The underclasses are getting desperate, the virus is reaching a point where we might not be able to contain it

The underclasses are getting desperate, the virus is reaching a point where we might not be able to contain it

Attached: WaltonSimons.png (360x360, 182.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why contain it?



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deus ex was meant to be a warning, not a fucking instruction manual!

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Your turn.


Look I hate to say it but can you PLEASE go back to screaming about Alucard taking it in the butt? It was genuinely preferable to Yas Forums hysteria

How is that preferable to a Deus Ex thread?

I'll give you 10 seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of COVID-19 infections.

my mistake. resuming patrol

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the fuck is this

Your share of the $8 billion funding package to FEMA to combat the virus should be finalized within the week, I have already discussed the matter with the Senator.

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It was supposed to be /x/, not a prophecy

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That's terror.

Post your fav Deus Ex tunes.

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Meanwhile, we'll be manufacturing a cure to the virus.

Mathematically unlikely


Old men running the world.. a new age.

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I take it he was agreeable?


I liked Human Revolution.

That's terror

I liked it too.

Do you have any idea how to multiply?

Oh my god JC a bomb!

You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I got balls of steel

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No you idiot, Deus Ex was supposed to be a game about "what if all this crazy shit people believe was true". Guess what? It IS all true.

Will you go crazy when I tell you that 1984 was literally just the Stalin era Soviet Union too?

It's all in the numbers

I don't know, man. It's just scary and incredibly bizarre to watch as an over the top crazy conspiracy theory nutcase story unfolds in real life just as it was told right before our eyes.

The only difference between now and before is that the people running the show no longer feel the need to hide their actions from the common man, including you. Take that as you will.

>Will you go crazy when I tell you that 1984 was literally just the Stalin era Soviet Union too?
Now, I would just call you retarded.

Trust me, I... I know everything

Will you go crazy if I told you the UK goverment paid Orwell to write those shitty books as anti-commie propaganda?

This is the scariest thing to me.
These evil assholes straight up lie to our face, knowing it.
The mere fact that they don't even feel the need to hide or barely, is because they truly think they are unreachable, invincible, and that the "people" they submit is willingly passive and apathetic.


Of course they did. The rats that fled Stalin's ship when he decided to sink it instead of let them rule it took up residence in other countries and began funding anti-communist propaganda solely in order to wage war against the usurper who stole their new age experiment from them. Orwell himself was a socialist and his books were nothing more than the pre-Internet equivalent of a feminist writing a clickbait story about how evil white men are and then getting her black Jewish trans allies embedded within every media outlet to repost it everywhere.

They don't value you or anyone else of your social class any more than you happen to value stray junkyard dogs. In fact, you're just as randomly dangerous to them as such an animal is to you if the both of you were to meet.

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I like to make a silent takedown

It was aight. MD though I actually quit halfway through. Not because of a strong dislike or anything but just because it was mediocre.

I'll use the net gun.

Attached: COOF COOF ITS DA SOUND OF DA POLICE.webm (640x368, 2.96M)

Gunther Hermann's in the other room. Remember, JC, a headshot is an instant takedown.

>It IS all true
yes, there are aliens in secret laboratories on liberty island and robot-men with guns for arms in the NY sewer system

you fuckwit

If due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror

what happens if you kill gunther in the first mission?

pretty sure he's invincible

There aren't any grays in the MJ12 lab dipshit

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meant for

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This is obviously a training scenario right.

Why are you locked in the bathroom?

>call a trans person tranny
>triggered the killphrase
>they explode

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Would that really make it any better?

Any form of anti-communism is good. I say this as someone from country that used to be under soviet occupation and fucked beyond repair as a result.