Create a great romance/horror story

>create a great romance/horror story
>ruin it by shoving in unnecessary child sex/ rape scenes
What did Gen mean by this?

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cunny was the true lovecraftian horror all along

Man, the soundtrack was so good.
I still listen to it abd its been like 10+ years since I played this.

Just play with the scenes off retard.

>create 10/10 kinocest story
>shove in the S word for brownie points
Sometimes life is simply unfair.

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Are you the kind of person that complains about sex scenes in movies?

i would agree with you but
fuck off retard

But why would Husband sleep in bed with dirty whore wife instead of with nice guy Leshaun :)?

Rape scenes are Urobuchi's #1 priority. Great story is second.

>wow this story is interesting, i wonder what will happens next
>blowjob scene out of no-where when we already knew that they fucked

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go away normalfag

What fucking movie has a random blowjob scene outside of teen comedies?

Dude she just needed his cum to turn people into monsters haha, it's totally relevant to the plot h-hah

>create a shit VN
>add some (loli) porn to make it sell better, something that pretty much everyone else was doing
I don't think he meant anything.

sex is for fags i just want the story

It's a deconstruction of the VN medium / dating-sim genre.

VNs (Lets take Steins;Gate and Fate as two normie-core, popular examples) have a tendency two have these milquetoast beta "everyman" MCs who somehow end up drowning in pussy, undeservedly to boot.

Saya no Uta just recontextualizes the coomer/fan service tendencies of other VNs.

If you think it's a "great romance" story, then you completely missed the point. Saya shows the reality of what the ideal waifu archetype would look like. Not a cute high schooler desperate for sex with a loser MC for no reason, an eldritch horror playing on the desperation of a loser and desperate for cum.

Kinda similar to JOI in Blade Runner. If you think her affection was legitimate, you're completely retarded. The MC may have thought they shared real love, but they obviously didn't.


i am talking about the game

Sex sometimes tells a story, look at Terminator where the sex scene is not only the culmination of their relationship and Kyle's love for her that transendes time but vital to creating the savior of humanity.

In that case the dude is living in an isolationist hell where everything he sees is vile piles of flesh and horror so any comforts he's able to get offer him a reprieve of that nightmare and for the reader breathing room from the horror.


You should watch his magnum opus instead, thunder bolt fantasy. He transcended to pure puppet kino.

>Japanese-Taiwanese glove puppetry television series
I thought this whole Vietnamese basket weaving thing was meant to be a joke.

There's not much evidence that Saya is "playing" with the MC or doesn't love him. That could almost explain why the sex scenes looks like the most basic stuff of any eroge, but that's just trying to justify a flaw.
"Deconstruction" is just a buzz word to excuse bad writing.

>ruin it
Get out.

saya could have forcibly extracted semen from any random man and hijacked humanity long before she even met fuminori. she learned what love was and held out for it, even if she was a complete psycho

>Praise romance between guy in late twenties and what appears to be a much younger girl
>Get upset because the couple have sex
Herr derr

What, did you even read this VN?

A loser? guy was a pretty well off med student with a gf and friends

You don't need to show them having sex for it to be good romance. There was no child sex in Lolita either.

>ruin it

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Based. Me too

>There was no child sex in Lolita
Humbert fucked that kid, user. Did that shit went over your head?

Wait, photonflowers STILL not on steam? The fuck?


Wait, I forgot they had an abridged/censored version printed for colleges back in the 80's. Might be the one you're refering to.

That's all in his mind and a product of the unreliable narration.
They never had actual physical intercourse, which is the primary reason he loses it and goes completely off the rails when he founds out she's been sleeping around the entire time.

Hasn't it been almost 4 years since ks campaign?

I hate Urobutcher but
>unnecessary child sex
no such thing.

Cunny and edge goes well together. Just look at Madoka.

Homura fingering Madoka’s cunny.

She fucking masturbates him in a fucking school while she is doing homework and he pays her like 20 bucks or some shit. And yeah, he fucks her repeatedly dude, he fucking drugs her asleep and it does not even work and they STILL fuck. Too bad that chick was not a virgin anymore.

Unreliable narrator interpretation is post-modern garbage. If you're subscribing to that, then the entire book is suspect. Why believe there was a Lolita at all?

Madoka and co. anally raping Nagisa with their magical futa cocks.

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>having sex with eldritch abomination
>child sex

The game got me into drone metal and put me on a fast track for different genres. It was blessed.

I thought the scenes made sense, not just for the plot but the tone of the story

>dude, chill - she's a 1million years old toddler, it's fine

>she has rather small breasts and she is slender so she is a child
American mentality

You don't know a thing about this game do you?

She literally selflessly sacrifices herself to save your life in one end and stays communicating with you because she loves you in another ending. Why would you talk about something you know nothing about?

It’s a country where 70% of the population is obese, what do you expect. They’ve probably never seen a woman below 200 pounds above the age of 15.

Lolita was a fucming abuse novel, he talks about beating the shit out of her constantly and tried to murder her mom. Or did murder her mom. aive forgotten.

>breathing room [for the reader]
Oh please. Anyone who reads that far likes the horror story and wants more of it. Those scenes are there so that paedos will buy the game, simple as.

Doesn't Shirou's older brother fuck two different underage cat familiars?

This is how you adapt Saya no Uta

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I'm not sure you know what that word means
Also thats how his subconscious sees her, she is an eldrich abomination with more tentacles than you have IQ

She has more than 200 tentacles?

I haven't read the thing, but a theme change also creates better contrast to the suffering. At some point the one abused just gets apathetic and so does the reader who just takes it as one stretched out thing. By inserting some hopeful scene, you make the character regain his emotions and the reader his interest/investment.
But I'm talking to some blockhead who calls others pedos with every breath he takes.

How the hell did that happen

Pretty sure those are cow guts.