>destroys 16 peaceful giants and awakens an ancient evil just to live out his mommy fetish once more
Is Wander, dare I say, based?
>destroys 16 peaceful giants and awakens an ancient evil just to live out his mommy fetish once more
Is Wander, dare I say, based?
Yeah but who was the girl anyway?
Was she really worth it?
>lets himself get turned into a baby so he can live out his /ss/ fantasies
I respect his dedication
>you were the bad guy all along
What other games do this?
Spec Ops: The Line.
Any game where you play as an american soldier from vietnam onwards.
you mean WW2 onwards
his gf, she was sacrificed in a ritual or some shit and he wanted to revive her
From my perspective, the Shaman was evil.
I could've sworn she was just some girl he had a boner for and couldn't help but refuse to accept her death.
Kinda reminds me a little bit of Dante Alighieri and how he supposedly met Beatrice only twice in his life yet had this lust for her to the point that he basically wrote her into the divine comedy.