Has Planescape: Torment been dethroned?

Has Planescape: Torment been dethroned?

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No, DE is way too up it's own ass with it's style over substance flowery prose.

Nope, commie shit.

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too short


Pretentious commie wordvomit.

if you want to make a good Disco Elysium thread you gotta be more subtle OP.

Yas Forums cant handle discussing this game.

Ah yes, only refined commie gentleman with a brain built to understand Rick and Morty could possibly discuss this mind expanding masterpiece. Class consciousness! Proletariat! Beorgeois!

white supremacy BAD!

Leftypol trannies

I meant they hyper focus on a irrelevant dialogue option to the point where they disregard anything worth actually appreciating or talking about.

very funny post though.

There's not much in the game to appreciate unless you're a liberal or hardcore communist. The game is pretty much a pretentious blowjob to basic communist/socialist ideals for a few dozen hours in text form. Libs and commies will insist it makes fun of other ideologies just as much, but it doesn't.

It really is just a commie trash waste of time unless you have commie sensibilities, and then you might like it.

Not really. There are some great stuff in DE, but PST is the better of the 2 imo.

Different settings, different audiences m8.

If anything DE passive/active skill based approach is quite novel and worth exploring further. Same with the thought cabinet.

Both are games are good.

what is it about text-based rpgs that attracts just the most disgusting bearded cuckdev simps?

Torment's story hits you like a truck while DE has a barebones detective story with a bad ending. The personal stories of characters too were all so basic in my opinion. The personalities of different skills made the dialogues really fun and I can overlook it being short because of them.

Pretty much yeah

Yuppies piss me off.

no, but it's at least top 10

Finale and ending are meh.
There's some cringey lereddit writing here and there.

>There's not much in the game to appreciate unless you're a liberal or hardcore communist.

I appreciated it with my fascist playthrough

Yeah, of course it did. I’m glad it sold so well and it earned prizes by the dozens. No other game has actual verse in it, except this one.

Isn’t the killer showing up in the last 10 minutes like THE cardinal sin of the mystery genre

The thought cabinet was interesting but I didn't like how it used skill points. Perhaps if it had a parallel point system I would have made use of it more.

Nah, nothing can top Planescape, but it's still amazing RPG. It's nice that at least indie devs come up with good stuff. Better than nothing. I thought it was pretty funny though, actually was laughing out loud during Contact Mike part.

No completely different games with completely different stories and game mechanics besides that game is trash

I'm not leftist by any degree and i enjoyed the game because i'm not a crying little bitch that can't handle any political opinions but my own


While it's not hard to dethrone a toilet, this game still didn't come close

>style over substance flowery prose.
>Pretentious commie wordvomit.

read a book please. any book that isnt harry potter.

no, but disco elysium is a good game nonetheless

Nope. It's a zoomers shitty attempt to usurper it that failed.

It's full of novel ideas and you only need basic vidya knowledge to finish this.
Torment is much more reliant on subverting rpg conventions but does so really well and you need to understand thac0 to get the most out of it.

PT was more of a game.
Because DE is just a VN.

>need to understand thac0

I don't understand a thing about d&d but all I knew was the lower the thac0 the better and I breezed through

Fuck off, classic novels aren't nearly as pretentious as this self-fellating commie garbage.

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When you have to endure an entire decade of only other people's opinions being represented in mainstream entertainment and your own being misrepresented and strawmanned and mocked, get back to me.

Second, the game isn't interesting. It's not like it portrays unique viewpoints and points out the good and bad of them. It doesn't explore any deep concepts. It's all surface level shit. You can either explore basic bitch commie bullshit which the game mostly portrays sympathetically, or you can be a caricature and a dumbass if you choose any other ideology in the game. There is no other choice.

So when all the game has to offer is cheap mockery or not-so-subtle commie propaganda, what am I supposed to like about it?

>abloo bloo my pwapagwanda
kys kikesucker

>duh me fascist everything i think dumb kneejerk grr angry hate women everything i think and do is stupid and wrong
Yeah, really got me thinking. Almonds activating. Completely changed my whole outlook on fascist ideology and considered it from new angles. It's not like people embrace fascism for any reason other than they're mindless idiots that think from their gut and hate women. Amazing.

The people endorsing this game as deep or interesting are fucking retards. It's reddit writing and reddit jokes for nu-age commies.

it's kino fuck Yas Forumslets

>no argument

I find it hilarious that this plays in a total shit hole of a world, where everything is crumbling and murder is common, and yet racism is regarded as the biggest sin. Such a pathetic attempt at social commentary. Please dont hurt Kims feelings, goy.

Pretentious shit just like Planescape: Torment

Don’t buy this game at full price. Pirate it or wait until it’s on sale at like 50% off AT LEAST.

It’s half finished and thinks the “player gets judged for his actions at the end by a panel of characters” trope of video games is a great way to end your choice-driven narrative (it’s not, it’s lazy and defeats the entire purpose of a branching narrative since all it amounts to is a different judgement and some new dialogue).

Yeah i liked the gimmick with the skills having their own distinct personalities. I don't think i really liked much else with it.

You haven't even played the game. NPC's throw around racial slur all the time and you aren't punished in any way if you do it yourself
>asian partner is offended by being called a chink
Wow who would've thought

Back to your Chapo subreddit

so you didn't play it, expected from Yas Forums

You find it hilarious as a defence mechanism against reality. There’s nothing inherently funny about it.

better music.

fuck off retard

soundtrack do be kino

sequel when

name one (1) choice-driven narrative game that ends in a meaningful way. Shit for brains zoomer expects his good boy medal at the end.

>NPC's throw around racial slur all the time and you aren't punished in any way if you do it yourself
Except every single NPC who says faggot or is shown to be racist in every way is COMICALLY villainous or a bad person. It's fucking silly. They're caricatures. They're all irredeemable rotten people.

You're punished by having to read this biased ass narrative where every commie choice is the most normal and acceptable and every single other one is either implied to be wrong for being passive, judgmental, or whatever, or the writing forces you to mock yourself for picking it.

No, you aren't punished by gameplay mechanics, but then the """"gameplay"""" in the game never punishes you for anything really. Nothing you pick even matters that much.

>comically villainous, a bad person, and irredeemably rotten
Ask me how I know you haven't actually played the game

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>genre fiction

graduate high school first, then try tackling actual genuine literature. may i suggest "the origin of the family, private property and the state" by friedrich engels or "imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism" by vladimir lenin

the villian is literally a tankie hypocrite

sort of like a tripcode?

Except every single NPC who says commrade or is shown to be communist in every way is COMICALLY villainous or a bad person. It's fucking silly. They're caricatures. They're all irredeemable rotten people.

You're punished by having to read this biased ass narrative where every communist/neo-liberal choice is the most normal and acceptable and every single other one is either implied to be wrong for being passive, judgmental, or whatever, or the writing forces you to mock yourself for picking it.

See I could say the same thing back to you and it's largely true because the game mocks you no matter what. What you are unable to see is that you have an incredibly biased view. When it mocks communism you don't view it as going far enough and when it mocks your beliefs you take personal offense to it because it matters more. Start bringing some examples to the table or stop pissing your pants and crying about the game.

Spec Ops: The Line
Metro series
STALKER series

remember the fat liberal at the typewriter?