This is the greatest game of our generation

This is the greatest game of our generation.

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still waiting for 1.4

The strongest weapon is a fucking nyancat reference.
Get over yourself.

It also proves that games can GAIN soul with updates.


>2D minecraft with FF5 stolen sprites

What happened to Terraria 2? It looked pretty good and then it just dropped off the map and nobody heard anything about it since.

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There are also a few MLP references aswell. What's your point?

Otherworld was a spinoff outsourced to another developer. The plug got pulled for whatever reason.

i hope i live to see another game like it

Explain why
It looks like shit

I hate this gay nigger earth why don't they release the goddamn update fuck!

Why cant this 2d game run on my toaster?

It proves that you can make a game that everyone loves without a big budget and paid dlc. The game is a big "fuck you" to today's game standards

Countless of fucking hours of progressing through the game.
And after that you can spend another countless fucking hours building cute shit.
There's also multiplayer.
Terraria is money well spent.

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I just hate how the characters look
They really stole them from finalfantasy on the snes

It should still be in development. With 1.4 being worked on now its likely that they aren't putting much towards terraria 2.
How old is your toaster? The game should be capable of running on most anything.

By "run" i meant run at atleast 30fps without constant drops.

>muh animu
Go sign a petition, then


How old is that computer? I was playing this on an Intel Core 2 Duo based computer a while back.

Terraria started out being toaster-friendly but they kept adding to it with each update and now it only maintains the illusion of toaster-friendliness. Just opening the endgame crafting menu made the game stutter on my old laptop. 1.4 will have wind and a bunch of new shit, invest in a new machine, sempai.

This was supposed to be Terraria 2, I was genuinely upset that it turned out to be buggy soi infused garbage for furfags. Such insane potential but such a disappointing outcome.

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you can turn most of these options off in the settings, on low settings the game is still toaster friendly

There was kickstarter drama and some shit, right? I read all the bad stuff about Starbound along the lines of "what could have been" but as someone who just installed it recently, it's not too bad. What's with the bad blood?

Well yeah, that's exactly what happened. Along with stealing sprites from countless other games and sprite artist. Tiy, the one responsible for the fuck fest Starbound, was notorious for that shit and you see it all over the place for content that was added while he was the sprite artist for the game.


>Get game funded because it hopped on the bandwagon early before kickstarter scams became prevalent enough for people to be wary
>Devs are all artists and rejects from Terraria, notably someone who got canned for being a fucking creep
>Propped themselves up like they were influential terraria devs making a new product
>more delays
>buggy shit beta but had some soul to it, sold mostly on the lighting engine
>as releases start FINALLY happening, features get removed
>all the kickstarter promises get teased, then removed for varying reasons
>one of the only decent coders working on guns get told to stop because Tiy thought guns were lame and to make more boring ass identical swords
>whoops they ran out of people who can actually code from shit like this
>remove more features

Starbound is the cautionary tale of office full of artists and idea guys.

Its pretty fucking great. Building stuff is great.
Also post builds and bases.

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Damn, that sounds bad. The end product is a buggy mess, I agree, but I pirated it so no skin off my back. Do you remember any cool features that got canned? I crave a bit of salt.

I have a few

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It's just so vapid and droning and never picks up the pace.
The weapon progression is nil because of Diablo loot.
Generally speaking, the game seems to prefer you using guns, but there isn't much to stats anyway and you'll basically want the biggest donk weapon.

Mods don't go too far with this, either, sadly. The base game is just such a lukewarm mess of ideas that never get fully realized and it's just kind of unfortunate.

>okay let's make terraria in space
>let's also gut all of the base-building mechanics
I have no idea what any of the developers were smoking.

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>tfw want to play Terraria but don't want to get burned out on it before the update

It's fucking gay, what's yours?

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So what's wrong with it?

>tfw burned out on Terraria because I did "just one quick run" like a month ago
>stuck bumping Terraria threads on a cantonese dog boiling forum with shitty screenshots

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Can't wait to play this shit again when 1.4 comes out.
Actively resisting the urge to play cause I don't want to be burnt out when it drops. Hope it doesn't take too long for the best mods to update cause its hard to go back to a pre Thorium world. I hope with 1.4 being the last update we'll see more high quality mods cause I really loved Thorium and had a good time with how retardedly over the top and edgy Calamity was.

Open up a world you have a lot of materials in and do base building for practice, work on some cool ideas so your 1.4 world is ultimate supreme. That's what got me through last waiting season.

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>Do you remember any cool features that got canned?
Just off the top of my head:
Planets had heat ratings, you had to either huddle by a fire or wear appropriate cold/hot/radiation weather gear.
There were also meteor showers which were a danger but in reality it was a laggy ass mess as there were constant block destruction updates across the entire planet so I guess this isn't a feature I particularly miss
Oxygen tanks
Guns and projectiles had a LOT more variation
There was a lot of back and forth about vehicles and mechs and while I haven't played the latest iteration of them, I hear the mechs are pretty underwhelming
There wasn't a cringy as fuck forced story with the lead writer's self insert grandma


Living tree houses and bases where my opium for a long time.
Not a run where I didn't try to make that one huge treehouse to trump them all.
I cooled it down a little bit but there are always some elements of it remaining.

Why can't there be a game that is the perfect mix of FTL, starbound, terraria and SS13? Multiplayer, of course.

Attached: ss13.jpg (512x360, 85.42K)

You can narrow this down by just "Terraria and SS13"

SS13 would take care of the space aspects of the game, and Terraria for item progression.
There's nothing noteworthy about FTL that the other two wouldn't be able to handle on their own systems.

The heat rating is still there, altough it's just a debuff. Same with the oxygen tank.
Guns are pretty varied in current version, don't know what could have been removed.
Mechs are meh. The hovercar you can buy is ass. Story is also ass, I agree.
I mean, I'm not even defending the game, I'm just not mad because I didn't pay for my copy.

I'd be interested in a Terraria/Rimworld mix, could be fun. Resource collecting/management for your NPCs to help improve your settlement could sound fun

unless there's already a mod for that

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Yeah honestly if you got it for free my only gripe would be how ass it runs even on modern PCs.

Ye olde guns felt more like magic wands half the time with the dumb shit they'd spew everywhere, and heat/cold back then was lethal if unchecked.

I hate it how I learned to time my attacks so they don't get cancelled by the LAG this SINGLEPLAYER game is experiencing in OFFLINE SINGLEPLAYER mode. Game looks like it was coded by Stacy from HR.

Oh no no no that reminds me
You're not playing a singleplayer game, I forget when in development but they made every game start a localhost server that you somehow lag when connecting to yourself.

you know a game is bad when a mod have better and more content than the vanilla

thats a pretty retarded way of thinking.

Journeys end fucking never, it was supposed to be december and in the february blog they say fuck all. I just want to play again but if I start now I'll be too burnt out for it

Sorry, but it's shit.