Age of Empires IIII

Will it be good or will Relic fuck it up again, Yas Forums?

Attached: a.jpg (652x367, 60.55K)

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>Modern Lelic
it will be miracle if it even releases

looks like a weird phone game with a CoC tier artstyle.



Shut the fuck up.


Where's my Modern era?




Hello, retards. Linguist here. Learned Latin. I know user did it as bait, but "IIII" actually was used in place of "IV", albeit not often.

No one wants this. Fuck off.

Here's a quick explanation.

The only time IIII is ever used is on Rolex watches to make the watch face symmertry thing.

Okay. I don't care.


Using it for times is fucking retarded and harder to read, suck my dick faggot.

It's mostly used on clock faces for the purposes of symmetry, I, II, III, IIII for 1-4, V, VI, VII, VIII for 5-8, IX, X, XI, XII for 9-12. Three groups of four distinct sets of characters easy to identify at a glance. It's very occasionally used outside of clock faces but is still a perfectly acceptable substitute.

well it at least looks like I can play it as another comfy town builder with light combat to give all those soldiers patrolling about a use. Hopefully you can finally build roads or just have pavement automatically appear around buildings and link with other nearby roads, starting with dirt paths in the dark age.

Hard to tell anything from the trailer, though. It's like looking at screenshots of AoE2 and how those situation never come up in actual gameplay.


>Wants me to suck his dick.
>I'm the homosexual.

That closet is pretty comfy, right user?

Shut the fuck up.

Yes, you were wrong, user. No need to throw a temper tantrum. Now go outside and play with the other kids.

>Wrong but doesnt say why
I think its you who needs to go outside you fucking faggot.

>Easier for the average non-educated citizen
>subtractions are hard
Top kek.

It already looks like shit

Relic died years ago, this is it's corpse
So no

Age of Empires II:II

Attached: 1ntwsk.jpg (600x600, 51.69K)

And thus a new meme was born out of OP's sheer retardation.

Age of Empires 2+2 french fries = IIII (four(4) french fries)

They used IIII more than IV retards

IIRC IV only became widespread after the fall of Rome

Or you could just play Planetary Annihilation: Titans and actually have fun rather than this autistic game where people who fight battles before 1/2 hour mark are considered rushers.

Attached: Class of II0IV.jpg (625x469, 117.87K)

>Will it be good or will Relic fuck it up again, Yas Forums?

LITERALLY doesn't matter since retards (especially on this site) will buy it either way. Discussions about quality seem pointless to me t.b.h.

What's wrong here?


It is WAY too fucking zoomed in. Why are all modern rts like starcraft and warcraft 3? Who the fuck wants to scroll the fucking camera all over the show like they are back on 320x480 msdos command and conquer!?

There's a reason it's called times new Roman, Dumbass.

This must be bait

look up call of duty iiii

Atrocious art style

I am triggered.

fuck your mother, tripnigger

>rehash of AoE 2 instead of basing it in the Victorian era

>Age of 4mpire

>not Age 4 Empires

They have made Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III. I wouldnt hope for too much OP.

do americans really?

You mean Age of empires 44/88 ?

They'll fuck it up. Why?
>Show DoW 3 gameplay
>Fan reaction negative
>Ignore it because you know better
>A year passes and you release hot garbage
>Styled just enough like an e-sports MOBA that some people reckon it is one
>Oh wow, why did it bomb hard?
>It must be because we showed gameplay
>If we hadn't shown gameplay, the backlash wouldn't have happened
>If the backlash didn't happen, it would have sold amazingly, I am sure

They learned the wrong lessons from DoW 3. We've got a pre-alpha 'gameplay' trailer from a few months ago and I say 'gameplay' because they have confused gameplay for 'in-game engine' video. Actual gameplay is not shown as was the case with DoW 3 and we are now at a similar point, about a year before release.

>AoE 4 isn't set in WWI
>medieval crap again
What is the point?

Attached: IMG_20200302_065914.jpg (2048x1152, 216.76K)

>Ignore it because you know better
Well, that and the entire fanbase being under Schism between 1 and 2.
How they thought that skillshots that wipe entire armies on heroes and lane based maps are fun is beyond me.

I'm sure they're trying to play it safe, either because Relic is not confident they could pull of a new era or because Microsoft told them to make it like AoE2 but with better graphics.

It's a shame, really. I think the Star Wars clone, Galactic Battlegrounds, is proof you can pull something off in a more modern era using the exact the same formula as AoE2. Hell they could have at least could have combined all three existing eras, at least it would have done something fresh than a clean repeat of AoE2.

i'm asking that myself about your post

>Well, that and the entire fanbase being under Schism between 1 and 2.
It's been more than 16 years since Relic made an RTS that didn't focus on small unit tactics. I have no hopes for AoE 4.

>average age of gamers is increases and graphical horsepower is magnitudes stronger

>presentation becomes more cartoony, childish and lacking fine detail or realism

what did the industry mean by this?

>ITT: american education

People keep throwing billions at minimum effort mobile titles, so devs and publishers realized most money spent on art direction and graphics is largely wasted.

IV was a symbol of Jupiter, so Romans actually avoided using it. IIII is actually the correct version

Roman numerals are broken down into a character that represents a certain value and then basically listed out in a way that shows how they are added or subtracted together to equal the target number. The way this sign is written essentially says:
2(II) + 0 + 1(I) + 5(V) = 2015? (wrong)

It should be:
1000(M) + 1000(M) + 10(X) + 5(V) = 2015 (or MMXV).

why medieval again, they shooting themself


The numeral you are looking for is IV, OP.

Attached: Phalanx.png (45x44, 637)

Looks like fucking shit


so you lick niggers ass

Why are 99% of 3D games cartoony? Has to be lazyness since it's easier to model undetailed kid's garbage than realistic models.