I just got Mordred

I just got Mordred

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Congrats, dude. Just got her recently myself, got her level-capped and am working on her skills.

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I just got Mordred to kiss me!

I got kiara

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I just lost my 2 year account

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Worst Saber

Congrats, she was my first 5 stars.

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at least post porn that I don't have

Congrats on your cute retard.
Mordred isn't that big.

My top rare characters I own:
>Caster Gilgamesh
>Elizabeth Bathory
>A fucking children's book
I wanna die.

have fun grinding mats while praying for another rare pull to get your fix you fucking gachanigger junkie


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Why does FGO fit better if the MC was a shota?

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Because you have shit taste.


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Extremely high quality, don't listen to the wrong user

I love Mordred very much and wish there was more yuri of her.

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back to /vg/ retards

I needed a 5 star lancer and wanted him, lucky me I was able to pull Karna!

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>Do story summon once
>Get Mordred
>Do story summon again
>Get Attila
Why do people hate this again?

>Liking Yuri and Yaoi

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>save up all quartz for raikou since the beginning
>roll her on her rateup
>can't be assed to "play" this shit or do any events

Handsome sun boy.

I like yuri.

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Fuck you

>Save literally all my quartz for two months to get Edgy Jeanne
>Roll NP2 and dab on lucklets while getting a bunch of new players friending me because of her
My faith has been rewarded.
Also is there any better feeling than putting a powerful unit on support and having a dozen new players friend you to help them along?

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For me, it's Boudica

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>Lifting Jeanne Alter
Her roommate told me she weighs like 900 pounds how is that possible

I'm currently leveling up Semiramis by grinding for Flames of Wisdom. Playing on desktop is way better than on a phone though.

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Because she secretly wants to be lifted.

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Who are you guys aiming for during Chaldea Boys?

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I wish it was possible to have the same account on two devices.

which emu do you use? I played it on Nox before but the lag was pretty bad

Not the user you're replying to but try Memu

Lost Belt 1 soon. 3rd anniversary in June.

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I want to _____ Mashu.

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>need to do a bunch of bookkeeping, get rid of redundant CEs, fix team comps, etc
>can't be fucked to do it on phone
>can't find a reliable (android) way to mirror phone to PC


What kind of hand farming team is this?

>a lot of her doujins turn her into a bj and anal queen with thick thighs, a poochy belly, and full hefty tits
This is the prime female condition

Casgil and Book are top tier combo. Do you have a 2030?

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Two AoE NP's and a single target that can clear a field in one turn if properly set up. Looks fine to me.

I don't see how he's going to 3 turn with that

>turn 1
>30% NP
>No NP charge

Sometimes you're not looking to 3turn, sometimes you're just looking to mindlessly tap at your game while you do something else.

Boudica IS the prime female form

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Congrats, i may not have been happy when i first pulled him, but he's an incredibly strong servant.

Does anyone have the bust chart?

No emu, I'm using Dex on my Note 9. It's running off the phone but I can control it with my mouse.

>Wants to level up lvl 30 Gil caster
>Uses material game gave me in gift box and the friend point summons
>It only gets him to level 32
How the fuck do people level up characters quickly?

Is this a coom thread?

>Made for shota

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And the best girl to have as a partner in life, provided you can return her affections as well

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Every FGO thread is a coom thread.

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Chaldea gate -> Daily Quests -> 40 AP version of Ember Gathering
each run gives you 8-9 gold embers.

No it's not.

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Most people who level up quickly probably had a stockpile of XP from doing a few daily XP farming runs over time though. if you're completely out it can be annoying to grind out more.

>provided you can return her affections as well

You're kidding right? If Boudica loved me I'd return her affection thousand fold, hell I'd even let her fuck me infront of everyone to show them who I belong to

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Wish something like this would happen on my Civ 6 playthroughs, so far the NPCs have been pretty boring

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Back it up and post more then.

When are they adding Mordred Alter who really really wants to fuck his dad?

>An emperor
>Dresses like a whore
But why though?

You can't make an emperor a whore but you can make a whore an emperor.

Built for Roman dick

Gimmie source for one with these fetishes you mentioned.

Post the F-list profiles.


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What's a 2030?

Technically she's always dressed like a whore.

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historical accuracy.

Craft essence that gives 8 crit stars a turn. 10 if you get lucky and can limit break it.

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