Dude godwoken lmao

>dude godwoken lmao
>dude voidwoken lmao
>dude GODS lmao
>dude THE ONE lmao
>dude the divine order lmao
>dude so(u)rcerers lmao

Booooooring. What the fuck is a jrpg plot doing in an europoor game?

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>muh lore
who cares, it's fun as fuck

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I found this game too difficult

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You must be a little stupid im sorry

the game is called divinity

it has an easy mode

Why does every fantasy rpg have so many faggot races?
>Muh lizardpeople so quirky and cool
>Muh retarded unrealistic midgets fighting ogres and shit
Come the fuck on. I get that it's a fantasy but the fact that gnomes and dwarves are suppposed to be regular midgets and take on humans and orks is such a stupid fucking idea.

The gameplay is FUN but my dialogue skip finger starts itching whenever characters start talking about gods or religion, WHICH IS FUCKING OFTEN.

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yea dwarfs suck but people like them

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noone expects weeb to be smart so dont feel bad about it bro

This game is why I don't trust Larian to make Baldur's gate 3. Divinity 2 made me cringe so fucking hard I disappeared up my own asshole. I found it impossible to continue playing because the tone of the game was so annoying and inconsistent. There's no effort to maintain people's suspension of disbelief, the mentality is "it's fantasy so anything goes, rainbow unicorns, talking dogs, friendly skeletons, we'll put it ALL IN"

If fantasy games were public events, Larian's Divinity series would be a fucking mardi gras gay pride parade. Which is fine if that's what you're into, but as someone who has grown up on CRPG's like Fallout and Planescape Torment, it is wayyyyyyyyyy too fruity for me to tolerate. And when they start buying up classic IP's, that's when it's time to worry.

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but I did play it on easy. I played for like 30h and reached far into Luculla Forest. also I don't like the "here's a giant map and several objectives with unknown locations to do" design. played skelitoon with magic, was that a bad choice?

That's cause the game starts every single fucking fight with a huge aoe to your face, it's not your fault, you get steam rolled till level 3-5 then you steam roll everything cause CC's get dumb, you empty someone's armor and hes not going to even take another turn.


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You realize you can replace these words with whatever other crpgs are about?

At least you know that you are infinitely far up your own ass. Change always starts with acceptance

You're close to enlightment, user. Enlightment is knowing that Larian games are meant to be played while whacking the skip dialogue option. They're like classic murderhobo adventures from a pnp. It doesn't matter what the GM is trying to tell you, just go around killing and looting everything while exploiting the mechanics of the game as much as possible.

Yeah , change is good, change the the fucking studio to Owlcat and give them the license.

Generally you want to pick an origin character as your character, the story is much better that way. So basically just ignore the fully custom characters.

And don't pick Fane on the first playthrough. Don't even take him to your party on the first playthrough.

Owlcat is paizo's bitch now. They've got their own problems to deal with.

Fucking disgusting, at least people like you will never be in charge of anything

Post fun builds and mod recommendations right the fuck now.

This game is too easy

>Hates fun
>Likes Pahtfinder
It all fits so damn well.

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Pathfinder has a gorillion ways to play and break the game due to multiclass and the fact that all the classes are different and fun, even when having 2 fighters they will never be the same if you choose a specialization .

Meanwhile on divinity os2, break armor, CC, 20 minutes of turn based combat, wow you win. Next fight, break amor, someone kills your mage but it doesn't matter cause of CC, you win, you TP back for a scroll and repeat. So incredibly fun.

it's pretty much the most boring recent title among a genre of boring games

immediate fun reactions aren't the draw of crpgs, you sound like you should be playing fps

This shit was too fucking hard and I had to kill friendlies for rez scrolls

I don't even know how to talk to a "person" that genuinely believes pathfinder is fun. It's like trying to talk to Last Jedi defenders.

>anons retroactively hate D:OS now

Baby Yoda is the best thing that happened to that IP and you know it

>bg3 will also have a jrpg-like plot while also using dnd 5e systems

we made it to the best timeline, bros.

*jungle combat music starts playing*

Yas Forums is for shitposting and nothing else

i always hated both 1 and 2, could never finish the damn things

the oilfield was an unexpected difficulty spike, but for the most part the game isnt too hard

What's wrong having Fane in the party in the first playthrough?

Call me what you want but this game got me into CRPGs. Been enjoying older ones and newer ones ever since I finished it when it came out. I really enjoyed this one.

Thanks user, now i'm gonna require an incredible amount of alcohol and xanax so hopefully i'll die while i sleep

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I got fucked in the final battle. I probably also chose the ending that made the fight the hardest

The first game was better even if it was janky as fuck. The armor system makes fights dull and completely unbalances tank classes as all you want to do is nuke enemy armor away as fast as possible. Crafting was also useless with the fix coming in a dev supported mod by the community that disables cheevos instead of just putting it in the game so the system wasn't pointless. The writing is bad too with all of your responses coming as vaguely described actions instead of just writing words which really never lets you immerse yourself in the world. The narrator has the same problem. I made it to arx twice before just giving up because I realized I wasn't having any fucking fun

He basically already knows what's going on behind the scenes. He's better as a MC in a second playthrough for his unique perspective on the plot. Having him as a party member in the first playthrough is fine in my opinion, not sure what user is on about.

Nice, finally that series gets a good entry

jrpgs will never be able to make a game with a boring plot fun to play and that's the main difference

Well met!

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Imagine being a dev studio that harvests so much seething simply by creating games you enjoy making.
I want to wield this power one day.

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Personally, I'm just hoping character creation is deeper for custom characters.

Having him as a party member on the first playthrough is not ideal. He "spoils" stuff and his insights are better experienced on subsequent playthroughs. Of course if you don't care about the story stuff then it doesn't matter.

I'm currently playing DOS1 for the third time (meaning I've actually completed it twice before) and all I can do is think "I wish this thing was better", "damn that was dumb", "I don't really like THAT part" but then at the same time I'm playing it in 6 hours stretches and can barely have a 30 mins break in between because I just want to get back to playing.

First one was better. Story was more entertaining as well.

Playing 1 atm. i'm at 1st town now went after that apprentice girl, fighting zombies shit is kinda hard when i have to fight like 6-7 of them. But i find it kinda boring so far this dont like the mainly barrel stacking and cc the enemy out of they mind in order to win the big fights. Does the game get better? or its just more of the same. Also is the second game like this also?

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>so much seething
It's just a few nerds with thick glasses samefagging on this website

>playing games for the story

Mention at least T W O (2) JRPGs with identical lore

>game is boring when you cheese fights

Try OS1. That shit can be straight up masochism.

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no wonder reddit loved this game jesus christ this is even worse than os2

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>the worst cRPG series in recent years
>it's praised as the best RPG ever
I still don't get the appeal. The story, characters and the settings are really bad. Larian can't write. Those are the most important things for an RPG. The only "good" part is the combat system but it's pretty mediocre compared to other turn based tactics games. Why is this shit so popular?

>I don't understand how other people can have different opinions from mine.
>Why is something I don't like so popular?

The writing is quirky and "in".Basically an arrow to the knee: the rpg, fukkkken epiiic YUS

>Dragon says he's being held captive by magic device held by witch
>"Oh here comes the boss fight"
>Sneak up and pick pocket the device
>dragon shows up and slaps her shit, skipping the boss fight
It has its moments.

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If you need to be barrel stacking you're using a hard crutch. Drop the difficulty and/or l2p.

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how do i win then when i get jumped by 3 archers 1 mage, 3 skeletons, if i dont cc out of my mind im literally dead if the archers decide to focus fire one of my guys. Not to mention the mage summoning zombie boars and shit...... game is wack is either this madness or some super easy fight that i win with no problems......

>Try OS1. That shit can be straight up masochism.
Maybe if you somehow managed to avoid every broken as shit ability/spell in the game.

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Ahh, it was the redditors all along. I see, thanks.

>not killing the witch, freeing the dragon and then killing the dragon
what is this amateur hour shit I'm seeing

It's wacky and colorful, everything blows up cinematically. It's never too serious, so I don't feel ashamed for investing in a fictional story with magic and monsters - I feel smart and post-modern.
Man, I like CRPGs!

>not a SINGLE decent game like this without a shitty story


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