*saves first person shooters*

*saves first person shooters*

Attached: how-to-sign-up-for-the-diabotical-closed-beta_feature.jpg (1920x1080, 156.45K)

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Doom Eternal and Wrath will be better.

Game is dogshit. I came for quake action and got a piece of shit

>Doom Eternal
hahahahahahahahahahahaha ok zoomer

nice LARP every actual Quake player is liking it

I don't. I also disliked painkiller. And this game gives me painkiller vibes

>every actual Quake player is liking it
Which is an insignificant minority.

Enjoy your dead game.

how does james do it, bros?

Attached: diabtime.png (273x346, 6.76K)

it's just quake 3 again, with a new (shitty) coat of paint

im an actual NEET with a ritalin addiction and i only managed 40 so gj

Attached: C3ApMGc[1].png (279x321, 7.58K)

>it's just quake 3 again
so automatically better than any FPS released in the last ten or more years? sweet

i mean its weekend

played like 20hrs over this and hte first weekend

2nd weekend, gotta say LG is so fucking bad its effectively dead weapon, no ability to counter rocket rusher and you lose to super shotgun at mid range if they move even a little closer after their first shot unless you predict them perfectly and get 80% LG acc for a second, brawl is bugged as fuck but its closed beta so whatever, but the fact james nerfed LG so badly while it was already weaker than rocket just means he wants the game to be rocket and rail spam, which just limit the skill and make the game weaker beacuse afps live and die on that weapon dynamic and when there is no good midrange weapon you can just pretty much ogabooga anyone down if you have rockets and they dont

good point

we already have a quake 3
we don't need another quake 3

the game runs incredibly well, 144fps while recording, 250+ while not with a shitty gpu.
i love the duel modes, although the maps feel like super experimental. i hope they get a lot more maps out to try.
LG changes are okay, increased tick speed and decreased damage means you have to be more accurate with it.
brawl is a lot of fun. I like having powerups in play. makes it more chaotic.

Attached: diabotical_2020_03_08_16_23_09_580.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

they REDUCED the tick rate (50-55ms) as well as dmg you mong



Game feels like shit.
>TTK is terrible
>Rocket feels off somehow, even QC rockets feel better
>Rail damage is stupid
>Shotgun is almost better than rockets at close range
Actually shotgun is better than anything at close range.

Shotty does seem super busted in this game

no it doesn't save jack shit. it's not even out yet ffs

why do people play csgo, dota 2 and lol? we didn't need them

all of these can be easily fine-tuned, but I don't really agree with you anyway, thanks for at least admitting the core game and engine etc are all great though

but it;s more than just quake 3

>another Q3 remake

Attached: 1561228195612.jpg (640x640, 48.89K)

>reduced tick delay (ms), not rate.
that means it ticks faster, so it fires faster
all the complaining is from kovaak 24/7 users who can only frag with LG and not with any other gun.

Attached: lg quad.webm (684x300, 2.92M)

dead game and same 2 nigger shills spamming it

retards, they changed it from 50 to 55 back when it was still 7, then they changed it to 6 dmg and made it faster (not sure exact ms)

>dead game
it's obviously going to be the only afps that isn't dead once it leaves closed beta

>Unspecified mysterious weapon balance changes of mystery (sorry if this is annoying, they will be mentioned after the weekend)
thanks james you c*ck

>Disliking Painkiller

it dead now before then get lost james all this "game" is. Is you coming here to cry and shill
then crying more as all the other sites ban you or dont give you any attention

>picking up PU gives you +35/+50
what did they mean by this?

>LG is so fucking bad its effectively dead weapon
watch the duel tournament, lg was used a lot though you need to have an insane aim

james is done occupying the twitch chats of 40 year old ex quake players so now can safely get back to shilling his dead bollock game on a latvian origami forum

Quake Champions is shit, but at least it has CPMA/air control, ledge grabbing, grappling hooks and LG knockback.

This is worse than a shit dead game.

I sure can't wait for the 9999999999999th clone of Quake 3 to come out.

>ledge grabbing
>air control
diab will have it next week
>grappling hooks
probably gonna be there with ctf
weapon balance is in the air still

Hey James, stop shilling your EGS shovelware, Reddit is the other way

It's sick and can't wait for the modding scene to start taking off.
CPMA is not synonymous with air control you dumb fuck.
SG is 100 dmg. It's completely fine.

Too bad midair didn't do shit for Tribes-like games

That's what they get for releasing a steaming pile of shit

Reminder anyone saying this game is bad or accusing the devs of shilling is most likely a Bethesda shill smearing QC's competition. It's been obvious for a long time now that Zenimax/Bethesda unironically shills on here, almost as bad as EA. It's the big companies that do it. It's possible Epic is shilling for Diabotical but I doubt it, and there's no way the small dev team is doing it themselves.

those are primarily single player games? the multiplayer of those games definitely won't be better. the doom eternal mp looks fucking atrocious, id software haven't made a good mp since Quake Live

They were botting a QC stream yesterday kek

no your game is dead james

Those are all really shitty games.

stay mad

hes right rail should be 50

Honestly seems like both. Shills arguing with shills.


James is no longer watching the Cypher tournament and is back to actively shilling. 3 or 4 threads were made this weekend and they died within 30 minutes, yet still had a wide range of poster #s. This shit already has double the ratio. is Jame's trying desperately to shift the blame game instead of fixing his shitty game. Nobody fucking cares about QC and only the few autists from /arena/ mention it

TL;DR on DB:
>Netcode is fucked. High ping, even by 20, wins every time. The lower ping player gets raped with perfect rails and tracking missing, hit behind corners, and bipolar splash damage. Even reddit has called this out now
>FFA is a mess.
>Wipeout/CA is more boring and tedious than before
>IG is different for the sake of being different
>1v1 and 2v2 is filled with the same 5-10 people over and over
>Game doesn't get above 3k views on Twitch unless that manchild CDN is streaming
>Subreddit is dead
>YT views are always below 500
>/arena/ is dead on /vg/
>James shills here constantly
Stop responding to this crack head and let him die out like you would any crack head IRL

child game

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it is nice that the couple thousand boomers that still play afps have a place to converge


you are actually obsessed

ok i stop responding this thread by responding
i love game it good
my opinion :D

tfw doom 2016 MP was actually pretty fun

stay mad you failed at making a game even children would enjoy james

>it is nice that couple retards that still play afps have a place to converge

v1 and 2v2 is filled with the same 5-10 people over and over
not like that's any different to other quake games

hes acutually insane

this is not a shotgun

Attached: diabhsit.png (424x255, 155.83K)

maybe if you're a pleb, it's closer to Halo than a proper afps

I only played it in the open beta and was not impressed.