Game sexualizes underage characters

>game sexualizes underage characters
Thats kinda messed up

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Do americans really do this?

Hahah, I know, right? Who could possibly be attracted to underage characters? Hell, who could be attracted to underage girls? It's so bizarre to think about...

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Pacifiers are hot

Women never stop acting like children so it checks out.

>person can’t tell fiction from reality
that’s kinda retarded

t. baby

>no diapers

uhhhh akshully she's a 4000 year old vampire
she just LOOKS like a little girl


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n a v e l

I like getting stepped on by the teachers

It's not sexualization if it's for the geiiiiss

What's sexual about pacifiers and soap bubbles? Were you not bathed as a child? Do you just not bathe at all?

They aren’t real dude.

I don't see any children there, just polygons and textures and pixels.

Loli and shota porn only become a problem when the character is based off a real child.

Literally everything on your computer screen is just pixels retard. While we're at it let's just say everything we see isn't anything and just reflected light.

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Everything is just atoms and particles


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Fuck you Gal Gun is unironically SOULFUL

Even then, I would argue that it's only a problem if it somehow impacts that childs real life in some way. For example, if they were forced to pose for the image or if they were harassed afterwards as a result. CP is bad ONLY because its production requires a child to be abused.

Ellie is already an adult here

>People say don't sexualize underage girls
>Has the age of an adult and over
>still bitch

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That's what I meant though. Why you going further into detail?

Im a 21 year old woman in college,stop calling me that im a kid.

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there are cases where a loli character is obviously based on a real child but it doesn't actually impact that person in real life. For example a lot of the characters in unteralterbach were based on celebrity children

>don't fuck underage because it mentally affects them and they aren't ready for it
>character is an adult in mind, not real, and looks nothing like an actual child
>still call anyone who wants to fuck it a pedo and other buzznames
>they continue looking up furry cub porn afterwards

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Date me plz. I'm into shorties

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Taking estrogen doesn’t make you a woman.

thyme ____ oregano

Nobody is sexualizing trannies

I'm pretty sure the post was in character and not an actual trannoid.

Nah people accusing 2d lovers as pedos are actual 3dpd pedos themselves and not furries

That too. But I see alot of furry avatars saying the same shit

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Explain this.

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It is true,as a student in the brain science institute in the Viktor Chondria University,I can assure you transgender people are mentally ill when observing their brain activity!

Someone who gets it!

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Not him, but fair enough

Pretty weird but I don't really sense amy sexual implications from those posts. Just some retard light hearted Yas Forums buzzwords on fucking Twitter and exposing his power level to the student body.

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2D is a gateway to 3D. Not all who enter the 2D path will become affected, but the possibility is always there. On top of that 2D can lead you in a path to other 3D things, not just pedopheilia. haha

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cute and innocent but also incredibly based

thats the best part

thanks doc

That's retarded 2D is (almost) never depicted like actual 3D. Taste for 3D has to be there from the start.

Name even one study that supports gateway theory

feel free to cite even 1 scientific study proving your claim.

mentall illness

2D is just cope 3D. You can look at all the 2D 4000 year old vampire art you want, but some people are more vulnerable to wanting to move to real shit.

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Then stop sperging over the 1% who is going to do it anyway.

Video game violence is a gateway to real world violence. Not all who enter the video game path will become affected, but the possibility is always there. On top of that video games can lead you on a path to other real world things, not just violence. haha

You got that backwards. 2D is idealized 3D. That's why it's not a slippery slope but actually preventative.

wtf time to play pandemic 2 to become a bio terrorist

>i-i think it'll happen
Every fucking time. No studies, no facts, just gut feeling.

>game sexualizes underage characters
I will buy your game now

those girls might as well be 18

>>game sexualizes underage characters
I will now buy your game.

Why are their eyelashes red?

>Then stop sperging over the 1% who is going to do it anyway.

See that's the thing though, the percentage is much higher when it comes to keeping it in the mind. There are some lost souls dry enough to go for the real shit, but there are also those who will just cope with 2D out of fear of being thrown in jail.

Meaning it's COPE.

>T-there's no studies so it's not true....!

And 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak because a baby would choke on it. You don't get to tell me what art I can't look at because it might make someone else who isn't me fuck their nephew.

try it in court retard.

post the 'i wanna learn more grown up things' one

I know this firsthand

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Pacifiers are going too far, shit fetish for shit "people"

Hey I'm not saying don't do it, but just know that there can be side effects. Might affect you, or it might not, but it might affect the user below me, or it might not .

>>game sexualizes underage characters
>Thats kinda messed up

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people can develop and worsen paraphilias from exposure to erotic stimuli featuring it. look at trannies, nearly all are "produced" by sissy and trap porn. interestingly they have one of the highest rates of paedophilia due to comorbidity of paraphilias, so it's entirely possible loli/shots porn also contributes to the tranny plague

pacifiers are hot as fuck pleb

its like a voluntary mouth gag

Jap artist thing, they either lower the opacity of that side of the eyelashes or color them.


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Drawings and polygons don't have feelings or rights.

>cope with 2D
Is it so hard to rationalize that the people who like 2D don't like 3D?

>but the possibility is always there

living the dream

>so it's entirely possible loli/shots porn also contributes to the tranny plague

I have no doubt in my mind that anime has something to do with it.

>There's no science behind it...!

What fucking scientific institution will go out of their way from doing more important things, and spend money, to save a weeb from becoming a disaster?

didn't watch the video, is this a reference to what he said during the kebap removal?

>Meaning it's COPE.
3D is cope since 2D is better

Most people who believe in gateway theory aren't happy to just say "Hey you do you just be careful." they're censorfags who want everything to be safe and inoffensive and rounded off because they're allergic to the concept of personal responsibility and don't understand that when porn makes people go down a downward spiral that ends in fucking their dog, it's not the porn's fault, it's the dog fucker's.

Gal Gun is based and is surprisingly a good game.

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nip is the land of based
they should have never dropped the sextourisim and shit on the other world

Don't sexualize a baby item you fucking scum

no science? comorbidity of paraphilias is well researched. the unfortunate conclusion that trannies are likely paedos as well is what led to transsexualism being removed from the list of paraphilias

Scientific institutions will devote a ridiculous amount of resources to utterly ridiculous and completely irrelevant information out of pure curiosity. You seriously think that nobody has ever once gotten curious about why trannies become trannies and attempted to study it? The studies have been done, they just don't say what you want them to say because it doesn't confirm your batshit worldview.

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>draw a kid
>call it an adult
Sure, pedo.

I just get bored of a fetish after fapping to it for a while and move on to something else. Trannies are mentally ill and porn has nothing to do with it, it's more to do with the culture and their echo chamber sites

>complain about rules being made because someone else might do something dumb
>insult user because someone else said something you dislike
porn sick desu

stop me bitchnigga

getting a little too young there

>Anything that's not married sex in the missionary position with the lights off

>Comorbid with doing other things that are not married sex in the missionary position with the lights off

Jesus who'd have fucking thought.

your ability to hop between fetishes and get aroused by things normal people don't find arousing across a wide spectrum of said things is exactly what is being explained here brother, I think we agree mostly just having a communication breakdown.

>that long silky black hair

oh gawsh

Nigger I have no idea who any of you fucks are, do you think I can distinguish between one asshole here and another? As far as I'm concerned all of Yas Forums consists of myself and one other person who is always wrong.

NOW I will coom to your post

>no sizable breasts anywhere
As expected of based Inti Creates


>game let's you violently murder underage characters
That's a-okay!

You can actually adjust the breast size in-game with items that you buy.

you're right, I prefer adult lingerie.

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If trannies were affected by porn they would also get tired of fapping to porn that affects them and move on to something else before becoming trannies

no hes just an aussie and they say noice alot

that's not what I said user. you replied to a post and insulted it for an opinion not yet expressed in this thread. get it together. you are a paedophile. I support your choice to limit your predilections to drawings but really you are very porn sick

she looks very stick
not cute

everyone talking about 2d and 3d shit but no one talk about 4d

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Cringe, muzugi and normal clothes/school uniform are best