This is the new female protagonist of Cyberpunk 2077, and she is beautiful!

This is the new female protagonist of Cyberpunk 2077, and she is beautiful!

Attached: future.jpg (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Looks literally like me

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Is there any reason she has to be black? Why not just use the OG FemV?

It would be great if the game came with a reversible cover with male PC on one side, fem PC on the other like Mass Effect 3.

The reason is that CDPR is making up for the fact that EVERY character in the witcher games were white. So in turn, Cyberpunk 2077 has nothing but black/racially ambiguous people in it.

It does. White male V on the side, nog female V on the reversible side. Because contrary to popular belief, the main audience of video games are not, in fact, red haired nog women.

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on the main side*

>The reason is that CDPR is making up for the fact that EVERY character in the witcher games were white.
Why would they make up for that? The witcher is not set in the United States, why would there be black people in?


CDPR is so calculating with race in regards to everything.

>we put white male on cover to appeal to the games main demographic lets put the female version on the backside
>oh shit she's white too, now {[(THEY)]} are going to shit on us for going white twice, what do we do
>quick, lets change her race

Looks revolting but I guess thats to be expected

>she is beautiful!
She looks ok but will be even better when the big tit mods start coming or shall i say cooming?

Attached: boobies.png (1152x648, 1.36M)

She looks fine save for the piercing by the mouth. Maybe needs better hair too but it looks exactly what a 'cyberpunk' might look like.

Tits too small. Who will be a brave soul and ask CDPR on twitter if there will be a breast slider or we'll have to wait for the mods?

lmao she looks awful now

t. racially blind mutt

is there a reason why she has to be anything else?

Using the presets in games like ME wich have shitty custom characthers? Ok.
But its unimaginative in other games.

>there's no black people in 2077
>in California

>EVERY character in the witcher games were white
kill yourself

There is no OG fem V. The game has a character creator.
>needs better hair too
I agree. I hope they have a nice selection of punk haircuts when the game comes out. I hate this current haircut. All retarded Hollywood thots have had it at one time or another. Fingers crossed that i will be able to recreate Tank Girl as my V.

Attached: tank girl.jpg (1187x1800, 873.6K)

So the dude I create can possibly walk into a bad neighborhood playing rap music like Asap Rocky snd get beat up by black gangs and then raped by a tranny?


Every single new reveal is worse and worse. I think the game is done for now.

>oh no some runewright guys that have 5 lines of dialogue are brown, that totally invalidates the whole thing!
No, YOU kys.

where is the hair on the side of her head? someone probably shaved it while she was asleep. thats why shes got the gun i bet. probably mad as hell.

so can I make a female character but give it a fat dick or what

>that totally invalidates the whole thing!
it does
unless you don't know what EVERY means you fucking retard
and I meant the main antagonist of the 1st game
you fucking imbecile

But i'm guessing most of the autistic shitposters in this thread are too young to have heard of Tank Girl.
>It does. White male V on the side, nog female V on the reversible side.
Black women belong to white men or how was it called... Bleached? Colonized? LMAO don't tell me that you're a seething white roastie!

Attached: tanked girl.jpg (326x500, 99.21K)

>yfw we could have had this but they replaced it with ugly sheboon
this is unfair bros

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it had a character creation, are you brain damaged?

Because it's super racist not to have a couple of black merchants and supporting cast members. Don't ask why because racists like you would never understand.

White man plus mutt woman is still better than the huge nigger and white woman Hollywood is trying to sell.

There's hundreds of ethnicities, what is the obsession of having african-americans appear in any work produced by any country? I never see people complain that games lack spaniards, swiss or dravians.

is there a boob slider? if so, are there options beyong flat-small?

they only shown the dude in presentations
someone definitely asked them though, go look it up

>someone definitely asked them though
I doubt that.

your definition of "black" is very loose

"dark skin = 'black' " is the most "racially blind mutt" observation someone can make

This board is going to be completely unusable when Cyberpunk is released. Endless threads of Yas Forumsirgin and rival seethe.

Alright. No way that witcher4 (whenever it comes) is going to be good.

Race ≠ ethnicity

I cancelled my preorder because of this.

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Of course it won't be. Witcher is especially cucked because on top of CDPR becoming pozzed the Netflix show made nogs in the setting canon which means CDPR won't be able to get away with an all white cast anymore.

race is not skin color you mongrel

It's not the same canon you retard

I preordered because of this. Black qveens belong to white cock.

Attached: coloniser.jpg (300x450, 59.11K)

>preordering games
>not downloading the full demo and then buying the game years later in a sale if it was good

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I fell for the hype meme and CONSOOMERISM because I had a lot of disposable income at the time.

This man knows.

that giant collar around the main character looks so fucking dumb.

Races aren't real.

Neither are ethnicities then

>the downgrade is happening already
Well that's sad.

>charater creator

I love me some delicious brown waifu but the hair color doesn't really fit with her skin color and the loss of the smoky eyes is a bad thing.

Attached: CP1.jpg (1920x1280, 1.02M)

now he's getting it

correct. there are gradients of DNA variation, there are no neat boxes like people love to make up.


She doesnt have black features

Tell that to the angry white boy then

>Looks literally like me

Attached: 1582298481528.jpg (749x929, 141.56K)

this is Yas Forums, who else would i be talking to?

legs and feet mmm

Found the tranny

ill be impressed if this game lives up to the hype. I doubt it will.

CDPR shareholders made it clear they are kind of expecting the game to have 96-97 metacritic score like rockstar games. This would require CDPR to make sure the game is polished to absolute perfection like rockstar console releases - but you just know it wont be.Mainstream reviewers always play the console versions. TW3 ran like absolute shit on consoles for ages and had a lot of problems the PC version didnt have, thats why it only got a 92 meta. And theres rumours about the console versions of CP2077 running like absolute garbage, causing the delay. We've already seen the PC version graphics get massively downgraded last year, how will the console versions look then? I'd wager it actually will look worse than most ubisoft open worlds.

the stock price of CDPR is inflated artifically so much, because retards think that this will be the next GTA 5. I mean it will probably sell amazingly well based on the hype alone, but it wont do GTA numbers, that for sure.

The funny thing is that the game clearly started as a proper RPG, but over the years the scope of the game has been reduced, I assume due to development complexities and also because proper RPG's dont have the mainstream appeal as action games with tacked on superifical RPG elements do. This pivot, along with trying the hardest to not piss off anyone on the internet therefore making the default face uglier is potentially going to backfire pretty badly with the core fanbase of CDPR games.

Now THIS is Cyberpunk!!