Are there any games out there that actually do romantic involvement well for player characters?

Are there any games out there that actually do romantic involvement well for player characters?

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those are some supremely perky nips

Real, genuine romance is a feeling built up over months or years of interaction between two people. It cannot be boiled down into a series of one-off moments that magically make people love each other, and a video game that lasts 20 hours is not going to be able to capture the true depth necessary for romance.


what game

>nips are fully modeled (or FULLY MODELED) and textured
>camera angles purposefully obscure her boobs in the cutscene
>Ansel is disabled just for that segment

Metro: Exodus. It's the PC's wife.

Surely someone can just re-enable Ansel, force a flycam, or outright rip the model

There's obviously this. Presenting long spans of time in shorter spans has never I don't think been done well. But I think there's also the fact that functional successful fulfilling long-lasting romantic relationships are for a lack of a better word boring. That's why fiction almost exclusively focuses on either the getting together part or some sort of test of the relationship or it's downfall. If there ever are any successful long-lasting relationships they are never the focus because humanity has not figured out how to make an interesting story out of that. I guess that's one of those things that you just have to live it if you want to experience it.

The Darkness

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dude have you like... ever talked to a girl?
people can fall in love in fucking seconds
you are talking about some platinum wedding anniversary level bondage when that's nowhere near the kind of relationships portrayed in games

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance

You're a virgin.

Man between her and her fucking father, what a pain in the royal ass.

>Meanwhile, In Burger Land

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I didn't really care for her. Probably because I'm russian and know too well about our roasties.

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Remember how Ellen Page was mad over Naughty Dog for making a character that looked like her? Well in retrospect they don't even fucking look anything alike, lol.

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Are you trolling? The Last of Us release Ellie was not the same as what Ellie looked like in the early previews of the game. They changed her appearance, yet still kept a similar hairstyle.

Look at earlier promo shit, she looks more like Paige there.

It did look like her at first, but the way Ellie looks in the finished product is nothing like that.

i find this jewnose girl pretty cute.

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>both became ugly dykes

>finding rat girls cute because they have big tits
wew lad

Rate my screencap.

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I dunno, I like the nose. It's kinda exotic.

>rat girls
nope i like her facial feature, a long nose can be very beautifull.

Looks like a man famalam.

edgy racist cunt. i dont like jews but i dont call them rats. You filthy cockroach.

Sorry i was responding this shit

Do all russian women have roast beef vaginas or something?

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Found the rats

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I just want to post cute pics of Anna but everyone else just wants to argue about jews or whatever.

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STFU edgy zoomer.

I found Anna borderline cringe. She is too intense and it feels forced at times. If a bitch was like this I'd assume she had Borderline Personality Disorder or something.

That's not love. That's lust.

>STFU edgy zoomer.

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> RTX off

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Dating my daughter
Daughter for Dessert
Milfy City
Being a DIK
Goons Raid Her
Academy 34
Treasures of Nadia
City of Broken Dreamers

Yeah but they're making a love relationship for lonely gamers and let's not bs -- it's a selling point of the game. You seem like a functioning person who has been in relationships, so you're not part of their target audience with this whole thing.

Sims games do it the best. Most games do romance like this
>pick few positive dialogue responses to a character
>she now loves you or is implied that she cares about you
Not that Sims does it much better, but Sims has lots of nuisance involved which makes it more realistic. Sims can flat out refuse to get romantic with someone even if you pick the right things to say, but in some other games that's all what it takes to get jiggy with it.

Witcher 3 if you ignore the retarded love spell fanfiction .

Stop posting my wife

After all this time, it still doesn't look better to me. Just looks different. I get why it could one day be a very great fundamental function of any game engine but people talk about it as if it's a visual enhancer, when I'd rather describe it as a visual generator.

I've never been in a functioning relationship (though I'd love to be but I'm too much of a retarded schizoid to be able to connect to people in any deep or meaningful way) and the selling point of the game for me was the shootan, not the relationship with Anna.

Wheres the SFM of this bitch?

Yep, nothing alike. Even Ellie's personality is a straight rip off of Juno. She was pretty popular around the games release window.

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Yeah bro, what kind of man likes tits

For me it was the story and shootan but there's something about the comfy that comes in between the different locations that makes me feel there's a point to the shootan. Going out into a dangerous world, knowing you're going to be back with the crew after a lot of killing... damn.

I found her shit in last light, shes alright in Exodus.

Is Exodus fun bros? Played 2033, did the shit with the commie in last light and that's as far as I got.

Viola in ferronetwork porn is her

Bioshock infinite, why it's more fucking stupid Elizabeth turns out to be your daughter

It just.. works!

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That is just a before and after of him putting it in.

Yes, I'm lonely too user but I smoke weed and drink to numb my feelings. Works well enough.

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Well weed is strictly illegal where I live, out of tradition than any kind of reasoning. Thanks Christianity. And drinking.. well it can be fun but I find it difficult to come back to that often. I tend to just suffer instead, maybe I'm just so used to it.

You two incels should kys

Anna was horrible in Last Light but they somehow turned her into a cool companion and qt wife.

She probably wasn't your daughter in earlier story drafts, just like Booker was voiced by Stephen Russell or Comstock looked completely different.

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using cheat engine to enable noclip was the first thing i did during that scene

>kys lmao
You sound bitter user.
Anywho you can fuck off back to plebbit now

Trails FC and SC have a long and extremely fleshed out love story between main characters.
>war survivor trained to be a living weapon is adopted into a family by the men he tried to kill
>almost immediately falls for his airhead tomboyish daughter and spends 5 years concealing his feelings
>they go on a journey around the country together as a part of their training
>slowly she understands that she has feelings towards him as well, just in time for the guy's grim past to return and haunt him again

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You fuck off back to retardera first.

I think Ken changed the relationship midway because everyone was lusting after Elizabeth and so made it a story about father and daughter so "There's no attraction"

Which makes all the content in game with them sharing stories, feelings, the guitar playing, sitting on a beach etc more weird

From what i've heard the story was supposed to go full Oldboy which would've been extremely cool and bold.