How did he manage to be the best of the DLC?

How did he manage to be the best of the DLC?

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everyone else is shit

He isn't fag shit, and doesn't have the rest of his kit utterly gutted as compensation for his one good mechanic like Banjo

Looking back I should have only picked up Banjo and Terry instead of the pass. Point taken for pass 2.

Because he's A BIG ONE.

He is literally the worst character on the roster. Would rather the pong ball or a tetris block before literal who SF rip off

Because he doesn't have shit normals that don't allow for combos like Banjo, Hero & Byleth
That being said he still has a comeback mechanic so he's still shit but at least it's not as bad as Joker's.
Fighter's Pass was really shit

>literal who SF rip off
Beat it, kid.

Hey, come on!


By btfo'ing every current and future dlc fighter at the same time by dropping so much new content with him

Joker and Byleth are in top 3 worst DLC characters in smash history.

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because he has actual motions on his moves, plus the soundtrack is just so damn good

I fucking love SMT and Persona but Joker really was the worst character in the DLC. Nothing about him represented SMT or Persona outside of his music/stage. His moveset felt like it was based on what people who say they love Persona 5 despite not playing it would have thought his moves would be. Yu Narukami would've been a way better Persona character with a game to actually pull fighting game attacks from but I guess Persona 5 is just popular and represents the series for now until Persona 6 and all the "fans" who have never played the game move on to that one.

>play Ken or Terry
>play a game with 3 or more players
>get ganged up on
>still win
Suck my cock you salty niggers and git gud.

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Lowest shill-level in the pass, lots of care went into his gameplay(at least outside of "Go!"), wasn't being shoved down your throat before his reveal. And he came with a ton of excellent music, and a stage with a gimmick that's actually fun.

Best FP1 character by miles. Best DLC character period if you ask me, fuck Cloud and his 2 music tracks. Still like Cloud tho

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is this that 40 year old slut

Nah Joker got in for marketing and Sakurai is only willing to add more anime swordsmen if they're fire emblem characters

>Moveset actually faithful to the character
>Not a blatant agenda to sell a new release
>Doesn't suck but also isn't blatantly overpowered
That's the big three

>Terry is an iconic character.
>Represents SNK rather than just his games.
>Great moveset which isn’t too much of a nuisance to face unlike any other character from the pass.
>Stage has a simple gimmick and is fun to play on 4 player battles. or 1on1 with people that don’t stall
>Stage looks gorgeous and isn’t a MS Paint like Pac-Man’s.
>A huge load of music tracks.

From a fan perspective all the DLC kind of sucked, and that comes from someone who thought Banjo always should have been in the game. From a competitive perspective, the DLC really fucking sucked. They didn't even want Joker to be as good as he is.

>That being said he still has a comeback mechanic
A comeback mechanic that's very hard to get usage from

At least Byleth had shit from his actual game though. Joker's only moves that are taken from his game are the sword slash/gun and the persona attacks with the rest of his moves copying animations from other characters. No other SMT demons, no other SMT magic attacks, no actual references to Persona 5's world or story (the stage is literally the menu for the map of Mementos when the casino from the intro would've been a far better stage). He somehow feels more like Sakurai pulling attacks out of his ass than Captain Falcon or Ganondorf.

2nd pass will definitely have at least 1 Pokemon and likely another 1 or 2 FE/shill characters, if people aren't prepared for that they shouldn't get the pass. I am intrigued by the fact it's specifically 6 and not another 5. Makes me think they're just creating buffer for another big disappointment.

>but I guess Persona 5 is just popular and represents the series
You guesses right. P5, especially Joker is everywhere now. So many crossovers, it's ridiculous.
Pic related is real btw

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1 new pokemon is likely but I highly doubt we'll be getting another FE character
If there's another shill character it'll be something like Paper Mario for a new Paper Mario or Sylux for Metroid Prime which honestly are actually pretty good compared to more FE shit.

Banjo, Terry and Hero were all good, interesting choices, Joker and Byleth were just abysmal anime shill picks. Hero was walking a fine line but the fact he's 4 characters with wacky abilities from a classic series that fucked with the competitive meta made up for it.

Most balanced. The others are too broken (Sword/Arsene/Over B/Bow).

Down Tilt & Jab confirms sure are difficult


>How did this classic character with a fun playstyle from a bunch of fun game series manage to be the best character of the DLC
gee I wonder

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All I'm saying is that it's hard to stay alive past 100%, go look at pro players and see how much usage they get from Go

>he's never played against anyone good

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it's very obvious that the only ones Sakurai added because he just wanted them in was this and Joker, and Joker feels pretty compromised in an attempt to fit a character that variable into the mold of Smash.

Just as easy to get killed as to confirm and usually kill, you're basically playing Sudden Death at that point, you also don't have any control over when it's available to you unless you have the biggest balls in the world and let your opponent get free offense in

Erdrick was a decent choice, the other heroes are just whatever. i'd also argue his moves are very VERY basic outside his gimmicky down special. He plays no different than any other swordie without it. He really only gets a pass for being an icon of RPGs much like Cloud. Joker and Byleth are not only the worst of the DLC pass, but some of the dumbest characters ever added in Smash.

clearly you haven't. Banjo is just a shitty snake that comes with a flare blitz

most great Banjo players stomp great Snake players.

>Looked at some of my old images saved from various old computers I owned
>Had Terry images saved since 2010 maybe even earlier than because I liked the character
>"Bu but nobody wanted him until the leak or recently they said!"

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Jab 2 combos into buster wolf. Go juice is scary as fuck

He's a lot of fun and I am pretty bad at the game. I've never even played KoF, should I just pick up XIV?

Trannyfags are using him.

I don't think Jab-Jab-Buster wolf is true, and more importantly it's a question of staying alive

You should already know that 80% of Persona 5 fanboys have never beaten it and only care about the so called asthethic. Anyone who played it can tell that said asthethic is really just a bunch of nice looking menus and the game's artstyle is nothing special. It should show you which of these Sakurai is from the fact the Mementos stage he added to the game is the fucking menu.

Clearly you play against 10 year olds or are actually one retard. Banjo is great. You just suck cock at dodging.

You mean using Sans Mii Gunner.

I realize this. I know people who talk about how they like Persona 5 despite never have played it or people who've only played Persona 5 and refuse to play Persona 3/4 or a SMT game because they "don't like the style". It just sucks that this is what influenced Joker.

A lot of people get excited for characters in smash without really thinking about the implication of their moveset. They'll come up with lot of bullshit, but it won't actually have much synergy and really just be a way to cram in what they think are their coolest moves. Alternatively it leads to a character being given too many options that covers too many situations. Terry just has a decent basic fighting game kit that was easier to translate into something workable. His moves already work well together while still having clear flaws. While at the same time he can really style on people. I'd really like to see a platform fighter designed with more traditional fighter aspects in mind.

Plus SNK are just a really cool company with a great history. They are like anti-SE with how willing they are to do fun stuff. It is a shame they messed up on XIV's graphics, cause if you got these characters into the public eye there would be an explosion. Instead GBVS gets praised for 11 character roster and selling you Ken for $7.

>Lowest shill-level in the pass,
KoFXV is on the horizon

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Better players who aren't retards aren't just going to walk up to you and get down tilted and jabbed. They can see when you have GO, you know.
Just like people play slightly more carefully when little mac has KO punch, or more carefully and safer when Arsene is out, or how people play as bit more defensive and safe when Wario has waft

It's the same shit. Good players aren't just going to let you mop up and kill them the second you hit 100%.

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I just got XIV a few days ago and I am having a blast. I didn't expect to enjoy a lot of the cast, but I'm having fun with characters I loathed playing in Capcom vs SNK 2. I am kind of sad that it's such a dead game. Would be cool if it had a scene.

>KoFXV is on the horizon
Please be serious. I want the game to come to life again.

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Joker just isn't all too great of a fighter for Smash. It's kind of hard to do multiple personas in the middle of a fight.

supposed to come out later this year

It's still the lowest shill-level. And I mean come on, does a franchise have to be flat-out dead to not be shilling?

The games most would recommend are 98UM, 2002UM and XIV. XIII kind of gets recommend cause it is so pretty, but the game has higher levels of execution than other entries. Also missing a lot of characters. I like 2002 the most. Everyone has their fingers crossed that we are getting another code mystics port of either 98 or 2002 with their amazing rollback netcode.

I wish max cancels weren't such a big focus, especially in neutral. They also should have resorted more of the movesets that XIII stripped down. But XIV is a really good entry. I got into the series more after dropping SFV and I enjoy how the series gives you a bit more to work with than most traditional fighters without going full anime. Everyone just has enough minutia so you can keep finding new things and pushing them forward.

Banjo's franchise is literally dead, user.

Are the servers even up for XIV?

That was still some Microsoft PR shilling. Not to mention pandering, which is a form of shilling.

Yeah, very few are playing though and the netcode was always pretty bad. You can still even play XIII on last gen console, it is rare that a fighter has its online just completely deactivated

Shilling for...? I'm sure it inspired an influx of Banjo rom downloads, probably not much in sales for the Xbox One. Its pandering to fans who have already bought and played the game years ago with no intention of buying it again on a console they may not own.

I know people say it looks really bad, but I am fairly new to KoF and I think XIV looks really nice. Even the bigger bulkier characters, which is usually something I take issue with in most fighters because they always look incredibly ridiculous. But they are fine here. I dunno. Biased I guess, SF artstyle since IV has bothered me, MK looks like hot ass of course, DOA...hahah. Tekken and Soul Calibur styles don't bug me. I mean thats it right for the big names.

It just looks clean and crisp and not overdone and I appreciate that.

dat ass b tite