Resident Evil was never good

You only like it because you played it as child and you know it

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Still better than whatever gay shit you like.

t. Fortnite pro player

re4 was my first resi and i loved it

Question from someone who hasn't played this series for a few decades...

I swear there's some game where you play the story as Wesker AFTER he's been stabbed by Tyrant and there's a segment showing what Wesker does after he gets up from being presumed dead there. Am I Imagining things or does this exist?

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles

But I didn't. I was a PC baby.
Umbrella Chronicles

thank you for this thread to talk about this series I love that I first played in 2014. the only numbered entry I still haven't finished is RE2, I only played LeonA and didn't realize I was only half done when I moved on to RE3

One of the most obnoxious fanbases here on Yas Forums.
>DEmake posting
>Waifu shit in every fucking thread with the same pictures
>Michael scapegoat

But I never played a RE game until I was like 16

Forgot to add: You only like it because you played it as child OR have shit taste.

>You only like it because you played it as child
Objectively false.

>Resident Evil was not good. But it is now with the remakes.

i started the series with 4 and then played 5 and never touched another game until like a year ago when i finally played REmake and i enjoyed it so much i ended up emulating RE2 and 3, Code Veronica, and playing Rev1 and 2 as well as co-oping 6 with a friend before playing RE2 Remake and loved every single one. pretty hype for RE3 t b h f a m.

Name One (1 (I (Single))) Video Game OP actually likes that doesn't confirm he's a massive faggot

2 was pretty good.

Shame the remake was rushed as fuck they had the chance to flesh out everything after the police station and failed.

>played it as child and you know it
Fucking zoomers, man. Seriously.

>REmake one isn’t the best video game
I’m sad for your parents that you’re so retarded

>Yas Forums
>playing a PS1 game as kids

How old do you think this board is?

Games no one but idiots like? Pic Related of course

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>kids back then played and loved RE
>adults today have problems with tank controls and fixed camera
Conclusion? Kids back then were better at video games than ''adults'' today.

but... aren't the kids back then the adults today?

Sure is no fun in here.

No, they are ancient.
I meant the 16-24 age group.

well resident evil came out in 96
so unless you're over 40, you were a kid then
hell most of you werent even born yet

My boy, this negativity is what all true warriors strive for!

I just don't get how people have problems with the tank controls. Yeah, it's a little weird at first, but it's so easy to adapt.
Having square be your main button over X always fucks me up when I replay them though.


>WC3 and WOW was never good because you played it as a child and you know it.
>pic unrelated

I just finished playing REmake for the first time as Chris, is there a difference between this and Jill mode?

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Yeah, Jill has 8 item slots, and you don't interact with Becca.


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I remember looking at ads for Resident Evil 3 in the Walmart paper when I was twenty. It was some of the first mail I had ever received after moving out on my own. I highly doubt I am the only one.

jills equipped with ballistics

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I only played re4, it was like in 2015. And I thought that it was good.

Jill mode is generally considered "easy" mode in both games. It really boils down to the fact that Chris is mostly on his own and only has 6 inventory slots which makes everything a pain in the ass. Jill gets coddled by Barry the whole game and he saves her from all sorts of dangerous shit or just makes everything way easier for her by helping her all the time.

In a way, it's like in Chris' route, you're kinda playing the 'dad' figure/as Barry. In Jill's route, you're playing the 'daughter' figure/as Rebecca.

Just finished Code Veronica for the first time and the soundtrack is pretty awesome. Gameplay wise, its kinda tedious with the backtracking. like I know its RE but its pretty bad in this one

So that means that it's not the canon route? Since I know at least that Rebbeca appears in later stuff

Wow, so that's why everyone plays Jill on the leaderboard, I couldn't imagine playing the game like this for the first time, it might have given me a different impression of the games, I absolutely loved the camera work and the music this game used to set up the atmosphere, I might try it to see what it's about

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There is no canon RE1 route. The canon is that Jill, Chris, Barry, and Rebecca all survive the mansion incident and none of them get bitten. Jill canonically finds out that Barry is being blackmailed by Wesker. Wesker canonically gets stabbed by the Tyrant, but lives. It is never revealed whether Chris or Jill is the one to confront Wesker in the lab or whether both of them do. We don't know if anyone is jailed or if both pairs ran into each other or not. I believe the mansion is canonically blown up as well. It's not known who encounters Richard, who kills Yawn, or who kills plant 42, or who witnesses Enrico being shot etc.

But in short, there is no canon RE1 ending. It's left up in the air and assumed to be a mishmash of all the good endings.

I played RE2 for the first time when I was 18

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Jill is easier, but it's almost entirely due to getting stuff like the shotgun really early, having 2 more inventory slots, and not needing to backtrack as much due to not needing all the keys. Chris has like 40% more health, runs slightly faster, eventually gets just flat out better weapons even of the same type, has a much better defensive item, and always has the lighter without taking up an inventory slot. Chris is better in nearly every way, but 6 item slots is a huge pain in the ass and more backtracking means more chances to fuck up running past things or needing to expend more resources taking them down and wanting to burn more bodies.

hi op.

>Jill gets coddled by Barry the whole game and he saves her from all sorts of dangerous shit or just makes everything way easier for her by helping her all the time.

what the hell are you talking about? Barry saves her like once and its optional. and rebecca helps chris too by giving him free heals.

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>iFag filename
>likes shit games

But that really does make all the difference in the world. Jill having 2 more spaces doesn't sound like a lot on paper, but it means everything. She can get a lot more done for a casual player because she doesn't need to be nearly as fussy about picking shit up.

Chris is only really better if you already know the game pretty well. He is tankier, but he's also fatter meaning it's harder to dodge shit with him, and carrying even 1 weapon with ammunition takes up a third of all of his available space. For a casual player that's just nuts. Carry 1 healing item, and suddenly half of his slots are filled.

The sheer number of additional chest trips you'll need to make as a casual player makes Chris worse. The increased health won't be anywhere close to enough to make up for the limited inventory and backtracking he has to do.

>played 1 and 2 as a kid, sucked and never got far
>try again as a 26 yr old, beat all 3 games and love them
try again RETARD, LOL

Oh, I like that, so Chris and Jill sort of worked together in concordance with eachother, but I saw some achievements that tell you to kill some monsters or do some tasks with a specific character, like kill the Prototype crimson head with Jill or find the stone and metal object with Chris, do those have any meaning or are they just there for no reason

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>what the hell are you talking about? Barry saves her like once and its optional
-He kills the initial zombie for free.
-He saves her from the shotgun ceiling and allows her to get the shotgun at the very beginning of the game
-He gives her free acid rounds
-He gives her a lockpick, making all the doors easy to open where Chris gets nothing like it
-He protects her from crows if they inspect Forest together/he gives her the Grenade Launcher instead of keeping it for himself
-He kills Plant 42 with a flamethrower
-He backs Jill up in the cave and will kill/shoot things and protect her in the sewers
-He knocks out Wesker and saves Jill if you do the good ending
-He helps fight the Tyrant in some versions

You're high as shit dude. Barry babysits her the entire game like he's her dad or something.

>You only like it because you played it as child
I didn't because my parents followed the esrb

she was almost a jill sandwich

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>He helps fight the Tyrant in some versions
so does becca. dont minimize her accomplishments

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I feel a little proud of myself for actually playing something on hard mode without knowing it, I might just try the game on a harder difficulty now

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>He gives her a lockpick, making all the doors easy to open where Chris gets nothing like it
Wait what?
Jill doesn't even have to run around after keys??????

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I dunno about you but I'm taking the bearded grizzled weapons supervisor wielding a fucking magnum over a green rookie medic with a peashooter.

Becca was such a cute girl, I felt bad when she cried over Richard, is there really no way of saving him?

>not knowing who the master of unlocking is

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It only works on the drawers that you would use a small key on, and I believe it only gives access to the east wing F1 early. You still need to collect the sword/armor etc. keys.

>Master of Unlocking
Enlighten me

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Nope, those games are good even with modern standards. When I was a kid I never liked RE games, but now I like it.

Damn, that would've absolutely broken the game, you scared me for a bit

People kinda overstate it. They collect all the same keys, but Chris also needs one specific to him called the old key. It opens like 6 things and because Chris has no inventory to spare you will basically never have it on you when you need it, resulting in even more backtracking.

I didn't play RE right when it first released (I played it right around RE2 was out), so I was 12 years old. I never owned a PlayStation as a kid, but I would play it at my friends house. I also rented the RE2 N64 version. I'm 34 now. I would say the majority of the RE fan base is around my age.

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Ah yeah, those fucking things, glad they stopped showing up after getting to the residence in the woods

user... You don't know THE FAMOUST line in gaming?

It's been a long time but I think they're also one-time use.


Thought i heard it somewhere before, this is such a weird way of calling someone a locksmith

I don't believe anyone, who has a remote interest n games wouldn't know the two most famous lines in RE.

>Master of unlocking
>You were almost a Jill Sandwich

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user once you're done with REmake and want to experience the game in a different way, its a great laugh going through original RE1, even if just for the kino cutscenes alone