What is the biggest waste of money you have spent on a video game?

What is the biggest waste of money you have spent on a video game?

I think that technically speaking I did not necessarily "waste" money on League of Legends. The game is still alive because I bet on the correct horse and spent money on a game that is still going strong after all these years, whereas other people have spent money on games that went on to die immediately so that money is completely wasted. I didn't buy anything dumb like temporary boosts or loot boxes, I spent money on something permanent and bought it directly, no bullshit. Which means I can log in and still use what I paid for at any time. But the fact remains that I spent over $500 on it and haven't played it for a couple years.

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Although I will admit that I don't care much about money right now because I'm worried about the coronavirus. They said it was just a flu, that it was only in China, but every day I hear of more and more cases, more and more deaths, it's spreading more and more in the US. People are in denial but it's getting worse and worse.

just spent $200 on heroes of newerth last week, didn't even want anything on the store and just kept doing that gacha thing they have in the hopes of getting the miku announcer. if my $200 helps keep the servers running for a month longer then thats fine enough for me

I'm genuinely surprised that game is still around, last time I checked the website it straight up looked like it was broken like nobody was maintaining it, and that was a long time ago. Of course I am also surprised there is still someone pumping that much money into HoN of all things since I figured it was on its last legs, but if you enjoy it, more power to you I guess.

I spent like $1.5k on a prebuilt gaming PC that I ended up never using.
Still sits in my guest bedroom collecting dust.

there hasn't been a purchase i have regretted, especially nowadays when i can get games for super cheap


If you don't have food for 3 months stocked up, you're going to die. If you don't have guns to defend that food, you're going to die. If you live with anyone who leaves the house, you're going to die.

My switch is collecting dust. Nothing worthwhile to play that's not on pc or isn't a nintendo premium game. The drought is real.

I bought CK2 + most of the DLC (at the time). It was on sale but it was still a massive waste.

Spent 400$ on star citizen

I think I am going to order one more anime figure from Japan, so that if I die, at least I die with the anime figure instead of alone.

I want to buy the Hatsune MIku game on Switch when it gets localized but I'm feeling indecisive about it because it's not a first party Nintendo game so it could end up with a PC port. It would be the first time a game in the series has ever received a PC port but with my luck it would be the one that finally got it. Well, I am unlucky for some things but then lucky for the weirdest, most pointless things.

Spend 240$ on Artifact.

Bought Sudeki day 1. Such a fucking piece of shit.
This was one of the last times I paid full price for a video game.

wow subs

Wow, subs!

I could've literally lit all the money I spent on that game, sat back and watched it all burn to ashes, and that still would've been a more meaningful and rewarding experience than the time wasted on that shitheap of a """game""".


Is this video accurate?

world of warcraft. it causes me physical fucking pain when i realise i paid 15usd monthly for god knows how many months in total.

- Buying a VITA when I already had PSTV
- Buying a Nintendo 64 at launch (most of the games people love came out in the absolute final years of the system)
- Spending money on gachas with powercreep and constant changes

There was a coughing virus a year ago. EVERYONE in my area had it. You're fucked, might as well just live your life.

You had Mario 64 and Shadows of the Empire at N64's launch, if you weren't having a good time with those I don't know what to tell you.

this is the most I ever spent on vidya

if you aren't a boomer and you don't smoke and you don't have another medical condition you'll be fine.

Every time you spend money on a videogame you are wasting it, as you are wasting your time playing it.
You could be using those limited resources in something actually useful and meaningful, but you dedicate them to some temporary, shallow fun. Grow up.

Ironic coming from someone who's wasting his time posting on a video game board instead of doing something productive.

Indeed. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right though.

Yeah, you're right. Right into the garbage, that is! (everyone applauds)

>The halo 5 xbox one bundle, a $600AUD console that i've only played 3 games on.
>Rare Replay, Halo 5, and Sunset Overdrive
I don't own a single physical copy of an xbox one game because I can get everything else either on pc or ps4

>$350 AUD on Monster Hunter World collectors edition (pic relaated)
>Preorder collectors edition like an idiot, EB games website said $350 was the (Placeholder Price)
>Assumed it would just be around 120-150 when release comes around
>Game released on australia day so my fucking EB games was closed until the next day
>Walk in at 1pm to get my game
>Cashier rings up "Alright thatll be $350"
>"What the fuck wasnt that the placeholder price?"
>"No sorry sir, that's the full price."
>Ask for a regular copy of the game instead, all sold out
>Could buy it digitally but it would take another day to download and I was already behind my friends due to waiting an extra day of stores being closed
>Suck up my pride and fork over $350 dollarydoos.
That collectors edition was literal highway robbery, and I regret it to this day.
The figure is shit and it's smaller than my fucking dick.

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the stomping land. im still mad as fuck to this day about it

That is fucked up. Collector's editions for most games tend to go for $100 and come with most of that crap so you have to assume most of the cost is coming from the figure but that's still $250 for a dinky ass figure. Figures can certainly get that expensive but the ones that cost that much are a lot better looking, and a lot bigger. And looking on Amazon they're selling that exact figure for less than $90 so it didn't even hold its supposed value. There are some pretty decent-looking prize figures out there for $15-30 at most, I got one and it's 9 inches, over twice the size of that overpriced Nergigante one and probably larger than my dick, though I haven't measured it. Also, Sunset Overdrive is actually on PC now so you wasted even more money than you thought.

I played sunset overdrive back since before it came to steam, I'll buy something on console if it means I don't have to be a pc master waits

I got some relatively expensive package in spiral knights with some items and a couple of costumes. Was $50 or something. I didn't like the costumes as much as what I already had so I never used them. Didn't even play the game for that long.
Also spent probably a few hundred over a couple years in Maplestory on just cosmetics, I just don't mind that as much since I got plenty of enjoyment out of that game.
Have not spent too much on free vidya since.


played League since season 1, havent played in a year now. I dont wanna know how much I wasted on stupid fucking skins

I want to know. Here's how you find out.

Atleast that was out of anyones control, didnt the dev just fuck off to college or something ?

oh no.. fuck that. Im better off not knowing

A couple years back it was right after a pay day and I was in a good mood. I saw buy now for watchdogs. I remember seeing the really early videos for the game so I "bought" it. I was confused why it downloaded so quickly. This was on console, and I was so confused. I did zero research and didn't see it said preorder anywhere simply buy now. Then I got to watch as video after video came out showing the game get worse and worse. Played it when it came out and shit didn't feel like it worth a dollar.

I still don't understand how Ubisoft got away with that. They literally made a fake game in the early trailers and then the actual game was nothing like that. And somehow it still did well enough for a sequel.

Spent 140 bucks on a wheel. After using it for five minutes, I realized that the xbawks controller I've been using before that is far more comfortable for me.

I have a fucking billion cosmetics in Dota 2 but I haven't played in 4 years now. I kept buying them though for a while. I have at least 3 sets for most charaxterm in the game.

I don't usually care about spending money on games because of the financial situation I'm in.

But the 30€ DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3 is the biggest waste of money and time I have ever put into a game. What a fucking trash fire that was. I regret ever getting into the series. Fuck you.

WoW. Every time I think back to how much time and money I have sunk into this shit I want to kill myself.

Why do you keep making this fucking thread you autist?

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I had a friend who dropped around $2,000 on League of Legends. He regrets it.

I probably spent around the same amount on Rock Band DLC and equipment. However, I have zero regrets because I constantly played that game and even had a top 10 ranked band. Rock Band 2 is easily one of my favorite games ever.

The only video game that comes to mind for blown money would be my pre-purchase of Command and Conquer 4. It was a valuable lesson learned as I quickly discovered that I should never pre-purchase games, even those belonging to franchises I love. I'm still sad about what happened to C&C...

If you like superbosses the DLC was really great, still a bit overpriced, but the bosses are really fun, did you pay expecting good story or something?

I expected SOME story progress. We got literally nothing. Bosses were fine and all but because I didn't really like the core gameplay, the bosses didn't feel that good.

I bought a 360 just for Vesperia.
Granted i also used it for multiplats before i built my pc so it had some more purpose, but i still felt it was a huge waste of money.

What do you have for Mortred? I like her but all of her cosmetics look exactly the same.

wow that's a screen i have not seen in a very long time.
thanks user.

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I mean, it took ten years for it to be on any system other than 360, and it is considered hands down one of the greatest JRPGs ever made. There are worse reasons to have bought an entire system.

I bought pic related on launch.

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>I mean, it took ten years for it to be on any system other than 360
It was on PS3.

I never really played it

Not in a language that matters.

The DLC added some new combo modifiers (some new, some taken from KH2) that made the game way more fluid them the base game, maybe you didn't use them. What was missing for me in the base game was difficulty and postgame superbosses. The DLC adressed this two things so I enjoyed it a lot. After the disaster that the Osaka team made with KH3 vanilla, the future looked really bleak, but the DLC showed they are improving a bit. But i feel for you, if you were expecting new story stuff, it was disappointing.

You mean in the only language that matters.


Dota 2

I spent nearly $3000 on cosmetics in a game I don't even play anymore. I've since curbed that stupid spending habit. I refuse to spend money on microtransactions unless it's some special offer that's a dollar or less in my main gacha game. That shit rarely happens so I'm spending like

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English. There was an English patch for it later on.

Too late for it to actually matter. By that time everyone had moved on.

do you still play it at least?

can't you resell your dota items though?
you'd probably make bank (in steambux) if the marketplace is still going well for some things

Hearthstone expansion pre order mostly.