This is the week

this is the week

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Other urls found in this thread:

look mates it has been what 6-7 months now just give it up already

corona-chan is still too strong try again next month

You say that every week

Announcement on Wednesday.
1) Pikmin 3 Deluxe releasing on April
2) Bravely Default 2 Summer release date and demo shadowdrop (they're basically doing what they did with Octopath so they'll get feedback from the demo)
3) Short BOTW2 teaser with a generic 2020 date
4) The holiday game is Switch Sports
5) Third party: Catherine Full Body, KH 1.5+2.5 collection, XCOM and other shit I don't care about
6) No Smash
7) AC reminder

There's not going to be a general direct. They're not going to post one
That's what they're doing. That's all they'll ever going to do. That's what they did last week that's what they doing five minutes ago. So five mutes after this thread you ask "where the direct" the answer is going to be There isn't one.

We're getting ever closer to E3.
I told you, there's no direct.

>switch sports
for fuck's sake

ca't wait for team fortress 2 deluxe for switch + heavy for smash + the heavy update

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E3 will be cancelled.

e3 is too far away they will do something before then

Wasn't the Direct list updated a few days ago?

Yes, as was the direct website two times in a row, with a maintenance cherry today on top
Highly suspicious

Just like you said last week and just like last last week and also last last last week and also last last last last week and last last last last last week?

Animal Crossing was the Direct. See you at E3!

May be this week. I highly anticipate a Moon RPG announcement. The Moonlight Syndrome event cancellation was also highly suspicious, but I don't expect that to be seen in the western Direct.

A broken clock is right twice a day or in this case one or two weeks in a year

whenever someone posts that a direct happens very soon

Animal Crossing was the final Direct. See you Never!


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I wonder why did they do a second character pass to fill up Directs. What interesting characters are even left, Travis Touchdown, Bub&Bob, Sir Arthur...? And two of those are never gonna happen.


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Herro Sakurai here none of those are happening

I'm pretty sure the last third party was Terry. Probably some first party characters like Paper Mario or Sylux.

It'll be seen.

I don't think it's happening until corona-chan relents.

Wednesday is Mario day

There's the theory that Byleth was just dumped on the first pass since they knew everyone already bought it and people would be less likely to buy new fire emblem. If that's true then maybe there'll be 1 or 2 more third parties for the next pass, likely ad characters like Master Chief or some other character with an upcoming game.

It won't be this week because of the Fukushima anniversary and it won't be next week because of AC. If there's nothing for April 1st (200 days?), see you at E3*. The only consolation might be some investor tearing into them at the FY end meeting.

*E3 is cancelled due to Corona-chan.

user, the youtube list got updated and that usually doesn't happen unless there's a video within a week's vicinity.

Usually, there's a general direct after a Pokémon direct.
Usually, there's a general direct within six months of the previous one.

Nintendo can just pull the "we had to stop cause of corona and the market" card at the investors meeting.

If they do that, there's still probably going to be some kerfuffle over why they took so fucking long to say anything about it.

>KH 1.5+2.5 collection
Relatively believable except that. They literally have a package deal - some of which were originally Nintendo system exclusives. Why would they only do the main ones when The Story So Far exists and 3 isn't likely to come until there's at least Pro which is as much as 2 years away?

Nintendo is going to announce more DLC! Wouldn't it be fun to circle-jerk eachother's ideas hahaha.

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You'll be lucky if there is a E3 considering the virus spread. That shit's gonna be cancelled to high heaven considering the amount of masses that join in there from across the globe.

Finally, something worth mentioning about.

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More shills and mostly first parties, wanna bet?

No, I am not enjoying my drought.

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>Master Chief

Probably not. We're more likely to get fucking Doomguy all things considered and the amount of shilling this guy's been getting thanks to the co-joined Isabelle shilling as well. I find it way too suspicious.

Not that I'm particularly thrilled about either of them, I just want a singing fighter.

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>FUCKING STILL no news of Metroid or Metroid Prime Trilogy
>No news about a Paper Mario game
You had me until you said BOW2 this year lol, good one user

At this point, if there WAS anything actually Direct related, I'm guessing we "lost" a Direct and any recent residuals of editing on the site are just them scrubbing scheduled automatic stuff.

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>I just want a singing fighter.
He's in.

BOW2 is coming out next holiday or early next spring, book it

3 years is plenty time to work on a sequel when you're basically taking the previous game and reworking/adding stuff

Geno is more well known for being an annoying faggot smash wishlist character than as a character in his own game.
Let that sink in.

Pattern fags got blown the fuck out yet again last week with their


Eat shit pattern fags

They will announce the direct when """leakers"""" shut the fuck up

and so far nobody talked, they decided to be dead for a while so Nintendo will probably show up with one soon but you'll never know

I'll keep saying it, looking forward to it when it does, when it doesnt ill be laughing at pattern fags

Attached: Eat shit Bison, im Seth bitch.jpg (378x420, 33.52K)

What part of NOTHING TILL E3 are you faggots not understanding?

I keep telling them but they don't listen!

People don't want to accept that Nintendo is still having droughts despite only having one platform to develop for

what fucking pattern are you even crying about this time, Sethfag?

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eShops across the platforms are going down for maintenance. Probably for Mar10 Day or something

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Why would Nintendo suddenly change their format without telling anyone user?

Pic related is you Nintendo Fags every week, just fucking wait, holy shit. It's not that hard unless you're literally sitting in front of your computer waiting every minute of every day for even a fucking morsel of video game news. Just be patient, you'll live.

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hey not everyone can be as mature as sony fans lol

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It's too close to E3 now, they left it too late. Anything they show off now they're just going to have to show again at E3. Better to save it for the bigger event. Although at this rate E3 itself is likely to be cancelled too.

Also about 4 days ago we officially passed both the 6 month mark (184 days) and the longest ever previous gap between general directs since the direct system started (182 days).

>Muh Sony
What does randomly labelling people who disagree with you even accomplish, this is all you retards do. "OH YOU DON'T THINK X SO YOU'RE CLEARLY A Y FANBOY." Shut the fuck up Nigga.

Who said that?

They’ve had March and April directs before.

they had a direct like 2 days before E3 in 2015
it was a retarded move but it happened


There will be no E3 due to the virus. There will be no Direct because the Chinese haven't gone back to work due to the virus, and thus they aren't making the shit that Nintendo wants to sell us. Be prepared for next-gen consoles to also get delayed.

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2016 and 2018 had March Directs, and 2017 had a fucking mid-April one. Unless there's a public statement acknowledging corona, we could be stuck in this hell for a while still.

I don't think it's too late, they've had directs much closer to E3 than this. There's just never been such a long wait for them before, usually they'd at least slot a mini direct in somewhere.

idk man, seems like they're ditching directs in favor of twitter announcements, li9ke they've announced like 5 games on twitter this month

No body was talking about paterns, tranny.

Nothing yet, BASED
We do have another hour though

>There will be no E3 due to the virus.
Imagine reading this line suddenly like 5-10 years ago, this reads like some cyberpunk wrong timeline shit.

yo I like forget what tf does server maintenance mean? I swear it’s happened before in a situation just like this and nothing happened

WTF you lied to me Yas Forums!

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>2016 and 2018 had March Directs
>2017 had a fucking mid-April one
Notice how ever since that 2017 April Direct, the frequency of Directs has become a fixed 3 per year? The 2018 March direct was the previous Direct to have the longest drought, and if there was to be a March direct it would have been last week. They're not going to do a direct with Animal Crossing coming out in less than two weeks.

How often does the eShop have big sales?

>they've had directs much closer to E3 than this
In the Iwata era.

the longest drought was in 2016, between march and september, because Nintendo didn't do an E3 direct that year. But we have passed that too.

Why are you lying?