ITT the perfect character redesigns

ITT the perfect character redesigns

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based, why are wh*tes so ugly

Years of inbreeding

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Too much dogfucking

>Japan, an island nation
>not inbreeding


Their bodies are suited for colder and darker climates which is why they thrived in West and Northern Europe. What the European race didn’t account for was climate change and fatty foods in the 21st century.

Their lands are seeing vast changes and they are getting fatter so they are becoming less attractive. Whites are still the most desired but that will change soon.

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I don't have a photo of you in my arms

The UK is an island nation but it had no high levels of inbreeding until Pakistanis arrived in Britain. Britain had a steady increase in population from the Vikings, Romans, Norman’s, etc so the genetics are very varied.

Pakistanis however Inbreed more than any other democratic in the UK. They marry and fuck their first cousins.

Japan remained isolated for so long so as you can imagine they inbred

Best Emma

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> had no high levels of inbreeding
Kek look at this delusional anglomutt

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The girl in OP is Chinese.

Woman here. I'll still be able to find some pathetic incel to take care of me. Beta virgins are that desperate.


More likely the granddaughter of a Japanese soldiers rape slave during ww2. She has Jap DNA in her.

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how do i get a thicc samus gf?

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I mean, the country as it stands now has 100million people. How far back do the family trees have to meet before it's not considered inbreeding? Because you can go pretty far

>posts ugly women going on a Hen party

Good one retard.

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Lmao they all look the same stop lying you delusional faggot

Cope anglomutt

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Is it another episode of balding basement dwellers being rejected by white girls?

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The fuck did she drink

there is literally nothing wrong with inbreeding

abdul and cleatus alliance

>posts asians

You might as well mention shinzo or whatever japs call themselves because it’s legal for the them to marry and fuck their cousins in Japan

what is she drinkingk, potions? what is the scissor for do on her Knows at the and

it's legal to do that everywhere

I used tinder for the first time where I live and I was shocked. At least half of the women had tattoos or piercings. Wtf is this shit?

user the USA is basically the only place which makes it outright illegal

Alcohol. It makes you irresistible.

No it isn’t. Weirdo. Japs love incest that’s why it’s always in their cartoons.

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Japs are Chinks anyway.
They only look slightly different because the inbred on their island for a few years.

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Cousin marriage isn't incest

do americans really think that cousins having sex is inbreeding lmao

t. mutt

They also Tip the mailman as well.

you are a certified moron

No, shut the fuck up, this is an East Asian thread not an anti-piercings thread. Go and get some taste.

It is also that. Fuck piercing and tattoos

It absolutely is incest. Keep out of MY FUCKING THREAD YOU INBRED APOLOGIST seriously user. FUCK YOU.

do you have any RECOLLECTION of what incest can do to a child? HUH
Listen and listen closely bitch BOY, once I find out your country of origin you’re finished. FINISHED.

Implying only americunts think cousin marriage is incest.

Trying too hard, really not funny. Get a sense of proportion

Asi*ns are fucking grotesque

Bobby wonders how he ended up in that troop, but then he realizes that it doesn't matter.

Based. They eat insects and bats

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>cousins are so genetically different they might as well be complete strangers
>americans seriously think it's incest and inbreeding

>Ugh, Asians are superior. Those meanine White girls reject me all the time, stupid roasties.

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No, user. Fuck you.
Piercings themselves are okay but more importantly the kind of girl who gets them is exactly the kind of girl who's captured my heart (and my penis). Tattoos can look shit or great depending on the tattoo.

What's her name? Whatever she is, that's one hell of a good angle they got for that shot. Cute as fuck.


blk qt babes all the way

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Cousin-cousin fucking is fine once, but once you do it culturally it fucks you up.
t. Jew who has a genetic condition only Jews have because inbreeding

uh, americans don't?? you can merry first cousins in california dont ask me how I know

mogs me

Any race other than white is okay
And white is okay too so long as it's not western

You have that condition because you killed jesus you prick

I have a giant square jaw and asians are superior

If we hadn't killed Jesus then he wouldn't have died for your sins
We're the real Christians

damn... bleeb(black weeb) chicks are actually kinda cute

Black girls who don't come from Niggeria (i.e. where most American blacks come from) look cute as fuck.

Incel detected. How do you feel that the incel genocide is coming? Filthy test tube baby

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You arrogant kike, fuck you

Sure you do lmao

It's not arrogance if you really are the Chosen of G-D.
God I love black hair

Nice cherry picking.

Somalians all look ugly as fuck with their huge heads and bad hairlines.

Republic of Congo look horrible too.

>why yes I exclusively fuck tight teenage asian pussy, and avoid white women like the plague how could you tell?

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>practically admit that I am an incel
Why are you trannies like this? Yes I am an incel, but you just come across as insecure when you just use the term as a bludgeon for no reason