Were you genuinely surprised by the twist when you first played the game?

Were you genuinely surprised by the twist when you first played the game?

The game hints at it a lot. All the dream visions? What else could they be? But maybe it just seems too obvious in hindsight.

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I'm here to remind you we're never getting KotOR III.

Cool, it would be cancerous as seven fucks if made today.

I was so surprised that it took me a moment to realize what the fuck just happened.
So yes.

Yeah, 9-year-old me was really retarded. And in retrospect, it doesn't make a lot of sense.

I was genuinely happy when I found KOTOR and played the first few hours, finally a Star Wars game where you're just a soldier without the force mumbo-jumbo and saving the galaxy. This was mostly due to my young age and limited english skills.
When the plot twist was revealed I was like "Oh come on, not this again".

Yeah, but I was 12 and I was only surprised because I thought the MC would be Malak's relative, not Revan. I mean, it was obvious that Revan was still alive, but I didn't think I was him because I was playing a girl and Revan's model was obviously male.

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>I was playing a girl
Are you trans now?

I have a vague memory of not even recognizing my character's face during the reveal for some reason

yeah. but i was 12 when it released

the mmo already undid everything in kotor 1 and 2 anyways.

I remember it blew my 10 year old mind.

No. I don't play female characters anymore. When the plot twist happened I deleted my character and started over as a guy.

Larian will do it after BG3.

Don't even joke about that.

I played KOTOR1 and 2 in reverse order because I was subject to the whims of whatever the physical vidya stores would carry, so I was already familiar with the broad strokes of the plot. Seeing the minutia and exactly how the game played out was pretty neat though.

i hope so




WHAT IF... there was a game with gamrplay like KOTOR except it was the story of the Count of Monte Cristo?

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What if any of you children knew who Monte Cristo was

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I've read the book, faggot. What does it have to do with KOTOR?

SWTOR is KOTOR 3 4 5 6 duh

The story would suit the gameplay and I would like it so please make it.

yes i was surprised

on the other hand Kreia being a sith and the final big bad is too fucking obvious

it's not suppose to be a twist. you can get her to tell you about being part of the sith triumvirate early as fuck

I don't think it's possible to be, the game really does everything it can to let you know beforehand.



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The mmo killed any hype i had for Kotor.

I was a kid, but yeah it blew my mind.
It had more or less the same effect I had when I saw Arthas kill his father

>on the other hand Kreia being a sith and the final big bad is too fucking obvious

>within the first few hours of the game you can ask kreia if she was a sith
>she reveals she was
>during the entire game she espouses a radical anti-jedi philosophy, and is shown doing shady stuff
>brainlets think kreia not being a goody two shoes is supposed to be plot twist

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No, it wouldn't.

>you go to several planets, travel through major cities and interact with hundreds of npcs
>nobody recognizes who you are, even though you almost conquered the galaxy just before the game begins and your face would have been broadcasted on holovids all over the galaxy
>paradoxically, the only people who recognize you are the Rakata who are on a secluded planet cut off from all galactic broadcasts and who only met Revan after he fell to the dark side and started wearing his vader mask (i.e. they couldn't possibly know what your face looks like)

Masterful storytelling, Bioware.

>b-b-but Revan has always worn a mask, so nobody would have recognized him
So you're telling me a Jedi Knight was dressing up like a Sith Lord and nobody bats an eye at this? That's even dumber.

Of course, that's not even the dumbest thing. It's that the Jedi just left Revan unsupervised and to his own devices, gave him access to a ship and seemingly didn't care if he regained his memory and murdered billions in his conquest for the galaxy. The whole thing is impossible to take seriously. It's all just a series of contrivances in service of a nonsensical plot twist, much like an M Night Shyamalan movie.
And they were so obsessed with pulling the carpet out from under the feet of their audience with their silly twist that they forgot to make Revan a character. Instead, he's a complete non-entity and nothing more than a vehicle for the twist.

People are way too impressed with M. Night Shyamalan-esque twists that fall apart if you so much as glance at them. Bioshock is guilty of the same thing.

revan's mask is mandalorian and he took it and wore it when he was still a jedi

it was obvious after taris, there is no other reason for you to share any form of connection with bastila, have visions of bastila fighting revan or rather memories of vice versa and all cutscenes show revan with a convenient mask.

>a few hours in
>Kreia, are you a Sith?
>Yeah, bro. Nihilus and Sion were my apprentices until they double teamed me lmao.

I don't think you understand what a plot twist is, user.

>revan's mask is mandalorian and he took it and wore it when he was still a jedi

>falling for lazy retcons

It looks like a sith mask, so much so that people accused kylo ren of being a revan ripoff

mental derangement.

>looks like a sith mask
oh please, do tell us what a sith mask is.

>So you're telling me a Jedi Knight was dressing up like a Sith Lord
No, he dressed up as a Mandalorian. Revan's helmet is Mandalorian because he took it as a trophy early in the war.

>s that the Jedi just left Revan unsupervised and to his own devices
Bastila was supposed to watch him.

>And they were so obsessed with pulling the carpet out from under the feet of their audience with their silly twist that they forgot to make Revan a character. Instead, he's a complete non-entity and nothing more than a vehicle for the twist.
This is an RPG, retard. You make up his character.

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it's not a fucking retcon because there wasn't any info on the mask before that jackass

>It looks like a sith mask

based blind user

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>No, he dressed up as a Mandalorian.
what mandalorian looks like this?

and why would the sith follow someone that looks like a mandalorian, their sworn enemy?

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he only donned those robes after becoming a sith but the mask was something he aquired early in the mandalorian wars. his image to the greater galaxy would have always been with the mask

>This is an RPG, retard. You make up his character.
No, you start playing as Revan after his mind wipe. At that point he's a blank slate and a new person, i.e. the player. It's like Planescape Torment, y'know.

>Bastila was supposed to watch him.
Yet you can murder innocent people and does nothing. Explain to me how that makes sense. Again, why the fuck would the jedi council let revan walk free when he is murdering people literally a few block from them.

Kotor 2 doesn't have this issue because a) you're not working for the jedi b) your companions are much more morally ambiguous c) there is the whole force wound thing that makes you unconsciously control your allies and d) jedi masters in kotor 2 will actually attack you if you go darkside.

>he only donned those robes after becoming a sith
He is shown wearing them in the flashbacks in Kotor 1 when he was still a Jedi. Stop lying.

His helmet is mandalorian, idiot. The rest of his attire is his.

Yeah? And? He's still your character.

Bastila was corrupted by Revan's dark side thanks to their bond. This is explained. She was always tempted by the dark side and Revan made it worse.

This was after Malachor V. At at point Revan and Malak were already corrupted by the dark side.

>No, you start playing as Revan after his mind wipe. At that point he's a blank slate and a new person, i.e. the player. It's like Planescape Torment, y'know.
No, it's not. It doesn't work in Kotor 1 because despite being Revan, the most powerful Jedi/Sith in the galaxy, you have identical stats/skills as your Jedi party members, you never remember any unique abilities or traits that belonged to Revan. In fact, you don't remember anything at all. Unlike Planescape: Torment, your rapid power growth isn't framed as you remembering things from a previous identity, you just level up and class change to a Jedi like you would in any normal RPG.
And in Planescape: Torment people recognize you all the time, yet nobody recognizes you in Kotor 1 despite you being the most famous person in the galaxy.

those flashbacks are literally after he becomes a sith

>Yeah? And? He's still your character.
Actually misread the post you were replying to, my bad.
And you misunderstood the intent to my post, but that's fine.

wut? how would that work? I absolutely don't see it.
t. read the book just recently

Actually, you're wrong. Revan trains for only a few weeks on Dantooine because he's not learning anything new, he's just remembering things he already knew. Don't confuse gameplay mechanics with lore.

>Bastila was corrupted by Revan's dark side thanks to their bond. This is explained.
No, it's not. Kotor 1 never even hints at the idea that you're mindcontrolling Bastila. It's Kotor 2 that introduced that aspect.

And at ny rate, how does that explain Carth and Jolee and Juhani being okay with you murdering people? You don't have any force bond with them.

>Actually, you're wrong.
Revan gains levels, stats and skills in the exact same way as other party members. Again, this isn't like Planescape: Torment where the Nameless One has a unique character progression to convey the fact that he is remembering his past lives and reemembering shit he already knew.

Bioware screwed up, plain and simple.

>Were you genuinely surprised by the twist
I don't believe there's a single person who didn't see THE TWIST coming.

>those flashbacks are literally after he becomes a sith
One of thosee flashbacks is literally from Dantooine when he was still working for the Jedi.

Again, stop making shit up.

I have it in my steam account but never played it lol, is it really that good? Should I play it?

I didn't say mind control any where in my post. Bastila was drawing on Revan's subconscious to find the Star Forge. With that came Revan's dark side. Malak and Bastila say it outright at different points in the game.

>Bastila: The Council tried to exploit the bond between us. They hoped I would draw out your memories to lead them to the Star Forge. We were slaves to their will - like all who follow the Jedi Code! But in our shared visions of the Star Maps I also felt the so called taint within you. I resisted it at first, but now I embrace the power of the dark side - your dark side!

The gameplay was ass so I dropped it pretty early.

how's swtor nowadays? is it fun?

>The rest of his attire is his.
And the rest of the attire looks like a Sith Lord. So again, how the fuck does it make sense that Revan was dressing like a Sith Lord and nobody bats an eye?

Gameplay mechanics are irrelevant to the story, dude. Revan is canonically more powerful than the rest of the party.

this argument is stupid as fuck. he has only one appearance because it's an old game and they didn't design multiple robes for him, and they always wanted his face covered since it's fucking yours. why does Yas Forums always mix up lore and gameplay mechanics/graphical design? in old games especially they hardly match up

Go for it. It is a bit clunky and needs a bit of tweaking, but it is a great game.
Look for mods before playing. They fix certain issues with the game and story.

Revan wasn't dressing like that in Mandalorian wars. He wore a Jedi robe and the helmet.

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>yes i was surprised

>on the other hand Kreia being a sith and the final big bad is too fucking obvious

the kotor 1 audience in a nutshell

Class stories are fun, the rest is eh.

>Gameplay mechanics are irrelevant to the story, dude. Revan is canonically more powerful than the rest of the party.
But he's not more powerful in the story either.

>inb4 retcons from books, comics and mmo

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I think it's fine and most of the hints can be explained away or accepted with enough suspension of disbelief but that one line about the quest for the star forge taking you down an all too familiar path was just one too many. It's so out of place they might as well have told you then and there.

so this is what a sub 60IQ looks like

I'm not going to buy a 15-year old comic to make sense of a video game story, retard. In Kotor 1 Revan is shown to be dressing as a Sith Lord while he was still a Jedi, yet nobody is bothered by this.

Adddress this or STFU.

as a kid i just took that line to mean you might just be another jedi who falls to the dark side going after forbidden knowledge like revan did

>tfw autism always makes me hold Atton's levels and make him a Sentinel at level 3

>unremarkable Force user

What retard wrote that shit? Revan ran throyugh a gauntlet of elite troopers, Sith, and battle droids, defeated Bastila (amped by the Star Forge) and defeated the Dark Lord of the Sith amped by the Star Forge and also amped by multiple Jedi single-handedly.

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> In Kotor 1 Revan is shown to be dressing as a Sith Lord while he was still a Jedi

Except this is wrong, retard. The flashback on Dantooine takes place after the war when Revan and Malak were already corrupted.

how does that show any remarkable mastery of the force? you're just listing a bunch of generic exploits any party member in kotor 1 is capable of

>Except this is wrong, retard. The flashback on Dantooine takes place after the war when Revan and Malak were already corrupted.
False. They talk about abandoning thee jedi here:



>how is beating dozens of other Sith, including the Master of all Sith, show any remarkable mastery of the force

You are truly an idiot. Do you understand what gameplay and story segregation is? And no, the other party members can't do it, because Revan beat Juhani, beat amped Bastila, and can beat Juhani + Jolee if you decide to go dark side.

Yeah, this is their final step, but they're already dark side BECAUSE THEY FELL DURING THE WAR. THE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE STAR FORGE DURING THE WAR.