Why do a majority of people on here try to force their opinions unto others? If you don't like a game...

Why do a majority of people on here try to force their opinions unto others? If you don't like a game, why do you insist on trying to convince someone who does that they shouldn't? You will never change someone's mind on a game they genuinely enjoy.

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Bitter contrarianism

These two combined

go to facebook, anusflake

huh wut u meen ?

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You can just ignore them you know

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>"Why do a majority of people on here try to force their opinions unto others? If you don't like a game, why do you insist on trying to convince someone who does that they shouldn't? You will never change someone's mind on a game they genuinely enjoy."

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>Why do a majority of people on here try to force their opinions unto others?
They're not forcing it, they're trying to convince people why X is bad.
For example, DS2 is bad because [Reasons].

> If you don't like a game, why do you insist on trying to convince someone who does that they shouldn't?
It's more a warning for people not to spend their time/money on something that's shit.
For example, I despise SJW shit, if there's a game with too much of it, I want to know so I don't waste my time with it.

Thou shalt not take the lords image to Yas Forums

Yeah you can just ignore threads about games you don't like. Double-edged sword, faggot.
Huh? I'm talking about a game someone already likes, nigga.
Look, I'll make it simple for you.
Lets say I like X game.
I say I like X game.
You come and say it's garbage and I should kill myself for liking it.
I tell you to dilate.
You then go on to tell me why X game is the worst thing ever. (Which are all mainly opinions btw)
I, don't care and continue to like X game.
You then continue for multiple post in multiple threads repeating why X game is bad. Why? Who are you trying to impress? Grow up. Let people enjoy things.


Because the majority of people here just don't play games and, from what I've seen, they usually shit on your taste in games and don't contribute in any way.
>''Look at tshi faggot, why don't you try actual good games for once?''
>''Ok, can you give me some recommendations?''
>''Obviously not what you're playing, you retard!''
...is how a ''normal'' conversation usually goes.

In some rare cases people will actually talk about games. But for the most of the time, no. This is Yas Forums after all.

in 80% of cases it's because people engage them back and often tend to take offense
I've had people do what you're saying while discussing a game I enjoy with other anons and in ignoring them they literally just fucking stop
it's not perfect - some trolls are very stubborn and NEET shitposters are more than happy to keep trying until SOMEONE takes dat bait but really, cutting their (You)s out often has them moving on, because there's plenty more threads and people to fuck with
however because this is also a 'lawless' space there are people who just wanna talk about how shit your game is to them. And they can do that(really it's fine don't be a bitch) and try to convince you all they like - as long as you engage with them on the fact, they essentially get infinite continues at it

>Huh? I'm talking about a game someone already likes, nigga.
They're doing it for the ones not involved in the conversation, i.e lurkers and whoever else is commenting but not involved in that particular conversation.
If you can convince whatever retard that has a shit opinion to recant, then that's good, but not really the point.

>You then go on to tell me why X game is the worst thing ever. (Which are all mainly opinions btw)
And so what if they are opinions?
If the game were 'objectively bad' there wouldn't even be a discussion, so it falls down onto whatever the users think subjectively is shit, if they think you're shilling some retarded crap, they'll tell you so.
Either accept that, call them retards and why back, or fuck off.

>Why? Who are you trying to impress?
The catalog, so that there are fewer threads about [Shit game #34112300], so it takes less effort to find something worth discussing.

>Grow up.
You're on a board for a childish hobby, fuck off old man.

Not reading all that but I'm 21. Nothing childish about video games. What is childish, is your attitude and how you act just because you're anonymous. Reevaluate your life.

But reddit is though. Legitimately infested with bots and marketers trying to sell you shit

>Not reading all that
Ditto, either put effort into responding or don't respond at all.

So is Yas Forums, its just hidden behind anonymity.

My thread. My decision. Keep crying, kiddo.

Yas Forums is a website that convinces me not to buy things. In fact large swaths of Yas Forums will tell you to pirate. And if you praise something you get called a shill.

Reddit doesn't have such things. So man those marketers are doing a great job by telling me not to buy thingd

You do know there's fucking thousands of 0.2 dollars a post shills here, right?

Your threads fucking shit, you know how many times I've read something similar? Every fucking day several times at that. You're just preaching to the choir and what a majority of this site, even the fucking election tourists and redditors know by default.

Make your threads less shit in the future dont regale us with your casual idiocy.

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>Yas Forums is a website that convinces me not to buy things
Mindless drone that can't formulate an opinion for itself.
Color me shocked.

Ya seethe bitch? lol
Thanks for the bump LMAO

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The past 4 or so years, the majority of the site isn't people who use basically only Yas Forums all day.
It's tourists who spend their day on instagram, twitter, discord and reddit and then come here to vent at the end of the day on the 'edgy haxxor site that you can say nigger on'.
Their faggotness is twofold, since firstly, they can't get used to anonymity so even subconsciously, they're trying to be the edgiest and most annoying cunt around to 'fit in' as if anyone would recognise them on another post and secondly, they just treat the place as a dump where you can do the epic trolles and get the (you)'s and if you call them out they scream their signature phrase 'if you want discussion, go back to plebbit!'
This shit fucking describes the mentality these people have. They just come here to shit the place on purpose.

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Because everyone here believes they have the best tastes, so the second you say something you don't agree with, they wish death on you and your family.

>newfag thats never seen an activision release on Yas Forums

I only clicked on this thread because Jack Frost is cute.

you literally have a meme that advertises monster


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I want to fuck that snowman

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Their personal identities are pathetically tied to the game. That's why. If someone tells you they don't like a certain type of apple, no one freaks out.

Because my gaming opinions are objectively true, and if you don't change your own views to match them, then you are dumb and wrong.

The short answer is that many people can't read or write that well. Some lack the vocabulary to clearly describe what they like or dislike about a game. When you don't have a word to describe something, you fall back on familiar comparisons. Easy things are "for babies"; things that make you feel bad are "shit".
In turn, when such a person reads other opinions, they can't distinguish nuance. They read the sentence "I wouldn't recommend this game to my friends", and translate it to "This game is bad". Because to them, all opinions are black and white, and any shades of gray are just there to make the author sound smarter. They might even claim that they understand the nuance, but attack the author for saying something that "other people" will misinterpret.

Shut up faget

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>Why do a majority of people on here try to force their opinions-
You mean every social media platform ever?

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Because I don't want you here. SMT is fucking garbage and the fact that you can't see it means we'll never get along. Go find another website

he has some good porn

see, this is what you associate with when you enjoy garbage like this

i see you all as lame little bitch faggots like onso, and by your own actions you usually are

Me opinion good because is ME opinion. You no think exactly like ME, you bad. UNGA BUNGA!

He does.
There's not much, but I like it.

I remember when I can barely find anything on him, why did people suddenly start wanting to fuck Jack Frost?

Me: tested consistently at 130-140 IQ
You: would barely scratch 90

>You will never change someone's mind on a game they genuinely enjoy.
you complain about people forcing their opinions yet you're forcing yours

Everything me am do is right because am ME doing it. Me most important person ever. Me. Meeee. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I am objectively a cut above you. Go look up what that means.

You not me. No thing you say matter. Only thing ME say matter.

You are quite upset about your inferiority aren't you? And pretending like you aren't self-focused as well

This little baby tantrum is a completely selfish thing

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I can't help it.
My dick likes what it likes and it just loves short characters like Jack Frost.

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I'm just taking the piss, but the sad thing is there really are people who genuinely believe this kind of shit.

Okay, jack frost thread, post your favorites

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Because my opinion is correct, yours is not. Don't DARE discuss things I'm not interested in ever again or you will regret it.

>Let people enjoy things

let people not enjoy things

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Most people are egotistic cunts.

Suck my hee dick ho

Most people that like something cant actually explain y they like or dont like something.