Consoles becoming premium service


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I want to be milked.

>if you don't pay monthly, you bought a brick
Did i just throw up in my mouth?

only complete retards have consoles


>ram rental service
why not just pirate?

>subscription-based, console-powered onaholes
Sounds like an funny way to satisfy both your dick and your findom fetishes.

and then everyone will literally buy a pc

subscription for hardware?
I don't get it, what the fuck is this, download more ram joke?

As a former Sony fan, they can fuck right off.

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i'm glad i use pc

>tying hardware to subscriptions

full yikes



Nice clickbait article.

There's a ton of games from the past 25 years I haven't played yet. Guess I'll just play those.

I trust the internet to riot if they try to pull any really egregious bullshit

bricks are more ergonomic than the average console, I'd rather have a brick than a useless playstation lmao

I wouldn't put it past console manufacturers, if both Sony and Microsoft pull it off normalfags will eat it up for the pretty grafix for their fifa box

>Sony is releasing 2 PS models. The base PS5 is 9TFLOPs . Their other one is also top of the line to compete with XSX top dog. This all makes sense now as to why people are getting mixed numbers for each of the platforms. I also heard that the top of the line models will be expensive. No pricing but I would guess around $600.

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Sony fans aren't like xbox fans and won't flip like they did with the xbone. They'll defend and eat it up while the masses switch back to pc and new xbox leaving sony with another ps3.

it's like you haven't been alive for the past 20 years

The writer of the article doesn't know what a subscription service is. Who hires these people.

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>tfw you will soon be able to subscribe to Sony for a modest price of 29.99 a month to get an extra frame per dollar versus standard, non-subbed models
simply epic I cannot wait tybs (thank you based sony)
at what point does everything collapse? at what point will they cross the line? is it even possible? i can see no end to the abuse

The PS4 does a good enough job of that already

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Doesn't matter, look all the mouthbreathers here that take the title at face value

Would you let Sony milk you?

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>PS5 launches at $300 plus $30 monthly tip to keep it working
>alternative option where you pay $80 up front and $45 a month for the first two years before it goes down to $30
>Normies eat this shit up because they're already used to this shit from phone companies
I could honestly see this happening.

I hope the rumour of MS launching a 300$ 1080p Xbox Series S is true

That kind of shit would actually be hilarious to watch Sony instantly try convince you 500$ consoles are worth it

we shat on enough floors for the xbox to stop having on disk DRM, user. have some faith.

>milk you

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You are the reason people make clickbait articles. Because you see a purposely misleading headline and believe your own intrepretation of it.

Just bought my parts from amazon and building my first PC, good to see the next generation is cancer as fuck and i was justified thought i spent too much.

Im still very frightened about building
: (

I bought Sony consoles when they were weeb machines.
Now PC gets 95% of all relevant weebshit while Sony just tries to shove moviegames down my throat
Nioh 2 is probably the last game i will buy on this gen and only because i can't be arsed to wait for pc version

Only if it puts me on chastity and force feeds me HTR

If that shit is really true, it will probably be something like "get [x] years of PS+++ and we will give*** you a PS5 Pro", similar to those coffee machine companies and their subscription bundles.
It's pure jewish shit but not a completely new case of jewish shit so I can see it happening.

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I never supported netflix and I won't support this.

>300$ 1080p Xbox Series S
Why would people buy a next gen console with the same power as a current gen console?

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Truth doesn't matter to them. Expect to see this screencap in the catalog 24/7 whilst shitposters circlejerk each other in the threads. We're living in a post-truth world.

Just like Sony fans rejected paid online right?

>You are the reason people make clickbait articles.
Uhhhhhh.... Actually you are.
We saw the title and that's it.
You saw the title, expected more info and clicked the article, giving them money.

yes we get that you're retarded enough to buy into this but even normies aren't this retarded

remember your standoffs you retarded faggot

How do I get a cute shota girlfriend?

My old rig died a few years back and I bought parts to put together a new one on my own, lots of trial and error but it felt great when I fired it up the first time. Best of luck my dude.

>about to milk YOU for every last penny
>a more powerful version will be JUSTIFIED by a subscription service

why does this assume that I'm sort of knuckledragging, bootchewing simpleton that will buy into something as if I'm obligated to
why are sony ponies like this

>source says that sony is going to do the same thing as xbox all access
>a sub service that supplies a console and game pass
>the same way that there's a sub service to guarantee the latest phone every year
why doesn't he know what a subscription service is, exactly?

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>tells others to read the article
>"you are the reason clickbait articles exist"

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I actually can't remember the last time NeoGAF was used as a source.

You're the ones that believe the title and spread it around. Which causes people like me to see it and check it's legitimacy.

here, i screencapped the part where it said what these posts described
xbox is already doing this kind of subscription, user. why are you confused?

>shota girlfriend

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>it's your fault I give them money

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how is the roachstation going to be a "premium service" when it's OBJECTIVELY the WORST console?

there's literally no fucking reason to get one over a oneX

consoles seriously need to disappear
they served their purpose

>no Bert in gif
That shouldn't have let me down as much as it did

>Xbox One S runs Xbox One games at 1080p
>Xbox One X runs Xbox One games at 4k
>Xbox Series X runs Xbox Series games at 4k
>Xbox Series S runs Xbox Series games at 1080p

It's not a hard concept, it's just sidestepping resolution for price.

Do you also waste your time and money to play memes like TOR and YIIK that pops up on Yas Forums just because you MUST learn the truth behind every shitty thread at all costs instead of just laughing and forgetting about it eventually?

I don't give a shit what the article says you faggot. I'm talking about a hypothetical situation i could see happening. I'm not saying it's going to happen based on the article or anything. (who the fuck clicks on clickbait articles anyway?)
If anyone's a kneejerking retard it's you.

it would help if you actually read the article too instead of blindly disbelieving it. considering MS is already doing that thing you're accusing the author of not knowing the concept of, it's not hard to think sony might follow suit as usual.

it's technically got alot of the shit the series x has. it just won't push anything past 1440p, the thing itself will be the base xbox one while the series x will be like xboner x

Wait, I'm sorry. Are they saying that your console will be locked to a slower speed unless you pay a sub?

>Kyoani fan is a bigot
Burn in hell

>roachstation thread
hey sonyroaches
tik tok

drawfags should be shot desu

MOO MOO, Sonycows.

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Most gamers are unironic retards and some of the worst consoomers among us. Expect to see posts defending this, labeling critics as poorfags.

>milk me for every penny
Too late, I have a girlfriend.

remember when they bragged about not charging for online like Xbox, then went ahead and did it the next gen anyway

You mean a xbox. Console niggers are too stupid to use a pc

Too soon.

But that's not a subscription service. That's the "Buy now, pay over 24 months" shit. A subscription service is something you can cancel and when you do, you lose access to said thing (netflix, etc.). Xbox All Access is not a subscription service.

TOR was wildly underrated in many aspects. Perfectly rated in others, unfortunately.

They still do, the problem is they long ago reached the point of being perfected for the average dumb audience that wants to spend around $350 for something to play online video games with their friends. If 7th gen console level tech was standard and released into todays market with the current level of video game popularity it'd be pretty much no different than the upcoming consoles if it was considered an upgrade. People just care about widespread popularity and hype, thats what it really boils down to.

The only reason to buy a new console is because it has games the old one doesn't.

post a link and sources not a screenshot you credulous retard

wait, THAT'S what he means by subscription? Fucking phone companies here have been doing this shit for years now
>buy phone in a 2 year plan
>get ps4 with fifa and ctr

>PS4 controller is defective and the sticks break after a few hours use
>Uh oh, sorry but we sell them separately
>PS4 OG is defective
>It's okay we released a Slim version that fixes the fan and power supply overheating
>Oh wait sorry there's still problems with our GPU
>It's okay goy, buy the Pro!
>Oh nooo the fan problems and overheating is back? That suuucks
>Luckily for you the PS5 is right around the corner!
>Don't forget to sub to PSN for your terrible """free""" games and buy all the cosmetic DLC for our first party games!
Bruh you were already getting milked