ITT: Games with unique moral dilemmas

ITT: Games with unique moral dilemmas

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SMB1. Taking the warp zones allows you to rescue the princess faster, but more of the Mushroom Kingdom will remain overrun by monsters. Who do you prioritize?

How would I know if a game has a unique moral dilemma? I'd have to play every single game to make sure that they don't overlap.

Radiata Stories
Betray your race
Betray your dick

The princess. You can get rid of the rest later, by taking them by surprise from the rear.

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thanks doc

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>Rescue Peach first
>With Bowser defeated, Bowser either calls them back or they lose major morale knowing their ruler is down

I don't see anything wrong with this

You're a knight serving the crown
>Your kingdom has been invaded by a neighbouring empire that has been warmongering as of late
>Said empire's ruler is seeking artifacts of power and control over leylines in preperation for the return of the demon lord. The king will never relent, and fighting the empire may doom the world, so do you betray your king to force surrender?

Then if you do
>The demon lord returns but does not hate mankind. He seeks merely to pass through our realm and assault the heavens.
>The emperor is a devoutly religious man who will gladly sacrifice his empire (and your kingdom) to defend his gods. Do you betray the emperor to let the demon lord go forth?

If you betray the emperor
>The people hate you as a twice-damned traitor, both in the empire and your kingdom, and rise up to kill you. The companions you've made stay steadfast and loyal, however, and the emperor's daughter agreed with your actions and will join you.
>Do you suppress the rebellion and put the girl on the throne, trying to rebuild the fractured nations after they are ruined in the war? Or do you surrender and let yourself be killed in the hope that others may heal the realm in your place?


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There's nothing wrong with wireheading, the only arguments you can make against it are purely emotional in nature.

I want to see this chick topless.

based coomer dabbing on moralists

Is it bad that I can't really find an issue with this? If I were old and about to die I'd sign up for that ASAP.

Morality itself is an emotional thing so I don't see why emotional arguments are invalid in a debate over if something is "wrong"

The only arguments for are also purely emotional in nature.
There's nothing right or wrong with accepting or rejecting death.

reframing the argument is not an argument, try again

You made no argument in first place, user. A claim isn't one.

So why is this shitty comic being posted so much lately? It's super fucking old.

I'd rather live free in a dystopia than be a fucking slave hooked up to a chair.

Take the pill and you will.

twitter just found it

theyre free to leave anytime


reframing the argument is not an argument, try again

Oh fuck that's hot.

Being a faggot is not an argument, try again.

You made no argument in first place, user. A claim isn't one.

((( )))

Just more proof that Yas Forums is filled to the brim with twitter normalfags I guess.

Ad hominem detected, you lose. Thanks for playing!

Draw b

Is that how it ends?
No more?
How could anyone want such a depressing ending for a cute anime girl?

fuck wireheading i wanna live in a lawless dystopia where the one who is strong and cunning survives, everyone else dies

>theyre free to leave anytime

cuck the king and run away

To be an anime girl is to suffer, user.
That's the law of the universe.

Explain how this is a bad ending because it looks great to me

>The only arguments for seeing this chick topless are purely emotional in nature

Kek i think you misquoted that one dude

How is that depressing
She's happy; they're happy
Noone gets hurt and everyone is safe
How is that a depressing end

>Explain how this is a bad ending because it looks great to me

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>complacent will-less faggots wanting to be hooked to a chair instead of doing something

Yeah, you get dopamine but you don't ACCOMPLISH anything, and that's the true point of existence. Keep your bloodline alive, establish a name for yourself, put yourself into the history books. That's the purpose of life. If you want to be a passive hedonistic blob in a box be my guest, but acknowledge you're nothing close to a real man for choosing that.

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Why are Yas Forums threads with moral discussions so much better than video game """"discussion"""" threads?

based schizo

Anyone got a link to that vid of button two guys pressed that seemingly gives them a ton of money, but they live extremely long lives in a purgatory but no memory of the experience?

>establish a name for yourself, put yourself into the history books

so 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of people in the history of the planet may as well have not existed

seems based

Is this really any different from real life?

These reactions to this comic really tells you everything you need to know about the zoomer generation

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Disloyal faggot
>Stick with the king
>duke it out with the demons

kill yourselves fucking lardass vr bitches

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The breadth of human experience is about more than pleasure.

>Keep your bloodline alive, establish a name for yourself, put yourself into the history books. That's the purpose of life.
OK retard
Those history books with your name in it sure will do a fat lot of good to you once the sun burns out

A name for yourself doesn't have to be global. It can be in a town, it can be restricted to your family, it can even just be for a few generations. Enough to make an impact. The goal of man is to strive for this. If you don't make it it's fine, but at least you tried.

But also glad you ignored the bloodline point that shit on your psuedo-intellectual counter.

What if this is reality and were just in a simulation

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Nothing matters at that point anyways, but they sure as hell lasted and had a greater impact on the world that died with the sun than a worthless pleasure-addict had.

Stop with the junior nihilism you dumbshit.

Oh but it isn't REAL happiness, right? But the truth is that there is no such thing as reality outside of your own mind. You could potentially be strapped to one of those machines right now merely simulating your entire life. Does that disturb you? Does it keep you awake at night? It shouldn't.

why don't just kill yourself then if what you're worrying about is heat death billions of years later

How can you say this when actual literal boomers spend 2-4 hours every Sunday morning singing and dancing about getting into heaven which is quite literally the exact same thing as the comic?

couldn't they at least give everyone a computer to play games? looks boring

well it gets 2/5 stars for sheer boredom, the lack of a log off button gets annoying but the suicide bug fixes it

thanks doc

You'd be playing vidya in your brain bro, or even just live inside a vidya world (which generally also has vidya)

You literally can't disprove this though, as cliche as it sounds.

Nihilism is about accepting that we're less than a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, not about being a depressed suicidal loser
Enjoy the small time you have in this universe instead of putting artificial pressure on yourself

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She'll break free.

But user, with the pill you can feel the simulation of beating a very hard but satisfying game all of the time! There's no reason to play video games when you can inject all of the emotions you feel during a play session into your head instantly.

Haha imagine killing the robot after she's hooked into her room and you're still mentally aware. Oh man haha I bet she'd be so vulnerable to anything you do because the endless waves of dopamine are filling her head like a sponge.

There is no afterlife, everything goes black and you get whirred out of existence

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Not him, I agree with you but to some people, putting that pressure on themselves is how they enjoy their time here. Lots of people do self improvement for the respect of their peers for example, even if you're gonna be old and ugly when you're 70, it'll be pretty cool flexing on people for 50 something years with a good physique.

Thats why I said junior nihilism, most idiots don't get its what you said.

It's moreso about pushing society forward instead as well.

>You could potentially be strapped to one of those machines right now merely simulating your entire life.
Simulated reality is different than having drugs constantly injected in your brain to make you happy

If all you care about life is being happy why aren't you constantly on morphine or something? Your brain giving you happy feeling is all you care about after all.

Yeah, no. Thats not how it works. If it were as simple as that then anti depressants would really cure depression.

Would you, user?

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Because morphine does major harm to the body over long periods of time

Is this supposed to bother me?

People who derive happiness primarily from dopamine release are trash. There's honestly no nicer way to put it, they are living garbage. I would rather die than exist in such a state. I am all for simulated reality but count me out of the perpetual fun juice machine.

Your slippery slope argument is really dumb user, you're going to have to explain the difference between a simulated eternity of happiness and Heaven, the shit people have gone to war and died over and/or spend their entire lives working to get into.

Fat =/= human.

>Ad hominem detected, you lose. Thanks for playing!

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It's a hypothetical scenario, silly.

All of the endings were in a way fucked up.

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>Would you, user?

No, of course not. Then id kill the fat guy as well as the people tied up.

I dont fucking know

user all hapiness stems from dopamine release.

wanna see proof that this is a simulation?
check this 5

This thread doesn't seem to be about video gamrs, at all.

No one is discussing video in this thread.

You know what that means, right?

Want to see proof it's not?
Check this 7

It means you're a little bitch that backseat moderates because your janny application got rejected?

Yeah. Your fault for being a fatass.

Proof were on the funny juice is my 3.


no way fag

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That depends on what you define as happiness. If by happiness you mean pleasure then yes, absolutely. However I contend you can feel happiness without pleasure. Maybe it would be better referred to as satisfaction.