What is the X axis on this graph?
you dont need an X axis moron
>this shit again
I swear it's more infuriating seeing people argue about this shitty image over and over again, was funny enough 2 years ago but now it's rediculous that you fags can't smell bait even if it hit you right in the fucking prostate.
Stop masturbating when you browse Yas Forums.
Yes, i know.
Heh. Nice graph, poindexter. Oh hey, you dropped your pocket protector. Anyway, see you around bro.
>stale, shitty bait image filled with wojaks
Shit thread. Kill yourself.
why would anyone think that the game with combat about rushing in and mashing r1 requires the most thought?
>Like Bloodborne and DS2 the best
Something isn't adding up here OP
>struggling to pick up 20lbs
>flexing over keeping 20lbs in the air for 15 seconds
pls don't bully almighty 20lb lifter.
>inb4 but it's 2 dumbells that means 20 + 20 = 40lbs. He lifting 40lbs
Oh no how will I ever recover?
Then why is there an axis?
Post body
i like all of them
>mashing r1 requires the most thought?
Tic Tac Toe levels of processing power.
Why haven't you embraced the power of reaction time?
>Post body
X axis is intelligence, Y axis is population
reaction time doesn't factor in as much when you're running at sub 20fps during boss fights
>reaction time doesn't factor in as much when you're running at sub 20fps during boss fights
>Tic Tac Toe levels of processing power.
Tic Tac Toe with a speedchess timer then
swap either demons souls or dark souls 1 with dark souls 3
But that's not how bell curves work
X = Dark
Y = Souls
Z = IQ
dark souls two was the best
Screw that
Is this the year I lose my virginity?
You gotta let go of Bloodborne man, it kinda sucked. Side-stepping and guns were weak additions to the genre that added little to nothing.
Will I get a gentle femdom mommy gf?
will my dad beat pancreatic cancer?
>ask again
will my dad beat pancreatic cancer?
I remember seeing this travesty of an image when it was first posted and OP trying to tell everyone that it totally makes sense and leaving when he realized he was retarded.
Will I have a loyal qt person some time in my life
Is this meme stupid? Are the people who post it really stupid?
>For all eternity
I knew it.
Every single reply has been spot on. I guess I'll ask:
>Will it ever happen?
should I finally go the fuck to sleep?
found the DS2 mongoloid
IQ is the x axis you stupid fuck. Smartest players are Demon's Souls players based on your graph. Stop posting this stupid incorrect piece of shit.
Will I ever stop being a fat virgin NEET?
OP, you don’t understand the bell curve graph. The smaller sections on each side mean smaller amount of people. This graph just says that a small amount of smart people like demon’s souls and the average person likes bloodborne.
Don't waste your time, nominal distribution is beyond their understanding.
Game quality
I know user, I’m just participating in the epic thread
Yas Forums never discusses anything, only argues
Will I accomplish all of my goals?
Will Yas Forums ever become a decent board?
Get some new bait.
then hide your prostate. I get it, it feels good to let it out and breathe a bit but don't overdo it. at most an hour tops, you should gently massage it back it later.
DS2 is the tranny choice
will I be happy one day?
Will she say yes?
I guess the peak value is a 50 maybe 60?
should i fap?
will the package arrive
dammit, re roru
should i fap need to coom sooner or later
swap dark souls and dark souls 3 and you have a list
He looks great, but that doesnt remotely mean he posses some type of threat.
most guys who are that into fitness are gay
gay's are highly likely to have HIV
If this was a bellcurve would demon souls players not be the most intelligent
Yeah, when you think about it, thats a pretty big homo threat right there.