Are they going to delay it?

No one is going to buy a 900$ VR headset in the middle of the most severe economic depression in the history of the world. And the whole point of this game was to sell more Steam VR devices and normalize VR gaming

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Other urls found in this thread:

>most severe economic depression in the history of the world
NAh, think more 1200
Which is ME
coming payday. I got the income to shit out stuff like this.
Also getting Samsung S20™ Ultra

Cant stop me poorfag :^)

Opposite. Videogame industry is going to explode from this shit. Expect 2020 to be a record setting year for gaming.


Attached: 2020-03-09 15_51_05-US10Y_ 0.487 -0.22 (0.00%) – Stock Price, Quote and News - CNBC.png (1803x1379, 129.1K)

>thinks this unironically.

Fucking Trump muppet

boy you guys are really scrabbling
can't you just be happy for us?

>most severe economic depression in the history of the world
I have so much money I dont even know what to spent it on.

>everyone stays at home instead of going out and wasting their money on dining, theaters, events, travel
>money leftover is used to buy home entertainment

It's pretty obvious what's going to happen.

>markets across the world collapse
>but muh coronavirus

People wouldn't care about the risk of infection once the paychecks stop coming

>middle of the most severe economic depression in the history of the world

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vae victis NIGGER

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>vae victis NIGGER
That looks very niggerish speak to me, nigger

>most severe economic depression in the history of the world
what fucking planet are you living on

Halflop Alyx.

Planet CNN you bigot

I'm only surprised they didn't call it HalfLife Artifact.

Everyone that cared and matters already bought a VR headset. You had 4 years to do it.

Markets are down but, at least in this moment, job rates are fantastic. This is the perfect time to release it on the off chance shit gets really bad later.

damn he mad

>still desperately trying to tortanic VR
really cringe, bro

>I got the income to shit out stuff like this.
>Has to wait for his paycheck tho
Sounds like a typical american


Attached: Laughing whores mbew.webm (856x856, 1.23M)

Odyssey+ was 250 Rift S was 400 why do VRlets always use the 1000 dollar meme?

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I got my rift s for free

>most severe economic depression in the history of the world

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Yeah, just like nobody would buy a singleplayer game that demaded internet connection.

No one gives a shit about HL anymore.

Attached: HL_GoogleTrend.png (1090x392, 26.78K)

It's sold out lol.
And when they list new availability?
It's going to get sold out within minutes.
Stay mad.

imagine being so jealous of VR that you make this chart

yes, I created google just to make this chart


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>game for normies vs trailblazing future tech
hmm I wonder

If you voted for Yang chonk then maybe we all have 1000 yangbuck to spend on games. Maybe people will all build PC lead to no more console dowmgrade.

People would and did. The Index sold out the instant Alyx was announced. Their problem is literally keeping that shit in stock because of demand and coronachan.

>No one is going to buy a 900$ VR headset in the middle of the most severe economic depression in the history of the world.
Lmao poormutt pls. I don’t give a shit about your dying economy or your Coronascares.

Too bad Americans were too stupid to know what was good for them and instead opted to keep voting for the same talking heads that promise them the world and give them nothing

>future tech

I just did. Your argument is shit.

>the most severe economic depression in the history of the world
It'd be nice if people were honest. Trump's "great economy" is based off of a stock market that doesn't even remotely reflect everyday life in America, and CNN is full of shit for claiming the economy is collapsing.

Bill Clinton's economic boom was an actual great economy, where jobs were opening up everywhere. One of the reasons why Amazon and Walmart dominating is bad is because all that money is funneled into single corporations that don't pay taxes and don't supply enough jobs to employ most Americans.

>Yeah but at least now no one can live off my tax money lol

My whole family votes red every fucking time and it's absurd. They're all poor as fuck and convinced they're in the right, if you're rich then I get loving Republicans but goddamn, these poor people are fucking stupid.

L4DVR > Half Life: Alyx l4d would have been much more popular

It’s a shame really how fear keeps people from doing what’s best for them.

Lmao.. you sound like such a forever alone you fucking loser.

They vote Republican because they are stupid. The two party system failed centuries ago, but modern politics don't even bother trying to hide it. Whenever Democrats start winning, then and only then do Republicans put forth an effort. When they aren't busy starting wars.

Valve is working on a new Left4Dead

>>Bill Clinton's economic boom was an actual great economy, where jobs were opening up everywhere
Bill had almost jackshit to do with that, he had the luck to become president right as the internet went mainstream. The second idiots figured out the internet didn't magically make them money, the dot com bubble collapsed.

Just because oil barons are crying rn doesn't mean people will stop consooming.

>whats best
>vote blue for free shit and open borders
>not for you though
>you get taxed more
You're a special kind of retard right?


Gonna try my hardest to buy an Index. I hope I can get in


Install an autofill bot and use an autorefresh add-on. I already got mine but I just want to see how fast they sell out again.

It's almost like there is an exodus from blue states to red states. Did you know that California currently has people leaving democratic areas to republican areas?

It's almost like they don't want to be taxed to death and then told it's their fault for being racist.

You democrats are truly retarded.

funny how they sell out almost instantly when they come in stock

Just buy an Odyssey+ and stop seething over VR you brainlet.

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game starved pc trannies are. I mean, they vote a literal indie game as their goty every year and now its the only time they get an exclusive even though its only a literal VR game.

Still rocking the beefy vive from 2016. Il wait for reviews. But at this point, if its cracked in the first, im just gonna pirate it

>No one is going to buy a 900$ VR headset in the middle of the most severe economic depression in the history of the world
That's where you're wrong kiddo, I'll be ordering mine today.

It's coming user be patient.