Let's settle this once and for all Yas Forums

Let's settle this once and for all Yas Forums

Why do you people hate Mortal Kombat 11 ???

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Because is not coomer friendly

>no boobs
>it said that slavery was bad
>dial-to-combo in a 2d fighters
>block button
>lack of fan favourites
>not as good animated as others fighters
people is gay user

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I love the aesthetic and graphics but I can't get behind the slow gameplay and
>block button in a fighting game.

I wish they could add Guts from Berserk as a dlc fighter though.

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But they have spawn now

nrs jank, retarded ed boon mechanic fantasies and tranny devs

guts would suck shit in MK that series doesnt know how to do impact.
you'd have to put him into Soul Calibur or something, Siegfried/Nightmare already take heavy inspiration from him.


but Guts with no stupid amounts of blood and gore?

samsho has blood and had gore in the past but I dont think he'd fit as well as into SC flow wise.
desu I'd take good nice feeling animations over blood.
kratos was just fine in SC too.

It's alright, it's just overshadowed by all the other fighters available atm. Block button is gay as fuck and needs to go, dial a combo is kinda neat but I dont really care either way about it.

>wakeup system is fucking garbage
>anti-airs don't work, AGAIN
>Fatal Blows are annoying to deal with because you can't react to them
>regenerating meter just feels weird to have
>breakaway works when you don't want it to and vice versa
>breakaway is annoying to deal with
>meter burn got changed to interact instead of block FOR NO REASON
>block button still feels bad (can't punish a -7 frame move with 7 frame normal, consistently)
>Krypt is randomized, grindy garbage
>Towers of Time is just as grindy, filled with unfun modifiers
>D1 -> throw meta is fucking boring to watch and annoying to play
>throws are guess breaks most of the time
>variation system limits what the characters can do
>worthless customization accessories (Shang Tsung's scrolls, Skarlet's Blood Vials, Kitana's Sai, etc.)
>music is still a far cry from the classic games and 3D era
>stupid ass retcons
On the positive side, the netcode is great, the presentation is solid, and some characters got godlike redesigns (Scorpion). It CAN be fun to play, but all of the negatives combine to make an inconsistent and stale experience. I hope Spawn is really fun.

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I hate to hate every franchise that perpetuates shitty policies in vidya
mortal kombats sins include
>mobile game integration
>full priced game that STILL asks you to pay a separate price for in-game cosmetics regardless of any work around
>hypocritical censorship - lets cover up all the female ninjas who across all of mks legacy have worn skimpy outfits on the premise that a real fighter wouldnt wear clothes that dont protect them, oh and by the way liu kang is still showing off his bare biceps, abs, perky tits, and nips

What do you mean?

The only reason I didn’t buy this Mortal Kombat because I was watching Tom Brady stream months before the game came out and they said that they’re not going to game. Oh, the Tom Brady that took the donation money not the football Tom Brady.

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sucks that brady turned out to be such a faggot.
I liked following his stuff even though i despise NRS shit.

stuff like cutting interesting (for a fighter) characters like kenshi, quan chi, sheeva, takeda etc but keeping in style clones like cassie (sonya blade with jonnys green goop) and jaqui (female jax)
the fact that the next MK game can have a WHOS GONNA MAKE IT IN??! moment is so shitty

Jacqui doesn't really play like Jax.

What's wrong with Brady? He's been on the ball with the issues in this game.

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because MK is just mediocre series that grew too big recently

like people criticize sfv all day but they do it because SF in general set a very high bar for the series
meanwhile it was just kind of accepted that MK is janky shit, but that was okay previously because the series was never in a "most popular fg on the market" place

now MK's gameplay is just as subpar as ever, but it sold 18 million copies this gen while other "big" fighters barely sold a few millions. MK is sucking away all the casual market and sales from other FGs while outside of the nice cinematics it hardly deserving it's immense success like SF2/4 or Tekken3/5 did back when they were the biggest fighters

on top of this MK is the game that pushes censorship of sexyness the absolute most

The gameplay is garbage and the animations are trash

scamming people out of donations is extremely scummy.
he always portrays himself as the good guy victim but all of this went out of the window with this bullshit move.

he took donations for tournament travels during his stream. Never went to the said tournament and used it for something else. When people got pissed off he lied to save face, and got caught again.

>>mobile game integration
>>full priced game that STILL asks you to pay a separate price for in-game cosmetics regardless of any work around
user...did you get enough information about the game?

no but her theme is just that, she has no unique quirks or a torch pass that would lead to her replacing jax in future rosters
ANYTHING jacqui can do they could just add to jaxs moveset and vice-versa

fucking takeda had that chainwhip, cassie is fine but instead of just using her to save slots on the roster and remove sonya and jonny they just put in ALL 3 and removed more interesting characters instead

I like it wtf

I hate the ingame animations
The intro/outro animations are good, but the actual gameplay ones suck balls. I hate how Sub Zero shoots his projectile now, it's like "a little flick of the wrist" instead of "arms extended, bent knee putting effort in". Pretty much all the characters look lazy when they attack, like they're only putting in half effort.

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It feels clunky and dated and for s 2019 fighting game is kind of sad to play.
Hits don't feel meaty., characters don't move like they should. There are WAY too many missing fighters and some literally-who's in there place.

No one plays it. The pro scene is kind of meh
It's hard to find actual locals or even big tourneys youd have to drive a few hours for so there is no drive to get better because online can't be the end all be all for as competitive fighting game

I dont know. It's not GOD awful,. but MK has been better. The series seems to be sinking not getting better. I don't care about fucking Spawn, I didn't care about Terminator,. and don't even get me started on Joker. It's sad to see the series in this state but if no one wants to play your game, no one wants to play your game...

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no crack

>not even a general on /vg/
There are games far more unpopular that have constant threads there. I know its a circlejerk board, but it really is saying something if MK can't even keep a general running

Animations are shit.

Because they're gay. The game is based.

atrocious female character design done by purpose

Not gonna tear it apart because no one in the thread plays enough or cares enough to actually discuss it with me or do anything but just agree.

I feel MK11 has potential to be good but it depends on if they do a big patch that changes a lot of shit like they did in MKX apparently. I don't think they can fix all of my problems but if they can at least make it so fucking every fight isn't just durrr d1, grab, perfect block attack and there are more real footsies then it might be worth playing.

>Single player content
lol. Also wakeup system isn't bad in concept but it just needs to be adjusted, it doesn't truly feel like you have many options, especially without meter.

Because it has manly girls with abs. The game is now for faggots.

>grind is annoying
>variations are limited
>50/50 throws
>not as cheesy as the other games
>retarded retcons
Probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting. I had more fun with previous entries.

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Do they really think this is gonna save it?

still shit netcode on PC. An instant deal breaker.
worst "zoning" characters in the entire fighting game market
small roster
ugly stronk wymyn
fewer variations for characters than in MK10
awful design for the crypt grind

as someone who actually plays fighting games I don't hate MK11 I just don't like it. It's just really watered down and the setplay gets stale after a week. You can only block and punish the same 50/50 strings over and over before it gets old. They added more neutral and made combos smaller yet somehow I feel like I'm still playing a retarded version of MKX with what is basically just a contest of who dies to lag first and eats the 50/50 they've already blocked 5 times.
Also the designs seem really derivative. The cast looks like they were designed to be in an Injustice game, like they're all wearing their superhero version of their normal attire or something. Hard to put my finger on it, I guess the palettes are just really bland and the outfits themselves are simple without a lot of minute detail. Erron Black is the goat though, shame he's trapped in Mortal Kombat. Oh and I think MK11 Barraka is dope too

I just hate what MK has become. It used to be made for men by men and was completely unapologetic about it. It wasn't trying to be grimdark and PC/boring like it is now. It was all T&A and IAMSOGAAAAAY, ridiculous and FUN. Now it's made by/for twittercunts and it has lost the spirit of what MK was. The writing has gone to complete shit. MK used to have interesting stories and incredibly deep lore and history; the best for any fighting game series. Now it's shit like Kombat Kids and fucking Revenants every game. Kung Jin is gay for no reason, Jax is Wakanda Forever cause he's black, Cassie is the champion of earth realm cause wamen stronk, etc. It's trash, tumblr-tier writing. It's so painful to see my favorite vidya franchise become so goddamn soulless. But MK is dead. MK9 is the last true MK game.

>It used to be made for men by men and was completely unapologetic about it.
>It wasn't trying to be grimdark
Those kind of contradict each other though. Quippy fagot.


>actually crying about grimdark
>thinking you're manly
You're an embarrassment bud

Stop samefagging and answer the fucking question. How is grimdark bullshit like MKX and (to a lesser extent) MK11 manly?

50/50 throws aren't a bad thing inherently, it's a problem in this game because characters can have crushing blows for guessing wrong and a lot of throws can loop.

I don’t hate it. I just don’t care.

How is meta """FUN""" shit better? People like you are responsible for everything that's wrong in entertainment media today. Everything must be a self aware quip fest. The game has enough comedy in it as is. Blowing the Earth up with a fatality is stupid, I'm glad they're not putting in that ridiculous shit again.

grimdark isnt manly its angsty fag shit.
you homo.

I wish the games went back to being B movie goofy shit

>y-you're the homo I promise
Enjoy your SNL fighters buddy

The style is ugly as shit. I much prefer how MKX looked.

As a fan of MKX gameplay, this game just feels slower and for me personally doesnt have the hype of MK9 or even MKX. The customization is a downgrade from IJ2 with only able to customers 3 things you dont even see and the skins arent that great either. Also the grinding fucking sucks and the krypt wasnt worth the hype. Hopefully when MK12, comes out in 10 yrs itll be a return to form, but with NRS catering to esports now, I highly doubt it.

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shut up queer

Why is Mommy Earth so based?

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There's no Shredder-zero so it's shit by default

>I wish the games went back to being B movie goofy shit
So you think people aren't tired of that gimmick when it's in 99.9% of properties now?
Why not have something that takes itself halfway seriously. MK always had tongue in cheek moments but it wasn't entirely ironic. The movie understood this. The people who want to turn MK into a free for all meta humor ridiculous extravaganza don't.
The only valid critique is the female characters being clearly more de-sexualized. But Shao Kahn playing jump rope is stupid and it's never happening.

why is terminator a geezer?

this. everything else is deflection
idiots who live for cooming to video games, as if porn does not exist, and throw a shitfit and stomp their feet if a game comes out that they can't coom to

Just go watch capeshit or something

I don't want it to be some super ironic shit, man. 11 just seems like they toned it down way too low.

In his description it says it's him in his Dark Fate iteration. So I guess they used old arnie cuz he looks old as mold in that movie.

If only she looked like that in game

It plays like shit.

bruh look at that jaw

They still are b-movie goofy shit, though
campy dialogue, biology defining gore, faux martial arts, over the top story, mispronounced japanese words, gibberish attack cries, it's all still their

MK was always ironic and way more ironic than the movie itself.

this was so fucking funny

>gibberish attack cries
They took away Raiden's which kinda sucks.

It's bleaker for sure, but the comedy is in the interactions. I would be as upset as you if I didn't already receive similar entertainment in other places, so it doesn't bother me. It's so hard to come by non-meta media nowadays.
Again, I think the point of females being less coomer friendly is solid, but I personally never cared much for comedy. If enough people miss that aspect of the game, it will most certainly return. No one is opposed to adding humor to their properties, trust me. It's just a creative decision that the team at NRS made, because it's an inherently boomer thing to do, to make shit grimdark and more serious as you said.

>Excessive gore good
>Revealing clothing bad
Realy makes you think.

This is now a Mileena thread. Post best girl.

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