Opera GX - Gaming Browser

Why are you faggots not using this yet?
I have been using Opera for 3 years and they just released this new version of Opera, and it's based, on top of the usual features like detachable picture in picture video player, free VPN, extensions, news agregator... You can now adjust how much Ram you allow the browser to use.
What you faggots think of it? Any of you tired it? It's still in développement but so far I like it.

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we had the exact thread yesterday. sorry mr.shill but opera is full of hidden trackers

name a browser that isn't

Because it's literally a chinese botnet plus if you're strained on RAM (or any hardware resource) you buy more of it. The solution is never to download whatever memory cleaner limiter unlocker gamer voodoo bullshit.

Reminder that anytime someone bitches about anything being Chinese/russian they're saying "no don't use it please Jews don't control it!"
I trust Russians and Chinese with my data infinitely more than I do any western or Western puppet nation because what the fuck are going to do with it? It's only dangerous if you live there. Chinese and russian companies are the only ones who refuse to sell data to the FBI/CIA/INTERPOL cartels.
>always have browser in the background because music and shit
>eats a fucktonne of RAM for no reason

Your browser uses as much RAM is it needs just about. Opera is just another chromium browser, after all. If you want it to use less RAM just close some fucking tabs.

OR I can manually tell it to only use as much RAM as I want it to...

what browser do you use and how is it better?

I use Chrome. It's not necessarily better since they are fundamentally the same browser, but it's my preference because it has features I actually use (Google integration) rather than a shit VPN provider (ever heard of extensions?) and this crap.

Yeah, call me dumb but I'm not the one who thinks a browser that limits its ram usage means that my games will put less strain on my GPU.

>I use Chrome.
So you're bitching about muh data muh Chinese but you're fine with Google?
>Yeah, call me dumb but I'm not the one who thinks a browser that limits its ram usage means that my games will put less strain on my GPU.
you can limit GPU usage too you mong it's even in the pic

I'm fine with it in the sense that it's the world we live in. I appreciate what Google gives me for selling out more than Opera gives me in the form of some placebo dials and switches. Also, the west is still better than fucking china.


>Also, the west is still better than fucking china.
Will Google sell your data to anyone who pays them enough, including those who'd use it against you? Yes.
Will the Chinese use your data against you? No, unless you go there.
If you think China's so shit it's not worth going to, it should be a plus in your book.

>tell a programme it's only allowed to use 2 GB of RAM
>it does

>yeah, I'm a GAMER

Attached: 1537262985248.jpg (238x217, 5.96K)

Firefox suits my needs just fine thanks

Fuck off chink

Opera has always been utter shit. It will always be utter shit.

KYS Opera fag.

>please use my jew controlled browser instead
if you had any braincells left you'd realise your data is safer with chinks than it is with your own kind

The new Egde is the best. Fonts are much nicer rendered than ff. And it isn‘t a piece of shit on mac like ff

>Why are you faggots not using this yet?
because if i wanted to use chrome i would just use that

>using a mac
>on Yas Forums of all places
hi dobsob


>literally chromium but with more features
>nah I'll use the shit one instead

>implying Mozilla isn't full pozzed


not him but you're a faggot

wow a guy who gets his shit from reddit is calling me a faggot
maybe you should fucking kill yourself

this has to be the dumbest person I've seen on Yas Forums, been on this board since 2011, and I've seen some grade A retards but holy shit dude you take the god damn cake, not just that you get the whole fucking bakery too.

sour grapes

this doesn't work the way you think it does

Tianaman square massacre 1989

you dont even know what that means

you plan to elaborate on that or is this just a "no u"?


you're the retard here you dumb bitch

coping faggot

go back to your gaming bed zoomer

>n-no you can't use botnet
>actually used botnet
>gets called out on it
>i-its fine, it's the world we live in

and the Darwin award goes to you.

hell yeah imma watch some overwatch tournaments in my GAMING browser while sitting in a GAMING chair and sipping some GAMING fuel
just gotta remove my GAMING buttplug and GAMING cock ring before that
peace out, GAMERS

Why can't anyone make a non-shit browser?
Hell, a non-shit OS too for that matter.

anyone here uses Vivaldi?

Attached: 1575402671496.jpg (1240x1418, 1.46M)

and those would be?

non-shit OS exist, the issue is that gaming predominantly supports windows.

debut the creators of vulvaldi use it


yes bretheren
a bit slower than the rest but the interface's worth it
the new PiP stuff should be an option though, the current implementation fucking sucks
t. used old Opera before the engine change

i have two windows and 12 tabs of firefox open
memusage 1.5gb
16gb is sop these days wtf do you need this shit for

Yes. It's not the greatest, but the aestheticsare worth it.

Attached: brave-browser.png (1034x518, 34.35K)

>we're totally safe

Attached: 1553509616274.jpg (500x300, 9.61K)

But..that literally is just reskinned chrome

You know you guys could just not respond to spam threads and let OP talk to himself for 8 hours?

unlike other browers, the source is public and everyone can check it

does it have ublock?

it has a better adblocker



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it's not installed by default but yes

Doesn’t that make it worse?

neat, I'll look into it

>using anything other than qutebrowser

nope, cause it's based on chromium and it has a pretty effective anti-tracker built in

This thread smells like CCP shills

you smell like a smash player

Better than shilling for the CCP