Wrath of the Righteous

What goals or additions are you happy made it in, Yas Forums? What goals or additions don't you care for? Is there a Mythic Path you're really interested in seeing in action? Which of the three races is getting your vote?

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what even is this?


I'm going for the dragon mythic path. Will you actually be a dragon?


the homm3 combat

I'm loving all the stuff they've announced but I can't help but wonder whether they're being too ambitious?

They have more money this time around, and much less engine work to do

They are, it'll fail.

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Not really feeling Twitch streamers as voice-actors.

Fuck WotR, Knights of the chalice 2 should come out in a few days, where my psion kobold bros at?

But what does it mean?

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Probably a bonus chapter

Me on the right, succ gonna get BLACKED

You'll never get it, so why even bother wondering?

That's a woman

>turn based option from launch and most popular mod for Kingmaker is a turn based conversion
Are RTWP games in suicide watch?

FUCK yeah you are right i forgot, shes one of the legendary heroes or whatever paizo calls them, never mind then. me on the back about to RED the paladin

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>most popular mod for Kingmaker is a turn based conversion
7th most popular

Not sure desu. I wonder how HoMM segment will work with the base game.

Who FOX here?

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If Kingmaker's management stuff is anything to go by, it won't.

technically second.

Fighter with legend mythic path or whatever mythic path gives the most bland bonuses.

I'm sorry but mind break, reverse mind rape, demon girl is better.

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I hope we get rare pepes in the dlcs. So far I am going to play Oracle->Witch -> Shaman.

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Mythic path interactions will boil down to a few dialogues at best, you just can't build a campaign for a flesh eating demon, goody 2 shoes angel, undead raising lich and everything in between

Built for BBC

Its going to be dogshit. Theres never been an RPG with a good secondary game mode

I don't know why this game is being so aggressively shilled here when kingmaker was so mediocre

I'm waiting for defurried version from based ruskies.

I hope you'll all vote for Rats

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Ratfolk seem the most interesting but you know it's going to be something boring like the fucking cats.

>porting a module that already exists to an engine they already made
Overly ambitious how? Adding a barebones army minigame like they did with kingdom management? Creating some special-effect super moves to slap onto some new off-classes? Or copy-pasting the turn-based mod and giving it a new 'actually we made this' UI? It'll be fine, man

Gwent in Witcher 3 was kino

Catfags ruin everything

It's going to be Kitsune. Between being the favourite special snowflake race of every ERPing Pathfinder degenerate faggot and all the deluded weeaboos who think they're getting anime girls with animal ears, kitsune are going to get the biggest vote by far

i'd rather see another story as dlc like the the ruby tournament but seeing how the romance companion was the best sold DLC i have 0 hopes of them adding another book.

>still no drow
>instead fury shit

What are the ruskies doing?

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Drow would sooner work with demons than for any surface-dwelling race

Furyfags always spend money so they're the best to pander to.

So would Teiflings, people play Drow against type so much it's not like anyone cares if you're playing a good Drow.

>So would Teiflings
You don't know anything about the PF setting, do you?

I do, you however just confirmed you don't by your question.

Educate yourself next time.

Excuse Me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Iomedae?

>"At just over 900 years old, Iomedae (eye-OH-ma-day) is the youngest of the major deities of Golarion, and has only begun to reach her full potential as an independent deity in the last century. She is a righteous knight, fearless in fighting for her beliefs, and a missionary and crusader on behalf of the benign sovereignty of good and merciful justice for evil. She would rather convince evildoers to lay down their arms in honorable surrender than cut them down, but she will wield her mighty sword against those who persist in serving evil. She loathes incorrigible evil, fiendspawn, traitors, and those who abuse good in the name of "greater" good. Now out from under the shadow of her patron, the slain human culture deity Aroden, she has proven she needs no mentor to guide her—she is valor, glory, honor, justice, and strength, and is unafraid to point her sword at the greatest evils facing the world."

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You are both right (wrong).

>"Alignment and Religion: Despite their fiendish heritage and the insidious influence of prejudice, tieflings can be of any alignment. Many of them fall prey to the dark desires that haunt their psyches, and give in to the seduction of the whispering evil within, yet others steadfastly reject their origins and actively fight against evil lures and the negative assumptions they face from others by performing acts of good. Most, however, strive to simply find their own way in the world, though they tend to adopt a very amoral, neutral view when they do. Though many creatures just assume that tieflings worship devils and demons, their religious views are as varied as their physical forms. Individual tieflings worship all manner of deities, but they are just as likely to shun religion all together. Those who give in to the dark whispers that haunt the psyche of all tieflings serve all manner of powerful fiends."

She should be in a kitchen, barefoot and pregnant
Praise Erastil

Why barefoot? Don't want her comfortable?

>Tieflings, a race with no innate evil alignment or ties to any evil, demon-summoning civilisation
>Drow, a naturally evil race in active war against surface races, worship demons and practice demonology
>ya but tieflings would summon demons cos they look like demons lol
Fucking stupid

I think the tactical battles will draw more from master of magic than heros of might and magic but they mentioned hero's more to bring the hype.

>a race with no innate evil
Wrong, educate yourself.

I hope ratfolk win, I will get sad if they dont

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>>Drow, a naturally evil race in active war against surface races
what active war
drow never leave their basement

The comments on the kickstarter seem be mostly about ratfolk or kitsune. I imagine kitsune will win but ratfolk would be great. As long as its not more fucking cats..

>As long as its not more fucking cats..
yeah because the gay furry diaper fetish rats infesting all threads is better

As long as it's not more fucking cats.

just fucking look at it >tieflings can be evil or good but most adopt a neutral view
Now tell me how that compares with the actively evil Drow civilisation

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All beastfolk are disgusting. White humans or succubi only.

>Many of them fall prey to the dark desires that haunt their psyches, and give in to the seduction of the whispering evil within
Just accept facts, you were wrong and were speaking from ignorance. You have been corrected and should be thankful.

My husband.

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Are you an ESL who does not know what the word 'most' means or are you just ignoring it on purpose? And I'm still waiting on what you think it is that these Tieflings do that are worse than what Drow perpetuate

>are worse than
Strawmaning and moving the goalposts after being proven wrong? Kinda sad user.

I wonder what they'll do for the "Iomedae kidnaps and deafens you with trumpets" part of the AP. Obviously, they can't have it as written because half the mythic paths are smite on sight.