Monster Hunter

Say hello to your fan-favorite monster for May.

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nice blank picture retard

John Cena is a wrestler, retard.

That's a pretty cute blank PNG, wouldn't mind seeing that in a game.

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I’d call it a mistake but nothing’s there.

First it's brick walls and now this shit.

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I like Lucent Nargacuga but i don't think it is that popular to be May's monster, come on user.

>other weapons have even slower clutch claw tenderize attacks
What a fucking mechanic

The C in ‘U CANT C ME’ stands for Chameleos.

>Fight BV Vaal as HBG
>"This sucks but not the worst thing. Getting real sick of fucking sweeping laser attacks though."
>Try again later as melee.

Why would they make an already "meh" fight so much worse? And why the fuck would they put him in the god damn forest in the tiniest fucking zones I hate Capcom so much.

What attack of charge blade's axe mode launches people?

>HH finally clicked

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The upswing.

Equip effluvian resistance and shoot the spores with torch pods.

>Play nothing but Hunting Horn before World
>The weapon feels like such shit in base World that I reluctantly drop it and pick up Lance instead
>Pick Hunting Horn back up for Iceborne and it feels great now
The spin attack is a fucking godsend

The mechanic would be fine if weapons with slow wounding applied lasting wounds.
Right now we have weapons like lance and swaxe that can tenderize the entire monster body effortlessly and we have the fucking insect glaive and CB that struggle to tenderize a single body part

IG users are embarassing online jesus christ

I wish they had just buffed recital damage or made echo waves more powerful instead. Smacking the monster in the face with your literal music rendition is the entire appeal of the weapon, spinning it to graze a monster's skin looks dumb and feels weightless and shitty.


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>as a fellow IG player I can evade 90% of all bullshit with vault + air evade + falling stab.
That you can do, but the vault+aerial dash is at its best when it comes to dealing with attacks with big, obvious telegraphs, not quick physical blows with little start-up. That’s the kind of situation where a Dodge Slash with i-frames would really shine.

In fact, if it was up to me, I would change plenty more about my beloved IG.
>General damage buff, around 7-8% overall, 10-12% for Dodge Slash and aerial attacks.
>BIG damage buff for the Strong Double Slash, 20% or so because it gets almost no use and it’s a shame.
>Now pressing triangle after Dodge slash will perform Strong Double Slash.
>New clutch attack animation, instead of the long spin, you do a quick and savage stab reminiscent of wyvernsnipe hbg tenderizing.
>New mechanic, your kinsect gets a new bar under Stamina that fills when as you continuously attack the monster while it’s marked by pheromones or when you (or your teammates strike a dust cloud). It decreases over time and it does so pretty fast, but if you fill it, you enter yet another amped state where your kinsect, as long as the monster isn’t marked, will twirl around your glaive automatically attack the monster whenever you do the same, giving you extra damage and leaving dust clouds with each hit.
>Your aerial spinning slash changes in this mode, becoming a strong plunging attack that will end the mode but is almost guaranteed to get you a mount unless you’ve already gotten around 3 or so.

There are only two tiers of IG players, subhumans and übersmench. This is a well known fact.

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Its going to be fatalis but they are going to revamp the fight to world standards. It will probably be another siege type battle.

It’s gonna be Plesioth.

His beam attacks are all incredibly slow and predictable. I only have an issue with the beam attacks when I’m reapproaching him after healing/sharpening/chasing him to a new area. And that’s more a problem with the disgusting layout of the Ancient Forest than with BV.

Except for the move where he goes super saiyan and starts moulding himself up. That shit is guaranteed to give effluvia and plenty of chip damage without tier 3 resistance, and I often cart trying to wail on him during that move when I really ought to be burning the spores off or waiting it out.

I think the sound blasts are supposed to be the damaging part of the spin and not the hunting horn scratching the monsters as is spins, but I agree that playing songs should be a bigger part of HH damage. If I was calling the shots every HH song would have Impact Echo Wave’s damage blast for free except self-improvement. Also give the hunting horn a power slide dodge animation when dodging out of a recital, or when starting a recital out of a dodge. No particular reason, it’d just be cool.

Why are there ten thousand lizards but only 1 (one) bird in monhunster?

Nah Fatalis will probably be the final monster they add (not counting his variants) because he’s supposed to be the big bad endgame boss fight, but it’s confirmed we’re getting at the very least two more monsters after May. I doubt the future monsters they teased for after the fan favourite will only be the Fatty reskins, so it’s far more likely that Fatalis will come out later in the year if he’s planned for Iceborne.

If it were a siege, what rewards would we get?, it can’t be better weapons because what’d be the point of Safi?, plus, those would get outclassed by Arch Tempered Safi’s, which would get outclassed AGAIN by Arch Tempered Fatalis’.

There are plenty of birds, they’re just very small. Same goes for bugs, there just aren’t as many big species of them as small species.

Hypnocatrice and its cousins.

Could you post the road map, pretty please btw?

Fatalis’ materials infect your Safi weapons and add more slots for awakened abilities. Once you’ve added 5 more slots, the Safi weapon is consumed fully and becomes purely a Fatalis weapon.

Alright, but only because you asked so nicely.

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Because they neglected the idea of feathered wyverns for a long time until Generations came out and gave us the Maccao/Great and Malfestio which are both bird wyverns.
Then they shat out Anjanath and gave it a feather cape because of the topical feathered dinosaurs debate, but it's just not the same. Maybe in a different reality Anjanath would have been fully feathered instead of a generic looking dino when not enraged.

What are those two variant monsters this month on PS4? Do we know yet? I need an excuse to go back.

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Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang.

Angrier monkey and xtra slime dino.

How rare is the hero streamstones drop rate? I just wonder if I should keep grinding tempereds or just move onto IB.

Streamstones lose almost all meaning the moment you break into IB since the materials used for augmenting MR weapons are completely different.

Augmenting high rank weapons is complete waste of time, as soon as you upgrade the weapon to a master rank tier the augmentation is removed. The droprate for getting the specific streamstones you want is also god awful.

Fair enough, that makes sense. Is there any augmenting in MR?

Man, the Great Spiritvein Gem event made me realize how inconsistent i am at fighting Tempered Ruiner, sometimes i wreck his shit in 10 mins and other times he gets dangerously close to triple-carting my shitter ass.

Yes, using different materials that are a little less of a pain to get. The system is also a little different from high rank augmentations, weapons have slots and different augs have different costs.

What new weapon would you like to see in mh6?

Appreciate the spoon feeding, friend

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Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang. Raging Brachydios seems to have been completely overhauled, he has a cool as fuck gimmick where instead of going to sleep at low health he seals off the exits in the area and sets the whole place on fire so you’re stuck in a final showdown with him that only ends with one of you dying. Furious Rajang seems to have a bunch of new moves but they haven’t shown much of it yet, so we don’t know if it’s as drastic a rework as Raging Brachydios yet.

What about Arch Tempered Safi then?, not the worst idea though.

Does this mean that we get ALL the arch tempereds in April?, Including Safi?

I wonder what happens if you use a farcaster, or have more than 1 person in a Hunt. The mechanic sounds total fucking garbage to be perfectly honest.

Something that uses Kinsects.
It’s a waste they are limited to IG.

Shield gauntlets as a blunt counterpart to dual blades, deflect and perfect block monster attacks to build up steam/BIO energy to fuel a pile bunker super

He show up in mhw too.

What do they mean by master rank version of existing monsters? Like we're getting regular bazel? What exactly is the point of that if seething already provides all we need?

It looks like the ridges he puts up at the doors are just 1 way ramps
You can jump in but you can't run out. Same as old no exit maps like Ingle Isle.

Bazel, Vaal, Jho, maybe Kulve.
It's like how 4U had that event for regular G-Rank Dalamadur even though Shah Dalamdur existed.

>What exactly is the point of that
Re-using assets and shitting out easy "content"?
Cut monsters from G rank for the first time only to add them as updates later. Gotta keep have that player retention.

No day yet for the two variants of march?

>Cut monsters from G rank for the first time

I highly doubt we’re getting all the Arch Tempered monsters in one month, April is just when they start releasing.

Bazelgeuse, Deviljho, Vaal Hazak, Nergigante, Zorah Magdaros, Xeno’jiiva, Kulve Taroth and the crossover monsters don’t have MR versions. The crossover monsters are confirmed not getting MR versions. Zorah already has MR equipment despite not having a fight so he’s gone for good. Xeno gets MR stuff added with Safi so he’s gone for good. Kulve has no MR stuff yet so she’s very likely. Bazel, Jho, Vaal and Nerg were replaced by their variants, but other monsters with variants like Legiana weren’t completely replaced so it’s possible for these guys to get in but not as likely as Kulve.

>Cut monsters from G rank for the first time

It was confirmed a few weeks ago to be the 23rd.

>Cut monsters from G rank for the first
At least actually do some research on older games you haven’t played before you make a claim like that user.

>What is Pukei-Pukei

>Xeno gets MR stuff added with Safi so he’s gone for good.
I kinda hope it gets in, its armor looks always great.

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