What game franchise best represents pic related?

What game franchise best represents pic related?

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I don't even understand that picture

It is a pepe post.
It is always retarded.


Garry's Mod

110-20 is Dunning-Kruger midwit territory. People who did decently at school and think they’re hot shit even though their cognitive abilities are extremely limited and mediocre. Very smart people and grug-brained people who know their limits can get along much easier than either can with midwits with ideas above their station and strong opinions about everything, usually accompanied by autistic screeching.

Witcher 3

I really wanna get that game so I can make really impractical and needlessly complicated devices but I need to wait for my next wagie wage.

Attached: Feels Tiresome.png (512x512, 232.55K)

me on the left

t.60 iq

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Lord of the rings: conquest

My IQ is exactly 120
What am I?

I have a very high IQ and I graduated top of my class from Cambridge. Know your role, midwit!

t.50 iq

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137 iq here, when does life get easy

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>Play Nokk
>Put claymoar near stairs at some odd obvious angle that you'd only miss if you came in running
>defuser planted
>Hey as long as it works
>Go valk
>Plant cams near my areas in some what obvious areas
>enemy shoots them
>hear it from behind a table, in a room near the point
>proceed to kill 4 people with deagle in the back, while they all think they're being shot from the point
>guy who complained comes in, pull spas out and spray him to death
>Hey as long as it works

Attached: Feels Smug.jpg (300x300, 21.14K)

Your average college student who graduates

When you go back in time and go through it with an average IQ or lower (but not too low) score instead.

none this image is retarded

You don't want a high IQ. It sucks.

110 IQ Dunning-Krugerlet detected

Care to explain?

I'm studying at an university though

>guys guys look guys I learned this new term yesterday I am so cool!

I'm at 100 IQ and feel mentally challenged
how come?

You realize how much of a braindead stupid retard you actually are.

Far as I'm aware IQ supposedly determinds how fast you probably are at figuring out a solution to a problem the higher, the faster you probably will for harder problems. It doesn't mean you suddenly become enlightened, you still gotta learn, you just tend to learn faster.

Fighting games.
You can win either by going unga bunga with some braindead characters (sub 100 IQ) or go for some sick reads and tech (130+).
If you are somewhere in between you are on your way to 50% w/l ratio.

The Pepe on the left should be black

I have an IQ of 97 and I play fighting games

It represents low IQ, not low IQ mixed with violent tendencies and criminality.

any fighting game

Minecraft, Pokemon

>100 is better than 110-120

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It ironically is. 100 iq is normies 110 is leddit. I would rather have a normie than a communist ledditor any day.

tfw 500 iq and also ops mom

Midwits are subhuman. Cope more.

So it means, ignorance is a bliss?

120 is autistic tier.

case in point, you seem to misunderstand the whole argument because you can only think "bigger is better"

What does this picture mean, in context of games?



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zoomers were a mistake

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The site you should go back to

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Games for grugs and geniuses alike which make midwits seethe.

Ignorance has always been bliss, when was the last time you saw a little kid worry about his future or about doing as much as possible while he's still little, because he'll never get his time back? That being said, it doesn't help save lives and can end up taking them instead.


Its saying that the first pepe has an IQ below 100.

150 IQ here.
It doesnt to be honest.

But presuming you are white you really dont have much room to complain. The only thing holding you back is your own sloth.

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Who /grug/ here?

>Dad with nasa level IQ, director of a company
>Mom, more or less single handedly keeping an entire company functioning and away from bankruptcy on her own
>me an intelectual
>89 IQ accountant
>my sister
>overly religious kindergarden teacher

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>sub-100 IQ faggots come out thinking libertarianism is awesome
>110-130+ realise it suck in varying capacities
>130+ is the one that really gets it and learns the lesson

If you know you will buy the game later anyways why not just pirate it for the time being?

130 iqs work with 100 iqs to get shit done. 130s come up with the plans and the 100 carry it out without complaining. 100 iqs are respectable worker and tradesman types. 110 and 120 iqs are mostly faggot artists and so called creatives who think they're better than everyone else but have nothing to show for it

Yes, other than the fact that Jews are trying to exterminate us by flooding our countries with niggers who want to kill us while getting paid handouts by our race traitor governments, being white is easy mode.

Yes grug, that's the point

actually this but it's fascism

iq disussions remind me of boomer/zoomer arguments

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+ is the one that really gets it and learns the lesson
Which lesson is that, that the characters representing ideological archetypes behave wildly differently between 1 and 2 and that it's just a pretty looking entertaining shooter with a fun basic pseudo political background that you really shouldn't take too seriously?