Destroys 16 peaceful giants and awakens an ancient evil just to live out his mommy fetish once more

>destroys 16 peaceful giants and awakens an ancient evil just to live out his mommy fetish once more

Is Wander, dare I say, based?

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Yeah but who was the girl anyway?
Was she really worth it?

>lets himself get turned into a baby so he can live out his /ss/ fantasies
I respect his dedication

>you were the bad guy all along
What other games do this?

Spec Ops: The Line.

Any game where you play as an american soldier from vietnam onwards.

you mean WW2 onwards

his gf, she was sacrificed in a ritual or some shit and he wanted to revive her

From my perspective, the Shaman was evil.

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I could've sworn she was just some girl he had a boner for and couldn't help but refuse to accept her death.
Kinda reminds me a little bit of Dante Alighieri and how he supposedly met Beatrice only twice in his life yet had this lust for her to the point that he basically wrote her into the divine comedy.

only Phalanx and Avion will not attack you unless provoked (Phalanx will never attack you period)

>the game ends at the first level

His waifu was too cute.

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sotc is fucking gay, and so is ico. gay games for gay gamers, literal walking sim garbage for mid 2000 proto-faggots

any AAA game with a wh*te m*le protag, released in 2017 or later.

>waifu with cute feet
>16 giants that do literally nothign and roaming aimlessly through a emtpy closed off world


You mean 2016 onwards

But user. Mayo's ARE the bad guys. Get used to it crackah.

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Colossi did nothing wrong

the shaman had to kill the bitch because she was cursed

Wanderer is a cuck and by resurrecting Mono fuckded up the whole world

Their relationship is never explicitly stated. She could've been his sister for all we know. It's just a commonly accepted theory that they were lovers

Silent Hill 2

maybe it's both

>That ending where she's revived and he gets turned into an infant

Pretty good potential shota fantasy potential.

bros i never bought the PS4, did i miss out?

Ico and SotC are probably in my top 10 games

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In this case, Wanderer is BASED.

well the theory is she waited for him to grow up, fuck him and created the horned children

japoids don't know how to write good stories.

TLG is fine but controlling Trico is difficult at first. You'll have to feed him enough times to follow your commands.
Otherwise I'd say wait for the ps5 to be confirmed backwards compatible first.

Better than turning into a squid so a doll could take care of you.

castlevania lords of shadow
metal gear solid V

don't really care much about gamplay, but how is the atmosphere and the story? does it conec in any way to Ico?

you mean 1771 onwards

>goes through all of that to rescue his beloved
I have nothing but utter, raw respect for faithful, true lovers. Love is beautiful.

please tell me there are some good shota hentai doujins out there of this

mostly unconfirmed links. What the games definitely have in common though is having horns strongly correlates with possessing demonic power.

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James did nothing wrong

Reminder that Dormin literally did nothing wrong

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If you like Ico and SotC this is a must play

he backstabbed you

He must have done something somewhere sometime.
He was true to his word though. Can't deny that.

He didn't, he revived the girl and told Wander that the price for it may be too much.

He warns you.

Every Wolfenstein game

why would someone say something wrong on the internet

every call of duty

Most Gods of War games

So who is in that big freezing tomb? What is that pool anyway, does it mean Dormin is in there?

theory goes that the motv and Dormin are the same, the armored dudes have shadowy figures seen in gaps in their armors and are much like the shadows in Ico, the former protecting the tower and the latter protecting the castle.

For me dornin and the witch were siblings . . . and lovers

It's an amazing game but you need to understand and get into the mindset that Trico, like Agro, is supposed to be a living animal first gameplay tool second. You need a little patience with it. Reviewers and steamers playing on a schedule dislike it for that reason.

and if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole :
>Dormin backwards is Nimrod
>Nimrod was known as Baal and the "Horned God"
>He built the Tower of Babel (tower in TLG) to reach and conquer the heavens
>He conquered and tamed a lot of animals (intro screen shows multiple creatures like Trico)
>His wife Semiramis tries to bring him back after he was split in multiple pieces (Colossi)
>He reincarnates himself inside her womb (baby at the end of SOTC
>Semiramsi became his queen and started an ocult religion to worship him (queen in Ico)

Damn I really have to start TLG over

ha no

What about killing his wife?

Corrected me if I'm wrong but the reason the land is so desert isn't because these giant fucks, no? the ancient evil even kept the promise and the ending even had more animals coming in because of that
I don't get the "you played as the bad guy all along" meme people pushed so hard. Why is he singled out as very bad dude for killing things for the person he loved even though his crime isn't any worst than any jrpg protags.

Given it's Japan, that is most likely the case.

>literally releases the game's version of satan upon the world for selfish purposes without caring about the consequences
>why is he being singled out???

his crime was unleashing a demonic power he didn't understand, the priests came at the right time to seal him otherwise Dormin would have left the Forbidden land.

You guys ever notice that people seem to remember games existing in some sort of hive mind? Like nobody talks about this game on here regularly and no new big annoncements of any sort have happened lately but coincidently just as i was playing the game again so to are a ton of others doing the same.

It's "free" on ps plus right now

That is understandable but is Dormin really that bad? I mean he kept promise and everything.

extremely true and based

I guess even a pagan God will reward his worshippers, it's just that his religion is probably really messed up judging by the sacrifices in TLG.

Is the ps3 hd version worth an emulation?
I checked the compatibility list and and seems to be fine

no, even the PS2 version in hard to emulate

best theory is wander was her executioner and couldn't live with the guilt