Are they right Yas Forums?

Are they right Yas Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-08 10 Breathtaking Video Game Soundtracks You Need To Hear.png (918x814, 350.06K)

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They are give me sauce

of the 5 osts only 1 and 3 are worth listening to

You mean 5 CDs? That's simply not true.

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>someone links streamside
>can hear the cheerful bouncing of porings and rodafrog croaks in my head

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was always better than Prontera

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God fucking yes the tracks were all great

What isn't? Prontera is one of the worst ones and the fact it was played so often due to the location didn't help it.

>dissing a theme that shaped an entire generation of players

Nice contrarianism for the sake of being contrarian.

>> See logo
>> Can hear login music
>> It's Monday morning, can't handle these feels right now

This. It's common practice for me to go into the BGM folder and change song 8 to literally any other game's town theme because it's such a loud and corny theme, but the other music is so worth keeping you don't wanna mute it.

>Not any of the field themes or Payon

No wonder why you have shit takes, you were probably one of the fags who sit in prontera for hours acting like spergs with other cringy weirdos instead of playing the game.

Maybe you just didn't play enough.

You had to actually be there to experience it for yourself. Listening to the OST on youtube and pretending that you know what you're talking about isn't the same thing.

It was kind of revolutionary. Back then the only vaguely similar games were shit like Tibia and that trash didn't even have music.

>local user with shit taste boils down to accusing others of only knowing the game through youtube after several people point out his shit taste
See more at 11.


Payon had good music but it was associated with the grind and it was a theme you hated hearing while playing, but looking back it was alright.

Theme of Veins was the best

>You aren't REALLY sick of listening to this song after respawning / logging into this town for hundreds / thousands for hours, you just didn't play it!

Good job doubling down. You're a fucking idiot, you don't deserve any more (You) s.

>shaped an entire generation of players

Is that why onions is so rife in gaming communities now

Absolutely yes.

Granado Espada might be on there too, although it's a bit more hit and miss than Ragnarok Online in my opinion.

And shit, why not check out Dragon Nest too while you're at it.

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The first town theme I heard was Morocc, so that's more nostalgic than Prontera for me. However in terms of the original town bgms, I'd definitely say Pron was one of the best ones. But that's just Geffen, Payon, Morocc, Alberta, and Izlude I think. In terms of all town themes period, Prontera falls maybe to the lower middle. Because the later town themes were really good. Alde, Juno, Einbroch, Louyang, Amatsu; they beat Prontera like a drum. I still like it more than say, High Roller and the Lutie music, at least.

The most nostalgic tracks period are Title, One Step Closer, and Tread on the Ground, anyway.

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For me it's Byalan 4


Watery Grave is cool. Did they ever do anything with Bibilan. The last floor always felt like a dead end, with nothing but shitty Deviace and about a million of those swordfish and seahorses for your trouble. Disappointing end to a cool dungeon.

There are just so many songs that are better than Prontera's. Geffen, Christmas of the 13th...Even the opening theme.

RO had way more good bgms than bad ones. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that I hated was Yuna Song. I'm tempted to say I Miss You but I actually like the song, I just wish it played somewhere more appropriate.

make way for the actual king

Thank you for including Granado espada.

If you haven't already listened to it, Tree of Savior is decent too.

I loved every town theme and 90% of the field themes. These 2 are my favs though.

Im done Yas Forumsros! I want to go back!

They actually put an MvP Boss there at some point.

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Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king

I have modded other mmos/games to have Ragnarok online music in them. I would say its easily one of the greatest soundtracks for a video game.

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>tfw some monsters sprites are quite lewd
the 10 years ago me got pretty aroused while playing

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welcome home

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> OriginsRo
is it a good server??

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i have more prominent memories of this in roblox than i do of it in ragnarok

>can't log in theme

Dont you dare to show me home, and dont answe my question!!

I only started a while ago but really like it so far, pre-renewal 5/5/5 rates, averages around 500-600 players online (not counting auto-traders) and more during weekends/woe, has been going on for years and getting steady updates, just got abyss lake and linker/star gladiator a few weeks ago. also no bs cash shop or donation items so it's 10 out of 10 from me.

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Then its time for me, to go back home. Thanks user

Still makes me cry bros
RO's music is a piece of internet history and a reminder of the good times

It's kind of a meme, right? Pre-2010 everyone I played with just replaced their own music into the ost. In fact, the Prontera theme which is memed hard here, made a lot of players physically sick listening to it. Only after renewal hit we had a surge of "Everything about renewal sucks" opinion pushing the idea that the old tracks were somehow great and new tracks were all shit. The OST has a few pleasant tracks to listen to, but it was nothing outstanding next to games of its era such as wow, gw1, ff11, mabinogi, and maplestory.

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Heh, I can see my priest in there. That was a good weekend, Clocktower felt alive.

No not really. RO's music is the only vidya music that can make me feel nostalgic physically. It's like being taken back to 2005. No other music can make me feel like this.

I always thought Maya's sprite looked a little naughty

Cool. I always thought a Kraken would really fit as the Bibilan boss.

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Yes, and it's a shame we'll never get anything like RO again besides ToS. ToS is alright tho.

>Prontera theme
I can hear it lads and its beatiful

In Berserk, Rosine's transformation always reminded me of Maya.

This is a beautiful track. I can't believe that they scrapped the entire OST from the first version of the game, but decided to leave that particular song for Legend of the Second.

Yes, better than onions infused chiptunes

You must not have played much other than RO.

I heard the RO mobile game is quite popular

I should try Tree of Savior again someday. It had the cutest sprites, but I recall the world not feeling quite as open and whimsical as RO's did.

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Whoop dee doo, another fucking Poring card. Guess I'll try to pawn it off on my merchant.

You now have PTSD


what do you mean "lewd"?

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Absolutely. It's one of the best soundtracks to any game ever, and that's before you account for the very powerful memories any given track brings back for anyone who played this game.

Man Dragon Nest was fun, can you still play it or has it died?

>dragon nest.
that shit was almost alright, too bad they went and fucked everything up with the registration, are there any private servers for this shit? i only played it a couple of weeks.


It's Bayalan.

This tiny png is responsible for so many endorphin rushes..

Be sure to set up in the middle of the street in Prontera. Just ignore those losers lined up on the sides.

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I have, but playing RO for the first time is unlike any other and its music is part of that. The most important thing is that you can not replicate that feeling either. You can still play Super Mario today and it will still feel the same like it did in the 80s. But RO was a product of its time and now the magic is gone. It was one of the symbols of old internet culture.

It still amazes me that so many of the RO class outfits are immediately recognizable even now.

>first time trying to reach that undead farming spot as an acolyte

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It was always Bibilan to me. Next you're going to tell me it's not the Kapra lady, or that Savage Bebe and Orc Worrier are actually correct.

Missing comfy Aldebaran

>that undead farming spot
Payon 1? No, that's easy to get to. Glast Heim churchyard? That was more of a Priest TU farm spot though.

It's Friday.
3:30 PM.
You've just gotten back home from your last day of school. Your first day of summer vacation starts tomorrow.
You change out of those sweaty school clothes, throw on something more comfortable and crank the ac up a little.
You hit the power button on your PC while you go to the kitchen to grab a snack. You reach into the fridge and grab a cold can of soda, and you take a bag of chips from the big bulk-size box of chips on the shelf.
You log into Xfire and say hi to your friends. Then you click that familiar icon.

You enter your username and password, and click 'Log In'.

You don't know it yet, but this is as good as your life is ever going to be, and you are going to miss these days when they have long passed you by.