Specs/Speccy Thread

Post them.

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>being a Windows 10 baby

don't have the program but can anyone tell me why my laptop takes 20 seconds to switch tabs on chrome

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>My botnet good
>Your botnet bad

Just fuck off already, we have this discussion 3 times a week minimum

nice specs, hows the 980ti holding up?

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My goal is to upgrade to 3600/5700 xt/16gb ram

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don't reply to me unless you're an optical drive chad

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poorfag gang where u at

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I have a 5600xt on the way and I'm trying to find a cheap enough 6700k/7700k for muh threads
I'm good thanks
do you do work that requires lots of cpu/gpu power and ram? otherwise this is extremely overkill for 1080p 60fps
also how are firecuda sshds?

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Why not the 5700xt instead?

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>do you do work that requires lots of cpu/gpu power and ram? otherwise this is extremely overkill for 1080p 60fps

it's just 1080p for now, the thing is most of the games available (especially that i currently play) don't even properly support 4K anyway

>also how are firecuda sshds?

i honestly have no complaints whatsoever, my computer is fast as fuck compared to what i had before and it was as easy as plug and play, it's slightly pricey but you really can't go wrong with one

In newer titles like exodus and rdr2 it definitely struggles at 2k and I refuse to play a res lower than that, 35-50fps range with a mix of medium/high settings. Never failed me in almost 5 years so I can't complain. Looking to get a 2080 or see what the new gen brings

Doesn't it bother you when some areas in RDR2 is a stable 60fps and 45 in some?

If lucky upgrade this year

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What do you play on that?

I'm getting a feeling this thread does not really directly involve video games.

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Yes! But for me it's a stable 50 that dips to the 35 range, the same can be said for GTA V and Exodus. It's a shame but I can't see it being avoidable anytime soon with these big open world maps.

Can we switch to a program that isn't outdated goatshit and can actually read Ryzen temperatures and VRAM above 4GB correctly, but also isn't cluttered with useless specification the way HWInfo is?

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do zoomers not know how to run dxdiag or what the fuck is going on

Jesus Christ we throw out computers worse than this at work every day

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Please tell me you are running prime95 on your cpu when taking that picture.

I see. Same case for me. RX 570/2200g. In Sekiro, I would get 60 in the forest, 50s in Ashina Outskirts, and 45 in some. Very unstable but it feels better than capping.

Please tell me you're not actually that fucking retarded.

No need to edit the picture to include display and system tabs. Also, speccy shows some other things (sometimes) which dxdiag does not, like memory info.

dxdiag doesn't have everything on one convenient screen. Also these threads are literally nearly a decade old at this point, newfag.

anything up to, i'd say, 2009 on minimal settings would be more or less playable (not in 1080p ofc)

my build from 2016 will probably be the last one (either because nothing worthy of an upgrade will ever get released or i'll get tired of vidya first)

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I need to upgrade my GPU one of these days.

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Didn't notice the tempature read out on ryzen master.
Still, seeing that high temps on a cpu gives me the heebie jeebies.

> 120 degrees
Jeez, call firefighters!

That's 50 degrees Celsius you joker.

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How much storage space do you need man, Jesus Christ. You storing the library of congress or something?

Dont be hard on the guy, only special snowflakes use Fahrenheit.

My dad has a real passion for building and upgrading machines, he just keeps buying stuff I get "scraps" from him occasionally. Feels privileged man.

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Remind me how Fahrenheit scale is constructed? What natural temperatures were used as "anchors".

Will I be able to upgrade the gpu to a Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming?
I found a second hand one for less than a 100$ (which is cheap in my country)

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i had very limited bandwidth at some point, so i figured it would be easier to store downloaded content instead of re-downloading it every time (which is pain in the ass, if it's a 50GB game).

0 degrees Celcius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 120 Fahrenheit is around 50 degrees Celcius.

Waiting my R7 3700x i already have the mobo and my 32 DRR4 ram.

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>The lower defining point, 0 °F, was established as the freezing temperature of a solution of brine made from equal parts of ice, water and a salt (ammonium chloride)
Well, then there is the average human body tempature of 96'F, but that isn't really well on spot. How water, the most fucking common thing everyone sees, behaves is much better an anchor.

I cant decide if I want to wait for ryzen 4000 or just upgrade to 3900.

No such thing as too much storage my guy, especially with how cheap HDDs are getting.

New build previous was an i5-4590 and a 1070 a week ago

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the corona makes me upgrade now, because all will become much costier for the next year.

Ram price is already increasing, SSD too.

2020-2021 wont be a good year price wise.

where the fuck are my 1080bros at?

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I will carry on until I fucking burn

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Its like, why not just get a 1080 ti or 1070 ti instead of 1080.

is a 6600k still good? thinking of upgrading my 580 to whatever is the best at 2077`s release.

If anything corona will only make parts cheaper in the end. "Countermeasures" will affect us (via economy and decreased demand) more than virus itself.

1070ti didn't exist when I bought it
and 1080ti was like 1000 bucks.

nope because it had fucked up the production line in china. Which will increase the productions costs and they won't be able to satisfied the demand for a while.
All you can do now is rely on stocks.

Getting a 4900x and 3080 Ti this year.

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Oh yea, I remember now. They used temperatures of two different matters, both of which are not very reliably reproducable.

>a surge of cheap and gaming viable intel cpus entering the market after intel loses data center market share
get it while its hot lads

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I'm moving to AMD for the first time since 2003.

> fucked up the production line in china
Dont worry, they will recover faster than you think.

>they will recover faster than you think.
yeah no doubt about that, but price are going to increase nonetheless, only by the fact their export have falled down since 3 months.

understandable, have a nice day

3 monitor and all 60hz?

>5 cents have been deposited into your intelshill account

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>implying intel receives a single cent from the used market

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user a 4820k is a 4/8 Ivy Bridge CPU.
I.E. it's an obsolete turd.

>2080 super with fullHD@60