You have to at least admit that Rinoa=Ultimecia is an intriguing theory, even if the devs don't want to admit it

You have to at least admit that Rinoa=Ultimecia is an intriguing theory, even if the devs don't want to admit it.

Attached: ultimecia.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

R=U is completely canon, and no amount of Squarecucking will convince me otherwise.

it makes the plot better by default
game still sucks overall though

Where is the proof for this theory?

It was obviously what was intended during development but then pussied out at the last minute

Observations inside the game.

It makes the game so much better, and is therefore canon for me.

Based enjooyer.

Fuck you, spoonfeed me

Thx bby ily

The producer of FF8 did admit it was interesting.


It doesn't matter. Sqenix proved that FF is dead. Only zoomers and bandwagoners still buy their products.

I like Rinoa

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>the non-canon hidden deeper story has so much supporting it that it's almost scary

This wasn't supposed to happen but that crazy bitch made it happen anyway somehow.

Fuck Rinoa.

>losing your boyfriend makes you want to compress time forever
wew lass

Squall is dead theory is better.

FF14 is pretty fun, as is 7 remake. also the idea of discrediting all games in a series because the currently produced ones are bad is pretty stupid.

Final Fantasy IX still the GOAT

I hate that FF8 has a bunch of plot threads that go nowhere. R=U, Hyne, monsters on the moon

It needs a remake more than fucking FF7.

Yeah, I'll go ahead and admit that nothing's more entertaining than the misogyny-fueled paranoia that's instilled when incel spergs read too deep between the lines, all because they don't like how an impure whore (that fucked Seifer non-stop all last summer long) is the forced love interest and want to demonize her for it.

Would have made more sense if Ultimecia was actually Hyne or a direct descendant of Hyne. Hyne has a really good motive for wanting to compress time. Would have also made sense as to where Hyne went after he tricked the humans with his fake body. They sure as hell aren't going to find him in the far future

Yeah fuckoff whatever. Lets cut to the more important question,

Did Seifer hit that?

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Why were the FF8 girls so shit?
>Rinoa is the ultimate spoiled brat LARPing as Che Guevara
>Quistis is presented as an accomplished professional but fucks up the mission by abandoning her post because she "needed to apologise" to Rinoa
>Selphie's autism about the Garden Festival and her website makes her unbearable
>Ellone's dialogue is one asspull after another
>Julia and Raine are the opposite of characters with a personality
Edea is the only likeable woman in the game.

Rinoa admits that he widened her tight pink maiden 14yo slit

there was a Japanese site that compiles all the hints and connections for R=U. I remember something about squall's limit break having something to do with R=U. It was called End of heart in Japanese, and Ultimecia mention something about hearts. I wish I could find that site.

Rinoa best girl

cuck, Garnet is far superior.

Rinoa is almost as bad as Selphie, it sucks the game didn't give you the option of wooing Quistis


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Abhorrent taste, thankfully you'll never reproduce


I'm convinced that this was the original plan which then was dropped during development.
A shame really.

Seifer should have been in Dissidia NT, not Rinoa.

she's great and also has a fun set

Devs denying the theory doesn't mean shit, true artists never reveal the true meaning of their work.
Also is there any other sensible explanation why Ultimecia has Griever (which can be renamed early in the game) in the last battle?

Current Square would probably make Rinoa become Ultimecia by kicking a bomb and blowing her head off anyway.

Posting best girl.

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Ultimecia reads Squall's mind and then creates Griever right there to screw with him.

Yeah it's a narrative nothing compared to its origin in the R=U theory.

She summoned what squall viewed as the strongest creature

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More like quit this game and play FF7

kursed SeeD...

>Rinoa receives the sorceress powers of both Edea and Edel
>Someday this power will come in the hands of Ultimecia
>Each defeat, Ultimecia loops back to the Edea of the past to pass on her powers

Does this mean that there will eventually come a cycle where Ultimecia becomes too powerful for Squall and gang to overcome?

No. Seifer was saving himself for Squall. All his rivalry was him coming to terms with his gay angst.

It doesn't mean anything because it's a retarded fake theory

What's up with the white spots on their heads?

Yawn. Fanfic theories. When was the last time any of them were right? Oh, that's right, FUCKING NEVER.

I swear I'll never understand people's fixations with things like these. Literally the same thing as you just letting your imagination wander before going to sleep, or indeed, same as seeing some random LSD-trip bullshit while dreaming. It's like the entertainment world version of flat earthers. "I think this would be cool so to me that's going to be canon no matter what the devs and creators say".

Fucking children the lot of you.

>I swear I'll never understand people's fixations with things like these. Literally the same thing as you just letting your imagination wander before going to sleep, or indeed, same as seeing some random LSD-trip bullshit while dreaming. It's like the entertainment world version of flat earthers. "I think this would be cool so to me that's going to be canon no matter what the artist says".

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damn, Cid is smashing THIS??

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>fan theory was better than the actual game
how many times has this happened before ffviii?

>Yawn. Fanfic theories. When was the last time any of them were right? Oh, that's right, FUCKING NEVER.

I don't have to admit anything actually, especially if i don't agree

It would make her character much more interesting, but without it she's the worst. It's honestly frustrating that the romance between her and Squall is so shit considering it was supposed to be so important. Also Laguna not even mentioning to Squall he's his father and everyone just randomly reaching the conclusion GF's fuck your memory up.

Seriously lol like why the fuck does that even need to be a plot point I don't think it added anything to the game except vague confusion. And she keeps that costume on afterwards too.

>It's like the entertainment world version of flat earthers
I can't wait till you globetards are proven wrong and your entire religion is shattered.

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squall is dead lol

>And she keeps that costume on afterwards too.
not in the credits, she moved on

Imagine having this much shit taste.

it sounds like a retarded theory to try ad salvage the final boss

No, it's a stupid theory.

I know that Yas Forums never gathered the brightest minds but holy shit