on several Manga trackers, I've noticed that fan TLs span years with group switching and then it takes around 4 to 5 years for someone to even pick up a series
I'd rather spend a couple years burning it into my mind because I LOVE JAPAN, PERIOD
I don't read shitty isekai, and the people who do are bottom of the barrel human trash who read shit chink crab translations and are fine with that, so you can just put any shit you like there and they'll eat it up.
>not reading isekai